Grade 11 University Physics Supplementary Workbook - AYJ Biotech SHSM

[Pages:70]Grade 11 University Physics Supplementary Workbook

"Press on: Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence Talent will not ? nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent

Genius will not ? unrewarded genius is almost a proverb Education will not ? the world is full of educated derelicts

Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent" -Ray Kroc (Stolen from Calvin Coolidge and Jean-Jacques Rousseau)


The key to success in your grade 11 physics class is your homework. Make sure you never get behind in your homework! The reasons are obvious but seldom do we think of them. New homework is often assigned daily. If you neglect one day of work, after the next class you will have twice the work. If you miss two days, three times the work. Digging yourself out of the homework hole becomes more and more difficult. This leads to the temptation of ignoring the homework entirely ? surely courting disaster! Then, as it always does, comes test time. Much to your surprise, your surprise, your physics teacher keeps on teaching even though you have a test in a couple days. Get used to this! You should have completed all your homework by this point. Preparing for a test is then a matter of review, not learning! Your collection of completed homework questions become your studying tool. Frequently we give you time in class to compete your work. Make good use of this time to complete your work and get any extra help you need.


? Obtain the missed class notes and work from a class mate ? Review the work from the text ? Ask the teacher for help

Missed Tests

There are normally no make-up tests. The student must, immediately upon return to class, provide a written note explaining the absence. The note must provide the date of absence and if from a parent or guardian must state that writer is aware the student has missed a test. A phone number at which the signer can be reached during the day is required on the note. This is to be kept by the teacher.


Unit 1 - Forces and Motion

Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will:

FMV.01 demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between forces and the acceleration of an object in linear motion;

FMV.02 investigate, through experimentation, the effect of a net force on the linear motion of an object, and analyse the effect in quantitative terms, using graphs, free-body diagrams, and vector diagrams;

FMV.03 describe the contributions of Galileo and Newton to the understanding of dynamics; evaluate and describe technological advances related to motion; and identify the effects of societal influences on transportation and safety issues.

Specific Expectations Understanding Basic Concepts By the end of this course, students will: FM1.01 define and describe concepts and units related to force and motion (e.g., vectors, scalars, displacement, uniform motion, instantaneous and average velocity, uniform acceleration, instantaneous and average acceleration, applied force, net force, static friction, kinetic friction, coefficients of friction);

FM1.02 describe and explain different kinds of motion, and apply quantitatively the relationships among displacement, velocity, and acceleration in specific contexts;

FM1.03 analyse uniform motion in the horizontal plane in a variety of situations, using vector diagrams;

FM1.04 identify and describe the fundamental forces of nature;

FM1.05 analyse and describe the gravitational force acting on an object near, and at a distance from, the surface of the Earth;

FM1.06 analyse and describe the forces acting on an object, using free-body diagrams, and determine the acceleration of the object;

FM1.07 state Newton's laws, and apply them to explain the motion of objects in a variety of contexts;

FM1.08 analyse in quantitative terms, using Newton's laws, the relationships among the net force acting on an object, its mass, and its acceleration.

Unit 2 - Energy, Work and Power

Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will:

EWV.01demonstrate an understanding, in qualitative and quantitative terms, of the concepts of work, energy (kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy, and thermal energy and its transfer [heat]), energy transformations, efficiency, and power;

EWV.02design and carry out experiments and solve problems involving energy transformations and the law of conservation of energy;

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EWV.03analyse the costs and benefits of various energy sources and energy-transformation technologies that are used around the world, and explain how the application of scientific principles related to mechanical energy has led to the enhancement of sports and recreational activities.

Specific Expectations Understanding Basic Concepts By the end of this course, students will: Chapter and Section EW1.01 define and describe the concepts and units related to energy, work, and power (e.g., energy, work, power, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, thermal energy and its transfer [heat], efficiency);

EW1.02 identify conditions required for work to be done, and apply quantitatively the relationships among work, force, and displacement along the line of the force;

EW1.03 analyse, in qualitative and quantitative terms, simple situations involving work, gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and thermal energy and its transfer (heat), using the law of conservation of energy

EW1.04 apply quantitatively the relationships among power, energy, and time in a variety of contexts;

EW1.05 analyse, in quantitative terms, the relationships among percent efficiency, input energy, and useful output energy for several energy transformations.

