Scholarship Guide - Seneca High School

Scholarship Guide

For Seneca High School Students



Prepared By:

Kirk Houchin, Counselor

Chris Jackson, Counselor

Karen Ruder, Guidance Secretary

Seneca High School

The following are scholarships which are sanctioned by Seneca Township High School. The selection of the recipients is under the guidance and control of a committee appointed by the Superintendent. They are open to all students of Seneca High School. Deadlines listed are from last year, so dates may be slightly different this year.

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Seneca American $200 Children of a veteran Apr. 15th


Mazon State Bank $500 Business related major at Apr. 23rd

Directors and a 2 or 4 year college


Mazon American Varies Senior, verification of Apr. 23rd

Legion admission for next academic

Year, letter of rec., personal


Seneca Grade School Varies Sr., Attended and graduated May 1st

Foundation from Seneca Grade School,

Attending JJC or IVCC in fall

Seneca High School Varies Scholastic ability, May 7th

Staff leadership, community

involvement, transcript

evaluation, interview,

may be enrolled in 2 year or

4 year program

Miscellaneous Scholarships

The following are scholarships that were available to students last year. These scholarships are sent to Seneca High School and posted in the announcements when available. Deadlines listed are from last year, so dates may be slightly different this year.

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Horatio Alger Scholarship 1,000-$10,000 Sr., critical financial need, Oct. 30th

Involved in high school,

2.0 GPA or higher

Coca Cola Scholarship $4,000 - $20,000 Leadership, character, Oct. 31st

Foundation achievement (in and out

of school, available on-line


Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Prudential Spirit of $1000-$5000 Grade 5-12, Participated in Oct. 31st

Community Award outstanding volunteer activity

During previous school year,


U.S. Bank Scholarship $1,000 Senior planning to attend Oct. – Feb.

Thirty Random A 2 or 4 year college,


Golden Apple Assistance in Senior, interested in Nov. 30th

Teachers Program admissions, becoming a teacher,

$5,000/year, commitment to teach

paid summer for 5 years in an IL

teaching school of need



mentoring, job

placement assistance

SAE Engineering Varies Intend to earn engineering Dec. 1st

Scholarship degree or related science,

check GPA, ACT, class rank,

seven different scholarships

are available

AXA Achievement $10,000-15,000 Outstanding achievement Dec. 15th

in an activity in school/community/workplace

(NSDAR) Jane Farwell Varies Sponsored by a local DAR Dec. 30th

Smith Scholarship chapter, plan to attend an

Illinois College or Univ.

Omnicron Recruitment $450 Sr., female, entering the Jan. 1st

Grant field of education, top

25% of your class

Discover Card $2,500 (state) High school junior, Jan. 7th

Tribute Award $25,000 (national) GPA 2.75 or higher,

Community service, plan

to continue schooling after

high school.

Elk National $6000 Girl Scout Gold Award Jan. 9th

Foundation Girl Scout winner, H.S. senior,

Gold Award Scholarships academics, activities,

leadership, community

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Elks National $1000 Child, grandchild, step- Jan. 10th

Foundation, ENF child, or step-grandchild

Legacy Awards of an Elk in good standing,

H.S. senior, ACT scores

Young Authors Writing $25 - $100 Fiction or creative non- Jan. 11th

Contest (Columbia fiction, no longer than

College) 2500 words, 9-12 grade

Elks National $4000-$60,000 Senior, US citizen, Jan. 13th

Foundation, Most scholarship, leadership,

Valuable Student financial need

Wal-Mart Foundation $1,000 High academic Jan 14th

Community Scholarship achievement, active

extracurricular involvement,

financial need, Grundy County

high school, 2.5 GPA, ACT,


(NSDAR) American $2,000 (4 yrs) Majoring in American Feb. 1st

History history, US citizen, plan

to attend college or

university in US

American Legion $75-500 Student grade 8-12 IL Feb. 2nd

Americanism Essay (depending on school,

Contest 500 word essay grade level)

IL Society Sons $500 - $2500 Sophomores, Jrs. and Srs., Feb. 13th

Of the American Rev. essay with a minimum

Essay Contest of 750 words on a Amer.

Revolution topic.

(NSDAR) Lillian and $2,000/yr For well qualified, Feb. 15th

Arthur Dunn Scholarship For 4 years deserving sons and

Daughters of members of

The National Society

Daughters of the American

Revolution (NSDAR)

