Math CST 10

Math CST 10 mrproulx.

Grade 10 – Cultural, Social & Technical (CST) Math


Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed your summer and are ready for grade 10 CST Math! We are going to have a busy year. This course is jammed-packed & is a graduation requirement! To do well in the course, you will need to develop your problem solving skills by practicing solving questions, and lots of them!

Course Outline:

| |Content |Math 3000 |Visions |# Classes |

|Term 1 |Functions, Inequalities & Systems |Chapt 1, 2, 4, 5 |Chapt 1 & 4 |28 classes |

|Term 2 |Analytical Geometry |Chapt 3 |Chapt 1 |15 classes |

| |Midterm Review |---------- |---------- |~ 4 classes |

|Term 2 / |Triangles – Isometric, Similar & Trigonometry |Chapt 6 & 7 |Chapt 3 & 5 |25 classes |

|Term 3 | | | | |

| |Mid-Year Review |---------- |---------- |4 classes |

|Term 3 | | | | |

| |Probability |Chapt 8 |Chapt 6 |11 classes |

| |Stats |Chpat 9 |Chapt 2 |13 classes |

| |Year-End Review |--------- |---------- |~8 classes |

Course Evaluation:

You will be evaluated in two different areas.

| |Competency 1 |Competency 2 |

| |Solves a Situational Problem |Uses Math Reasoning |

| |(30%) |(70%) |

|Criteria: |Understanding the problem |Knowing what steps to do |

| |Solving steps correctly |Applying & solving steps correctly |

| |Having & validating appropriate steps & answer |Justifying work |

| | |Organization |

| | |Making generalizations or conclusions (conjecture) |

| | |Proving or disproving |

| | | |

|Breakdown: |Situational Problems: |100% |Tests: |60% |

| |(1-2 per term) | | | |

| | | |Quizzes: |20% |

| | | |Assignments: |20% |

| |

|Mid-Year Evaluation Situation |There will be C1 & C2 midterm exams that will be considered in your term mark. |

|(Midterm): | |

| |

|Final Evaluation Situation (Exam): |There will be a 2-hour C1 final situational problem (exam) and a 3-hour C2 final Ministry exam during June. The C2 |

| |exam is scheduled in June |

| | |

| |The C1 exam will be worth 40% of the year’s C1 mark. Therefore each term’s C1 mark will be worth 20% to make up the |

| |remaining 60%. The C1 exam mark will appear separately on the report card & will be calculated within the final |

| |summary mark. |

| | |

| |The C2 exam will be worth 50% of the year’s C2 mark. The C2 exam is a Ministry exam & will therefore also be |

| |moderated. The remaining 50% of the year C2 mark will come from the C2 term marks (term 1 = 10%, term 2= 10% and term |

| |3 = 30% as determined by the Ministry). The C2 exam mark will appear separately on the report card & will be |

| |calculated within the final summary result. |

Class Routines:

|5 min: |Recap | |5 min: |Recap |

| | |OR | | |

|30 – 40 min: |Lesson | |60 min: |Work Period |

|25 min: |Practice Problems & Homework | |5 min: |Take Up |

| | | |

Materials Needed:

Please bring the following materials to every class.

|Math 3000 |3 – Ring binder |Lots of Paper (lined, graph) |

|School Agenda |Pencils |Calculator |

|Ruler |Eraser |Completed Homework |

| |Highlighter |Colored pencils |

Absence from Class:

You are responsible for catching up on class notes and completing any homework, assignments, quizzes or tests for which you were absent. Any missed work not completed will result in a mark of zero. If you are aware of your absence in advance, please let me know.

Missing a Test or Quiz:

Tests must be written on the scheduled day. Dates will be given at the start of each chapter (1-2 weeks in advance). If you know ahead of time that you will be away for a test, alternative arrangements must be made with me before the test date. If an unexpected absence from a test occurs, a parental note indicating the reason for missing the test or medical note may be required. In such cases, missed tests must be written on Wednesdays after school. If your absence cannot be justified by a note or if you do not make up the test during the appointed time, a mark of zero will be assigned.


1- Lates to class will be recorded. Chronic lates will result in detention time, a phone call home or a visit to the office.

2- Late assignments will be penalized 10% per class.

Homework & Assigned Work:

Success in this course is very much linked to practice! Therefore, homework will be mandatory and assigned for every class. You will often be given time in class to start assigned work. If you are on task, you should be able to complete the work in class. Work completion will be checked & completion marks will be assigned & will contribute to your term mark & attitude to study. Uncompleted work will result in a zero. Chronic incomplete homework may result in “extra help” time at lunch, a phone call home or a visit to the office or guidance.

Extra Help:

This course will be very busy and we will move quickly. If you are experiencing difficulties, missed a concept, or require clarification PLEASE come see me or a classmate ASAP for extra help. I am available almost every lunch.

