Progression by Grade - Virginia Department of Education Home

Progression by GradeStrand: Reading Key for Progression ChartStandard Introduction LevelSymbolThe skill has not been introduced.-The skill is introduced and appears in the grade-level reading standards.IThe skill is not formally introduced in the grade level reading standard. Students should be knowledgeable about the skill from previous instruction. Teachers should review skills taught in previous grades.PProgression ChartStandardKindergarten Grade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12Relate previous experiences to what is read.IIIPPPPPPPPPPIdentify text features.IIIIPPPPPPPPPSet a purpose for reading.-IIIPPPPPPPPPMake and confirm predictions.-IIIPPPPPPPPPIdentify theme.-IIIPPPPPPPPPIdentify the main idea.-IIIPPPPPPPPPAsk and answer questions using the text for support. --IIIIPPPPPPPDescribe characters, setting, and plot events in fiction and poetry.--IIIIPPPPPPPIdentify the conflict and resolution. --IIIPPPPPPPPSummarize stories and events with beginning, middle, and end in the correct sequence. --IIIPPPPPPPPDraw conclusions based on the text.--IIIPPPPPPPPMake connections between reading selections. ---IIIIPPPPPPCompare and contrast settings, characters, and plot events.---IIIPPPPPPPDifferentiate between fiction and nonfiction.---IIPPPPPPPPIdentify the author’s purpose. ---IIIPPPPPPPSummarize information found in nonfiction texts. ---IIIPPPPPPPIdentify supporting details. ---IIIPPPPPPPDescribe how the choice of language, setting, and characters contributes to the development of plot. ----IIPPPPPPPIdentify genres. ----IIPPPPPPPDraw conclusions/make inferences about text using the text as support. ----IIPPPPPPPCompare/contrast details in literary and informational nonfiction texts. ----IIPPPPPPPIdentify cause-and-effect relationships. ----IIPPPPPPPDistinguish between fact and opinion. ----IIPPPPPPPDiscuss the impact of setting on plot development. -----IIPPPPPPDescribe character development. -----IIIPPPPPDifferentiate between first and third person point of view. -----IIIPPPPPDifferentiate between free verse and rhymed poetry. -----IIPPPPPPExplain how an author’s choice of vocabulary contributes to the author’s style.-----IIIPPPPPSkim materials to develop a general overview of content and to locate specific information. -----IIIPPPPPIdentify organizational pattern(s). -----IIIPPPPPIdentify transitional words and phrases that signal an author’s organizational pattern. -----IIIPPPPPIdentify the elements of narrative structure, including setting, character, plot, conflict, and theme. ------IIIPPPPDescribe how word choice and imagery contribute to the meaning of a text. ------IIIPPPPIdentify and analyze the author’s use of figurative language. ------IIIPPPPAnalyze ideas within and between selections providing textual evidence. ------IIIIPPPDescribe the elements of narrative structure including setting, character development, plot, theme, and conflict and how they influence each other. -------IIIPPPIdentify the source, viewpoint, and purpose of texts. -------IIIPPPExplain the use of symbols and figurative language. --------IIPPPCompare and contrast the authors’ use of word choice, dialogue, form, rhyme, rhythm, and voice in different texts. --------IIPPPCompare and contrast authors’ styles. --------IIPPPAnalyze details for relevance and accuracy. --------IIPPPIdentify the characteristics that distinguish literary forms.---------IPPPAnalyze the cultural or social function of a literary text.---------IIPPExplain the influence of historical context on the form, style, and point of view of a written work. ---------IIPPIdentify characteristics of expository, technical, and persuasive texts. ---------IIPPIdentify a position/argument to be confirmed, disproved, or modified. ---------IIPPEvaluate clarity and accuracy of information. ---------IIPPAnalyze, organize, and synthesize information in order to solve problems, answer questions, complete a task, or create a product. ---------IIPPAnalyze the similarities and differences of techniques and literary forms represented in the literature of different cultures and eras. ---------IIPPExamine a literary selection from several critical perspectives.----------IIPCompare and contrast character development in a play to characterization in other literary forms. ----------IIPInterpret and use data and information in maps, charts, graphs, timelines, tables, and diagrams. ----------IIPAnalyze literature, as it reflects traditional and contemporary themes, motifs, universal characters, and genres. -----------IIAnalyze the use of dramatic conventions. -----------IIGenerate and respond logically to literal, inferential, evaluative, synthesizing, and critical-thinking questions about the text(s). -----------IIRead and correctly interpret an application for employment, workplace documents, or an application for college admission. -----------IIAnalyze technical writing for clarity. -----------IIAnalyze false premises, claims, counterclaims, and other evidence in persuasive writing. -----------IIRecognize and analyze use of ambiguity, contradiction, paradox, irony, sarcasm, overstatement, and understatement in text. -----------IIIdentify and synthesize resources to make decisions, complete tasks, and solve specific problems. ------------I ................

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