Unit 3 - Waves and Sound

Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will:

WSV.01 demonstrate an understanding of the properties of mechanical waves and sound and the principles underlying the production, transmission, interaction, and reception of mechanical waves and sound;

WSV.02 investigate the properties of mechanical waves and sound through experiments or simulations, and compare predicted results with actual results;

WSV.03 describe and explain ways in which mechanical waves and sound are produced in nature, and evaluate the contributions to entertainment, health, and safety of technologies that make use of mechanical waves and sound

Specific Expectations Understanding Basic Concepts By the end of this course, students will: Chapter and Section WS1.01 define and describe the concepts and units related to mechanical waves (e.g., longitudinal wave, transverse wave, cycle, period, frequency, amplitude, phase, wavelength, velocity, superposition, constructive and destructive interference, standing waves, resonance);

WS1.02 describe and illustrate the properties of transverse and longitudinal waves in different media, and analyse the velocity of waves travelling in those media in quantitative terms;

WS1.03 compare the speed of sound in different media, and describe the effect of temperature on the speed of sound;

WS1.04 explain and graphically illustrate the principle of superposition, and identify examples of constructive and destructive interference;

WS1.05 analyse the components of resonance and identify the conditions required for resonance to occur in vibrating objects and in various media;

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WS1.06 identify the properties of standing waves and, for both mechanical and sound waves, explain the conditions required for standing waves to occur;

WS1.07 explain the Doppler effect, and predict in qualitative terms the frequency change that will occur in a variety of conditions;

WS1.08 analyse, in quantitative terms, the conditions needed for resonance in air columns, and explain how resonance is used in a variety of situations (eg., analyse resonance conditions in air columns in quantitative terms, identify musical instruments using such air columns, and explain how different notes are produced).

Unit 4 - Light and Geometric Optics

Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will:

LGV.01 demonstrate an understanding of the properties of light and the principles underlying the transmission of light through a medium and from one medium to another;

LGV.02 investigate the properties of light through experimentation, and illustrate and predict the behaviour of light through the use of ray diagrams and algebraic equations;

LGV.03 evaluate the contributions to such areas as entertainment, communications, and health made by the development of optical devices and other technologies designed to make use of light.

Specific Expectations Understanding Basic Concepts By the end of this course, students will: Chapter and Section LG1.01 define and describe concepts and units related to light (e.g., reflection, refraction, partial reflection and refraction, index of refraction, total internal reflection, critical angle, focal point, image);

LG1.02 describe the scientific model for light and use it to explain optical effects that occur as natural phenomena (e.g., apparent depth, shimmering, mirage, rainbow);

LG1.03 predict, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the refraction of light as it passes from one medium to another, using Snell's law;

LG1.04 explain the conditions required for total internal reflection, using light-ray diagrams, and analyse and describe situations in which these conditions occur;

LG1.05 describe and explain, with the aid of light-ray diagrams, the characteristics and positions of the images formed by lenses;

LG1.06 describe the effects of converging and diverging lenses on light, and explain why each type of lens is used in specific optical devices;

LG1.07 analyse, in quantitative terms, the characteristics and positions of images formed by lenses.

Unit 5 ? Electricity and Magnetism

Overall Expectations By the end of this course, students will:

EMV.01 demonstrate an understanding of the properties, physical quantities, principles, and laws related to electricity, magnetic fields, and electromagnetic induction;

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EMV.02 carry out experiments or simulations, and construct a prototype device, to demonstrate characteristic properties of magnetic fields and electromagnetic induction;

EMV.03 identify and describe examples of domestic and industrial technologies that were developed on the basis of the scientific understanding of magnetic fields. Specific Expectations Understanding Basic Concepts By the end of this course, students will: Chapter and Section EM1.01 define and describe the concepts and units related to electricity and magnetism (e.g., electric charge, electric current, electric potential, electron flow, magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, energy, power, kilowatt-hour); EM1.02 describe the two conventions used to denote the direction of movement of electric charge in an electric circuit (i.e., electric current [movement of positive charge] and electron flow [movement of negative charge]), recognizing that electric current is the preferred convention; EM1.06 state the motor principle, explain the factors that affect the force on a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field, and, using the righthand rule, illustrate the resulting motion of the conductor; EM1.07 analyse and describe electromagnetic induction in qualitative terms, and apply Lenz's law to explain, predict, and illustrate the direction of the electric current induced by a changing magnetic field, using the righthand rule; EM1.08 compare direct current (DC) and alternating current (AC) in qualitative terms, and explain the importance of alternating current in the transmission of electrical energy; EM1.09 explain, in terms of the interaction of electricity and magnetism, and analyse in quantitative terms, the operation of transformers (e.g., describe the basic parts and the operation of step-up and step-down transformers; solve problems involving energy, power, potential difference, current, and the number of turns in the primary and secondary coils of a transformer).

