MCR3U Grade 11 Functions - Faculty

MPM2D Grade 10 Academic Mathematics

Teacher: Mrs. N. Boerner

Math Office: Room 251


Website: Go to faculty then Norma Boerner.

Units of Study

|Unit |Topic |Number of Periods |

|1 |Linear Systems |12 |

|2 |Analytic Geometry I |10 |

|3 |Analytic Geometry II |9 |

|4 |Factoring |11 |

|5 |Quadratic Functions |10 |

|6 |Quadratic Equations |10 |

|7 |Trigonometry |15 |

Assessment and Evaluation

Students will be evaluated using levels in the overall expectations of the course.

There is a board wide exam and summative for this course.

Mark Breakdown

• Course work (tests, quizzes, assignments, etc.) will be worth 70% of the final mark.

• The summative project will be worth 10% of the final mark.

• The final exam in June is worth 20% of the final mark.


The textbook for this course is McGraw-Hill Ryerson: Mathpower 10.

Students are responsible for the cost of lost or damaged textbooks. The replacement cost for this text is $103.00. Please write your name in your book and write your assigned textbook number here: ________


In addition to your textbook, for each class you will need:

• a mathematics binder

• lined paper and graph paper

• pencils, eraser and ruler

• a scientific calculator (sin, cos, tan, [pic]) No cell phones or iPods.

• coloured pencils or pens

• geometry kit (compass, protractor, triangle etc.) may be needed from time to time

Missed Class Policy

For any absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make up all work missed during his/her absence. The best way to do this is to speak to another student in the class about notes and other important information (eg. handouts given, due dates, upcoming tests). My website will have important dates and homework assignments but not class notes. If you send me an email I may be able to send you handouts and some notes. Please read the notes and attempt the homework before you come for help.

Missed Test/Late Assignment Policy

It is the responsibility of the student to let the teacher know in advance if he/she will be missing any major evaluation for any known reason (medical appointment, sport event, field trip,…) so that the teacher and student can arrange an alternate date for the evaluation to take place. Additionally, if a student misses a major evaluation unexpectedly (illness, …), it is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher as soon as possible to arrange an alternate date for the evaluation.

The student will be given a second opportunity to be evaluated on a date to be determined by the teacher within two weeks of the missed evaluation.

If the student misses the second opportunity to be evaluated, he/she will receive a zero for that evaluation to represent lack of evidence of achievement in the expectations covered by that evaluation.

Late assignments cannot be accepted after solutions are posted, results discussed or assignments have been returned to some students. It is always best to discuss with the teacher the possibility of your assignment being late so that alternate arrangements can be made.

Homework Policy

Homework is assigned daily and in quantities that the teacher deems most effective in helping students prepare to meet the overall expectations of the course. While homework is not directly calculated as part of the mark, there is a strong positive correlation between completion of homework and success in the course. So do your homework and, of course, don’t forget to always check your answers with the back of the book.

Getting Help

• I am available for help in the math help room (room 250) between 8:15-9 am everyday. For help at lunch or after school please check with me first.

• Peer tutoring is available in the Opportunity Room at lunch on a drop in basis.

• A list of tutors and the grades they are willing to tutor will be available in late September.

How to Succeed in Math Class

• Actively participate in class. Try the investigation questions and think about patterns.

• Listen to the teacher’s explanations and to other students’ discoveries and questions.

• Take notes but try to follow along with the examples rather than just copy them down.

• Do all your homework everyday.

• See me for help as soon as you need it.




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