Final exam review

First exam

Soc 3, Spring 2017

This is a take-home essay exam. For this exam answer both questions and pay attention to the page limits. I will stop reading once you reach the limits. If you are writing more than this, you have not thought your answers through adequately. Remember, quantity is NOT the same thing as quality. On the other hand, do not write less than what I ask of as a minimum. It is highly unlikely you will write a quality essay. And never turn in a first draft. Go back and read the document “How I grade” in the contents section of Blackboard.

Use only Times New Roman 12 point font with one-inch margins double-spaced. You will submit your exam as one document (Lastname.soc3sec[3or4].doc) by class on 3/2 through Blackboard. At 9:35 AM, I will consider it late, and your grade will drop by 1/3. Every hour late after that, it will drop another 1/3. So don’t be late. Note: Papers more than one day late will not be accepted! You must also give me a hardcopy on 3/2 in class. If you do not turn in a hardcopy, I will not grade your paper. Easiest thing is to get the paper done the night before it’s due, and give me a hardcopy in class.

1. (50 points; 3-5 pages)

Upward economic mobility is difficult to attain in this country. You implicitly know this, that’s why you’ve come to college. But just being in college isn’t enough. Drawing on a wide range of the readings we have done, you will write an essay outlining ways to get ahead in college and beyond. How can you increase your chances of getting better grades? Of graduating? Of getting a better job and improving your career mobility opportunities beyond that? Make certain to discuss various concepts we’ve talked about in class, including strength of weak ties, the importance of peers, and cultural and social capital.

2. (50 points; 3-5 pages)

We’ve been trained since childhood to think of gender as simply male and female, and to think of differences between them as “natural.” In this essay, you will discuss how gender and sexuality are socially constructed and vary, and the various gender possibilities (Hijras, transgender, agender, etc.) and sexuality possibilities discussed in the readings. Make sure to frame your essay using the ideas of boundaries, culture, norms and sanctions.

Second exam

Soc 3, Spring 2017

Due May 2, in class

For this exam you will answer two essay questions (50 points each). For both you should aim to write 4-5 pages for each question. Each has a five-page limit – do not write more than this! I will stop reading once you reach the limits. If you are writing more than this you have not thought your answers through adequately. Remember, quantity is NOT the same thing as quality. On the other hand, do not write less than what I ask of as a minimum. It is highly unlikely you will write a quality essay. And never, ever turn in a first draft or do it at the last minute. Make sure to go back and read the document in the contents section of Blackboard, “How I grade.” Remember, for both essays it is very important to have a quality introduction and thesis statement, give specific examples from the readings to support your points, have analytical points to make, and to have a good writing style. Also, and this is very important, DO NOT USE outside sources. The readings here are more than sufficient for you to answer the questions. Treat these essays as research papers, except that I’ve already done the research for you.

Use only Times New Roman 12 point font with 1” margins double-spaced. This exam is due Tuesday, May 2, in class, posted to Blackboard (in content, like you did for the first exam). DO NOT EMAIL THEM TO ME! Every hour late is a full grade off; exams will not be accepted after 12 pm – Blackboard will not accept submissions after this time. So don’t be late! After submitting your exams on Blackboard, you will submit a paper copy to my office. Staple both questions together – that is, one staple per person. (Many of you did not seem to understand this last time.) I will not print out your exams. If I don’t get a printed exam, you don’t get a grade. DO NOT EMAIL YOUR EXAMS! I will not accept emailed exams, and I will not grade your exam if you do not turn in a hard copy.

1. This essay is about the changing nature of the city, specifically the rise of the American ghetto and how gentrification most recently is changing it.

a. Explain in depth how the ghetto was formed, how Blacks were kept in the ghetto, and how by the 1970s ghettos came to be places of extreme concentration of social isolation of Blacks as well as having extreme concentration of poverty.

b. Drawing on the readings and class discussion, show how changes in economic structures and in the housing market (gentrification) are working to reshape the ghetto in the city since the late 1970s. (Note: This should comprise *at least half* the length of the total essay.)

2. In class we discussed various structural factors that lead the poor to be poor. Drawing on a wide variety readings and videos on evictions, debt, crime/punishment/courts/police, race, neighborhood, etc., you will show how upward economic mobility is difficult for the poor.


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