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Review: Scientific Notation and Conversions

1. Write the following in scientific notation.

a) 604

b) 403

e) 0.003 8

f) 0.0403

c) 710 000 g) 0.000 031

d) 0.050 4 h) 4.3

2. Write the following in standard notation.

a) 8.1 ? 103

b) 6.1 ? 107

e) 4.7 ? 10-4

f) 2.3 ? 10-2

c) 7.6 ? 105 g) 4.7 ? 10-1

d) 9.3? 101 h) 4.03 ? 10-1

3. Convert these to S.I. units.

a) 6700 g e) 2.7 ? 104 min

b) 45000 mm f) 4.3 ? 103 h

c) 8.9 ? 104 mm g) 34.5 cm

d) 5.3 ? 106 g h) 3.45 cm

4. Convert the following

a) The length of a car from 2.8 m to mm

b) The thickness of a textbook c) The radius of the Earth from

from 35mm to m

6.37 ? 106 m to km

d) One day, 24 h to min

e) One year, 3.156 ? 107 s to h f) One day, 24 h to s

5. To convert km/s to m/s you must __________________________ To convert m/s to km/s you must __________________________

6. Calculate the following

a) 56 km/h = ___________ m/s b) 4.3 ? 103 m/s = __________km/h c) 7.3 ? 10 4 km/h = _________m/s d) 2.4 ? 102 m/s = ___________km/h

Activity: Graphing

Rules 1. Make sure you put a title on the graph eg. Temperature vs. Time. 2. Label the axis and include units eg. Time (s). 3. Mark points on the graph clearly. 4. If the graph looks like a straight line, draw a line of best fit with a ruler. If the graph looks like a

curve, draw a smooth curve freehand. 5. Make the graph as large as possible using the whole paper.

Exercise: Late at night the Toronto airport detected an unidentified Flying object (UFO) on its radar. This UFO is flying over the airport toward the CN Tower. The data given is its distance from the airport from the time of its first sighting. a) Graph the data and draw a line of best fit. Put time on the x-axis. b) Calculate the slope of this line with units. c) How long will it take the UFO to reach the CN Tower if the tower

Is 35 km from the airport? Extrapolate to find this. d) How far is it to Maple Leaf Gardens if the UFO takes 40 min.

to reach it? Interpolate to find this.

Time (min) Distance (km)

















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Problems: Introduction to Motion

Speed is the rate at which things move. We say "sports cars move fast", "snails move slow" and sometimes "Albert is not too swift". Speed tells us the distance an object travels in an interval of time. To find speed, use the formula

v= d t

Where v stands for the speed of the object, d the distance it travels and t the time taken to do so.

Example: A truck travels 20 m in 15 s. Find its speed.


d = 20 m t = 15 s v= d

t = 20 m / 15 s

= 1.3 m/s The speed of the truck is 1.3 m/s.

Problems: 1. A hurricane Katrina blew a car a distance of 10 m in 2 s inti the front window of a store. Find the

car's speed as it crashed through.

2. An unidentified flying object traveled 15.5 km across the sky in 3 s. Find its speed in km/h and m/s. How does this compare with the speed of an airplane?

3. An eighteen-wheeler Mac truck was thundering down the 401 at 130 km/h. a) In one hour, how far did it travel? b) In one minute, how far did it travel? c) In one second, how far did it travel?

4. In his pod racer, young Aniken travels at 200 m/s. He made a complete lap of the racing course in 90 s. What is the distance around the course in metres? (Hint: rearrange the equation v = d/t )

5. If you were the 6 Million Dollar Man (an 80's TV show character) who could run at 145 km/h, how long would it take for you to run from Toronto to Montreal, a distance of 450 km?

6. You camped out all night and scored some tickets to the latest Ricky Martin concert, but unfortunately your seat is high up in the stands, 400 m away from the stage. The sound from the stage travels through the air at 332 m/s. How long it will take the sound to reach your ears?

7. Light travels at 3.0 ? 108 m/s. A quasar, one of the most distant object from us in the universe, is 1.2 ? 1026 m away from Earth. How long ago was the light that we see today emitted from the

quasar? Give your answer in years.

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Position (m) [W]

Graphical Analysis:


The Motion of a Delivery Truck - i







Time (s)

Questions: 1. How many stops were made for deliveries?

2. How long was the longest stop?

3. What was the maximum displacement from the store?

4. What was the velocity of the truck in the first 10 seconds?

5. What direction was the truck traveling in at 90 s?

6. What was the maximum speed of the truck at any time?

7. What was the total distance traveled?

8. What was the total displacement driven?

9. What was the average speed of the entire trip?

10. What was the average velocity of the entire trip?



Answers: 1) 2, 2) 30s 7) 600 m 8) 0 m

3) 300 m 4) 10 m/s [W] 9) 6 m/s 10) 0 m/s

5) East

6) 15 m/s [E]

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