Special Considerations:

If you have any considerations that I should be aware of, please come see me.

Class Success:

To be successful in this course, you will need to:


|Positive Attitude |Come to Class Prepared to Learn & Work |

|Come See Me for Extra Help |Complete all your own Work |


Everyone in this room has the following rights:

• The right to feel comfortable and safe before, during and after this class.

• The right to have the proper learning environment to accomplish your goals.

To best meet these, I have set the following basic rules for this class:

• All school rules apply during this class.

• You are expected to be prepared for class every day & work hard to reach your potential (laziness will not be tolerated!)

• Respect for all people, materials & equipment. Derogatory remarks will not be tolerated! Speaking when another person is speaking, or speaking over another person is not acceptable.

• Act like your mature-self.

• Come to class with the belief that you are going to enjoy learning.

I wish you all the best of luck this year, and ask that you all remember to see me with any questions, problems or concerns that you have.


Mr. Proulx

Math CST 10 Outline

| |Unit |Topic |Assessment – Math 3000 |Assessment – |

| | | | |Visions |

| | |Course Outline, Expectations | | |

| |Func, Inequal|Intro to Functions – table of values, rules, constant function, linear |Worksheet |Worksheet |

| |& Sys |function | | |

| | |Linear Function – rule, rate of change, words to rule, solving for x & y, |Pg 40 a1, b1 | |

| | |solving for slope [pic] (grade 9 review) |Pg 44 #7a | |

| | | |Pg 45 #9a3, b2 | |

| | | |Pg 46 #10a | |

| | |Linear Function – rule, rate of change, words to rule, solving for x & y, |Pg 44 #6ade1f, 7f1 | |

| | |solving for slope [pic] (grade 9 review) |Worksheet #3, 7 | |

| | |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 124 #5cde | |

| | |Linear Inequalities |Pg 126 #5ab | |

| | |Linear Inequalities |Worksheet |Worksheet |

| | |QUIZ | |Pg 42 #4a1 |

| | |Exponential function | | |

| | |Exponential Function – rule & graph |Pg 63 #7ab | |

| | | |Pg 65 Act 8 a & b | |

| | | |Pg 66 #13ab | |

| | | |Pg 68 #17 | |

| | |Exponential Function – Words (%, pop, $) |Pg 66 #13cd |Pg 43 #5, 7 |

| | | |Pg 63 #6ab |Pg 46 #16, 19 |

| |End Sept |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 55 #3ab | |

| | |Quadratic Function |Pg 56 #7ad | |

| | |Periodic Function |Pg 23 #1abef, 2ab | |

| | |Periodic Function |Pg 24 #2d |pg 55 #5ac2 |

| | |Overflow…. | |pg 68 #9ab |

| | |Step Function |Pg 71-72 #1abd, 2cd, 4ab | |

| | | |Pg 77 #4bc | |

| | |Step Function |Worksheets |Worksheet |

| | |Overflow… | | |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 70 #2c, 3ab | |

| | |Piecewise Function (notation important) |Pg 78 #10bc | |

| | |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 |

| |Oct 22nd |TEST – C2 | | |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 133 #1b |Pg 8 #2, 5abcd |

| | |Systems – graph, table of values, given words & also visually with other |Pg 139 #5a |Pg 41 #1abc, 2a |

| | |functions & comparison |Pg 140 #7a | |

| | |Solving Systems – comparison incl. words |Pg 140 #6ad |Pg 9 #7c, 5abcd |

| | | |Pg 141 #3c |Pg 42 #5a |

| | |Solving Systems – elimination |Pg 136 #1 | |

| | |Solving Systems – elimination with words |Pg 135 #4 | |

| | | |Pg 137 #e | |

| | | |Pg 141 #3a, 4 | |

| | |Solving Systems – elimination exam type |Pg 131 #1, 3, 4 |Pg 42-43 #5bd, 11a, 12, 13 |

| | | |Pg 137 #g, c, d | |

| | |Assignment #5 |Assignment #5 |Assignment #5 |

| |Nov 8th |TEST – C2 | | |

| | |Training – Sit Prob | | |


| |Analytical |Distance between two points |Pg 84 – 85 #1ace, 5 | |

| |Geometry | | | |

| | |Midpoint & Division Point |Pg 86 #1ab | |

| | | |Pg 88 #7a, 6a | |

| | |Division Point | |Pg 20-21 #15a, 21bc |

| | |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |

| | |QUIZ |worksheet |worksheet |

| | |Perpendicular & Parallel Lines | | |

| | |Perpendicular & Parallel Lines | |Pg 29 #4ade |

| | |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |

| | |QUIZ | | |

| | |Putting everything together | |Pg 32-33 #17, 19 |

| | |Putting everything together |Worksheet |worksheet |

| | |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 |

| | |TEST – C2 | | |

| | |Assignment #4 – situational prob |Assignment #4 |Assignment #4 |

| | |Assignment #5 – situational prob (visions) |Assignment #5 |Assignment #5 |


| |Tri –Iso,Sim |Angles (complementary, supplementary, corresponding, alt interior) |pg 146 #1a1)4), b, d2) |pg 155 #13, 14 |

