Rubric for writing a Fable - Teachers Network

Rubric for writing a Fable |Not finished (70) |Needs Work (80) |Good (90) |Excellent (100) | |

|Characters |fable has no description of |Has a good description of the |It has good description of the |fable has good descriptions of appearance, |

| |characters |of the characters |characters and their actions |actions, and thoughts of characters |

|Setting |fable has no information about |Has little information about the |The setting is well described |fable contains vivid description of setting|

| |setting |setting | | |

|Plot |fable does not have the problem |It is missing a beginning, |It has a beginning, middle, and |fable contains a logical beginning, middle,|

| |and solution |middle, or end |end that makes sense to the story|and end, that increase the value of the |

| | | | |moral |

|Moral |Story does not |It has a moral, but it does not |It seems to have a lesson, but it|moral is stated at the end of the fable and|

| |teach a lesson |go with the story |is not included. |fits well with the action of the story |

|Revisions, editing and |Did not make corrections on the |very few changes were made from |some changes were made from the |many quality improvements were made form |

|proofreading |first draft with more than 5 |first draft with 4 to 5 errors |first draft with 3-4 errors |first draft |

| |errors | | |there are 2 or fewer errors |

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