Working With Words



aware, ready, prepared; warn

competition: contest, rivalry

environment: atmosphere, surroundings


outstanding, brilliant, exceptional


favor, select, choose; would rather

protection: guard, security, shield, defense


connected, linked; narrated or told


housing, lodging, cover

Configuration Station

Write the words from the word bank in the correct boxes.

shelter related

competition protection

environment prefer

alert excellent

Amazing Animals of the Mojave/Wonders Third Grade Unit 4 Week 3 Cherry Carl, 2017

What's Missing?

Fill in the blanks with words from the word bank.

1. All of the lizards are

and all are reptiles.

2. Small desert animals might from a stream or a puddle.

to drink

3. The light coloring of some desert animals gives them some from predators.

4. A tortoise burrow is an

hiding and

resting place for other small desert creatures.

5. Ground vibrations nearby.

scorpions that an animals is

6. Roadrunners join in the

for food.

7. The desert animals depend on their natural surroundings or to survive.

8. A lizard will wait inside its beetle to pass by!

for a small

shelter related

competition protection

environment prefer

alert excellent

Amazing Animals of the Mojave/Wonders Third Grade Unit 4 Week 3 Cherry Carl, 2017

Sentence Sense

Write a 6-8 word sentence for each pair of words below.

alert competition

environment excellent



related shelter

Amazing Animals of the Mojave/Wonders Third Grade Unit 4 Week 3 Cherry Carl, 2017

Where Are the Words?

Find and circle all of the words from the word bank. Each word appears twice!

e n v i r o nme n t b c xprotect i ongo c r e j g u ybkws qm ee l bkqgzj vhup l fa l ertuygeke l etshe l ter l bt erepreferatq i nedgexce l l ent t l bj qkuyberu i g a u ywbz k j rwg o j t c omp e t i t i o n be j zvgsqwyzbk u de n v i r o nme n t g kwy ub j k z u qwb protect i onkgj

shelter related

competition protection

environment prefer

alert excellent

nvolved timid



merchant plenty Amazing Animals of the Mojave/Wonders Third Grade Unit 4 Week 3 Cherry Carl, 2017

merchant carpetmaker


Rhyme Time

Read each word and listen for the ending chunk. Find and paste three words that rhyme with each word.




confer dessert narrated

created refer convert




Amazing Animals of the Mojave/Wonders Third Grade Unit 4 Week 3 Cherry Carl, 2017


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