| |& Trig | |pg 149-150 #2ad, 4, 5, 6, 7 | |

| | | |pg 145 #1 | |

| | | |pg 175 #1 | |

| |Dec 15th |Isometric Triangles – SSS, SAS, ASA |pg 158 #13 |pg 162-166 #1, 2, 6, 11, 15 |

| | | |pg 175 #2 |pg 190 #1 |

| | |Similar Triangles – SSS, SAS, AAA |Pg 166 #12, 13 |Pg 172-173 #1, 6, 8 |

| | | |Pg 175 #3 |Pg 190 #2 |

| |Xmas |Recap class |Worksheet |Worksheet |

| | |Similar Triangles – missing sides | |Pg 173-177 #3aef, 9, 20 |

| | |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |

| | |Similar Triangles – proofs |worksheet |worksheet |

| | |QUIZ | |Pg 182 #1 1), 2 |

| | |Metric Relations | | |

| | |Metric Relations – work period | |pg 182 – 184 #4, 5b, 7, 8, 9, |

| | | | |12 |

| | |Metric Relations |Worksheet |worksheet |

| | |Overflow class…. | | |

| | |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |

| | |QUIZ |Note: For repeaters only teach|Worksheet |

| | |Trig – solving sides |sine law!!! |Pg 86 #3abc |

| | | |Pg 190 #1abe, 2, 5 |Pg 109 #2abc |

| | | | |Pg 112 #15a |

| | |Trig – solving angles |Worksheet |worksheet |

| | | |Pg 190 #1cdf, 3 | |

| | |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |

| | |Trig – Complex Problems |Worksheet |worksheet |

| | |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 190 #1, 2, 3 | |

| | |Sine Law | | |

| | |Sine Law – Complex Problems |worksheet | |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 193 #1 |Pg 111 #6, 9 |

| | |Area of Triangles x3 | | |

| | |Assignment #3 – Putting everything together |Assignment #3 | |

| | |Assignment #4 |Assignment #4 | |

| | |Overflow | | |

| | |TEST – C2 | | |


| |Probability |Intro to Probability |Pg 209 Act 1ac, Act 2a,c2),d2) |Pg 134 #1abcd, 2abc, 3 |

| | | |Pg 210 #2 | |

| | |Odds |Pg 212-213 #11, 12, 14, 16b |Pg 154-156 #2ab, 3, 7, 12 |

| | |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 222 #5bc | |

| | |Expected Value | | |

| | |Expected Value – betting |Pg 223 #6, 7 | |

| | | |worksheet | |

| | |Expected Value – x |Worksheet |worksheet |

| | |Expected Value – work period |Worksheet/ |Worksheet/ Assignment |

| | | |Assignment | |

| | |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 | |

| | |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 | |

| | |TEST – C2 | | |


| |Stats |Intro to stats – mean, median, mode |Pg 234 #1 |Pg 73 #3 |

| | | |Pg 249 #9a | |

| | |Percentiles | |Pg 84 #6, 8, 7bc |

| | |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |Assignment #1 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 248 #3c, 9b | |

| | |Mean Deviation | | |

| | |Assignment #2 |Assignment #2 |Assignment 32 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 256-257 #1abc, 2, 3b, |Pg 99 #9ac |

| | |Linear Correlation |Pg 254 Act 1ab | |

| | |Estimating Correlation Coefficient |Pg 257-258 #4, 5, 6a | |

| | | |Pg 273 #10ab | |

| | |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 |Assignment #3 |

| | |QUIZ |Pg 270 #5b, e1) | |

| | |Regression Line | | |

| | |Regression Line | |Pg 114 #6 |

| | |Counter-example - June 2011 #15 | |Pg 116 #9 |

| | | | |Pg 126 #5bcd, 7bcd |

| | |Assignment #4 |Assignment #4 | |

| | |Assignment #5 |Assignment #5 | |

| | |TEST – C2/C3 | | |

| |Mid | | | |

| |Review | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| |Year-End | | | |

| |Review | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

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| | | | | |

| | | | | |

|Properties of Functions – range, domain, max, min, increasing, |Pg 7 #5abcf Pg 8 #6ac, 8 |

|decreasing, positive, negative |Pg 10 #9de Pg 13 #14bd |

| |Pg 15 #16bcf, 18bcd |

| |Pg 32 #2 |

|Properties of Functions– range, domain, max, min, increasing, |worksheet |

|decreasing, positive, negative | |




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