Please choose one fiction, one non-fiction, and one poetry book from the list below to read over the summer. You certainly may

read more, if you wish! If you find the books too difficult to read, you may take turns reading pages or chapters with an adult. After you have finished each of your assigned books, fill out the appropriate book report forms neatly in CURSIVE WRITING. Please bring in the three assigned reports in a FOLDER on the FIRST day of school to receive credit for your summer reading.


Atwater Mr. Popper’s Penquins

Brink Caddie Woodlawn

Bryant Pony Tails

Burgess, Thornton Whitefoot the Wood Mouse, Paddy the Beaver, etc.

Burnett The Secret Garden

Cleary, Beverly Ramona the Pest, Muggie Maggie, Ralph S. Mouse, etc.

Lindgren Pippi Longstocking Series

Miles Annie and the Old One

Milne Winnie the Pooh

Montgomery Anne of Green Gables

Quattlebaum Jackson Jones and the Puddle of Thorns

Rounds Blind Colt

Selden Cricket in Times Square

Sewell Black Beauty

Smith Chocolate Fever

Sobel Encyclopedia Brown Series

Warner The Boxcar Children Series

White, E.B. Stuart Little

Charlotte’s Web

Trumpet of the Swan

Wilder Little House Series

Magic Attic Series

Historical Fiction

Osborne, Mary Pope The Magic Tree House Series

Scholastic Pub. My America Series

Wilder Dear America Series

Novels whose settings are during the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Civil War era


Read books from the Eyewitness Series. Student may need parental assistance reading these. Read biographies about famous people alive during the Colonial, Revolutionary, and Civil War periods. Read books about our Solar System.

Jackson Trail Blazer-Christian Adventure stories

Kendall For the Love of Chimps: The Jane Goodall Story

Schein The Year of the Panda

Shapp Let’s Find Out About the Moon

Christian Heritage Series

“Focus on the Family” youth books that explores the role of faith and family throughout American History.


Bryan Walk Together Children

deRagniers, Moore Sing a Song of Popcorn

Ferris Favorite Poems Old and New

McCord Every Time I Climb a Tree

Prelutsky Something Big Has Been Here (and other books by Prelutsky)

Schenk, deRegniers Poems Children Will Sit Still For

Silverstein A Light in the Attic (or other Silverstein poetry)

Stevenson, Robert Lewis All and Any


Grade 3 – Fiction Book Report

Name: ________________________________ Date_____________

Book Title: _____________________________________________________

Author: _______________________________________________________

Number of pages: _________________

How many main Characters are in your book? ______________________________

Name two characters and give a brief description about each from your book. Like…Thomas Edison, an inventor; or Tom Sawyer, a country boy; or Queen Elizabeth, queen of England; or Columbus, a sailor.

Name Description

1. _____________________________, ________________________________;

2. _____________________________, ________________________________;

Write two sentences about your book. Don’t forget to capitalize and use punctuation marks.



Where does your story happen?


When did this story take place?


What is the problem of the story?


Draw a picture about your book on a separate blank piece of paper.

*Parent, before signing, please look over the book report and help your child

proof-read it for errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Also,

make sure the answers are neatly written and in complete sentences.


Parent Signature


Grade 3 – Non-Fiction Book Report

Name: ________________________________ Date_____________

Book Title: _____________________________________________________

Author: _______________________________________________________

Illustrator/Photographer: _________________________________________

Number of pages: _________________

1. Vocabulary: List at least five new vocabulary words that you learned while

reading this book. Include the definition of each new word.

a. __________________________________________________________________________________________________

b. _________________________________________________


c. _________________________________________________


d. _________________________________________________


e. _________________________________________________


2. What was the most interesting part of the book? Be specific.


3. What did you learn from reading this non-fiction book?


4. Evaluation: Why would you recommend or not recommend this book to a friend?


*Parent, before signing, please look over the book report and help your child proof-read it for errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Also, make sure the answers are neatly written and in complete sentences.


Parent Signature


Grade 3 – Poetry Book Report

Name: ________________________________ Date_____________

Book Title: _____________________________________________________

Author: _______________________________________________________

Number of pages: _________________

1. What was your favorite poem? Why?

_____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________



2. What could you hear? Feel? Smell? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What were some interesting words or phrases used in this poetry?


4. Why do you like to read poetry?


5. Why do you think the author wrote these poems?


6. Get a lined sheet of paper. Copy your favorite poem from the book in your BEST HANDWRITING. Illustrate the poem on an unlined piece of paper.

*Parent, before signing, please look over the book report and help your

child proof-read it for errors in spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.

Also, make sure the answers are neatly written and in complete sentences.


Parent Signature


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