(NSDAR) Caldwell $2,000 Major in historic Feb. 15th

Centennial preservation

(NSCAR) Caroline E. Holt $500 financial need, desire to Feb. 15th

Nursing attend accredited nursing or Aug. 1st


Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

(NSDAR) Enid Hall $1,000 Accepted to college or Feb. 15th

Griswold Memorial university in US, major

in political science, history,

government, or economics

(NSDAR) Mildred Nutting $500 Students accepted or Feb. 15th

Scholarship currently enrolled in an or Aug. 15th

Accredited school of nursing

(NSDAR) Madeline Picket $500 Students attending or who Feb 15th

Halbert Cogswell Nursing desire to attend an or Aug 15th

Scholarship accredited school of nursing,

Members of NSDAR, or

Descendents of NSDAR

(NSDAR) Occupational $500 Financial need, accepted Feb. 15th

Therapy Scholarship or attending accredited or Aug. 15th

School of Occ. Therapy

Burger King Scholars $1000 GPA of 2.5 or higher, work Feb. 15th

An average of 15 hours per

week, work at least 40 weeks

a year, community service

and/or co-curricular activities,

demonstrate financial need,

written recommendations,


Best Buy Children’s $1000-$2000 Seniors, community Feb. 15th

Foundation service, academics,

Entering college in fall,

Apply online – ,

Click “Community Relations”

Ronald McDonald House Varies Academic achievement, Feb. 15th

Scholarships Financial need, Personal

Statement, Separate scholarship

For students with a parent who is

Asian, African-American, or


Elks National $4,000-$8,000 Registered Eagle Scout, Feb. 28th

Foundation, Eagle high school senior, ACT

Scout Scholarships score of 26, financial need

IVCC Foundation varies See booklet in Feb. 28th

Scholarships Guidance Office, go to

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Joliet Junior College Varies See booklet in Mar. 1st

Scholarships Guidance Office

JJC Foundation Varies “B” average Mar. 1st


Illinois Odd Fellow Varies Financial need (copy of Mar. 1st

Scholarship current federal 1040 tax

Form, “C” average,

ioof- for ap

Marine Corps Scholarship Varies Son/daughter of a current Mar. 1st

Or former Marine or Marine

Reserve or Navy Corpsman,

Family income of $63,000 or


National Defense Varies Senior, pursuing degree in Mar. 1st

Transportation Assoc. Business, Trans. Logistics,

(NDTA) Scholarship Or Physical Distribution,

Two letters of Rec, Essay

IL Manufactured $500- Entering 2 year or more Mar. 1st

Housing Association $1,000 program at accredited

college, university, or

technical school, reside

in manufactured home or

community or manufactured

home bought from ILMHA

IL Student Community $500-$1,000 Allied health career, GPA Mar. 1st Hospital Ottawa Auxiliary of 2.5 or higher, 4

references, one page

written statement picture of self, acceptance from intended college

IL Amvets Service $1000 Senior, taken ACT, child Mar. 1st

Foundation Scholarship or grandchild of a veteran,

IL Amvets Sad Sacks $500 Senior, acceptance letter Mar. 1st

Nursing Scholarship into a pre-nursing program

Or School of Nursing,

Academics, financial need,

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

IL Amvets Trade School $500 Senior, acceptance letter Mar. 1st

Scholarship to a pre-approved trade

school program, child or

grandchild of a veteran,

IL Amvets Ladies Aux. $500 Senior, child/grandchild Mar. 1st

Memorial Scholarship of a veteran, taken ACT,

IL Amvets Ladies Aux. $500 Senior, child or grandchild Mar. 1st

Worshid Scholarship of a veteran, taken ACT,

Illinois PTA, Lillian Glover $500-$1000 Senior, Upper 25% of Mar. 1st

Class, entering into

Education field

IL Future Teacher Corps $5,000-$15,000 Senior, entering into a Mar. 1st

(IFTC) Program - ISAC teacher shortage area as

listed by the state, or made

a commitment to teach at

a hard-to-staff school.

CHO (Community Hospital Varies Sr., Going into Health Mar. 1st

Of Ottawa) Foundation Field, 2.5 GPA or higher

Minority Teachers of IL Up to $5000 Senior, Minority student, Mar. 1st (ISAC) Entering into an education

program to teach, etc.

IL Special Education Tuition Waiver Senior, Enrolled at a State Mar. 1st

Tuition Waiver (ISAC) University for Special

Education, High ACT score

(23 or above), rank in top

half of class

LaSalle Cty. Soil $500 Live in LaSalle Cty., Plan Mar. 7th

& Water Conservation on entering a natural or

District Scholarship conservation area or an Ag

Related field

S.A.M.M.Y. “Got Milk” $7500 For outstanding student Mar. 7th

Scholarship athletes: academics, athletics,

Leadership, community service

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Illinois Elks Scholarship Varies Sr., attending college Mar. 10th

To study physical or

Occupational therapy, pre-

Therapy, or therapy assistant.

Hispanic Heritage Varies Apply online at Mar. 14th

Youth Award

Ada Mucklestone $800-$1200 IL resident, child/ Mar. 15th

Memorial, Illinois grandchild of veteran,

Auxillary American may not have attended

Legion institution of higher learning

Marie Sheehe $800 IL resident, child/ Mar. 15th

Trade School, IL grandchild of veteran

Aux. Amer. Legion

Mildred R. varies IL resident, veteran, Mar. 15th

Knoles Opportunity, IL child/grandchild of

Aux. Amer. Legion veteran, financial need

Illinois Sheriffs’ $500 Essay req., permanent Mar. 15th

Association resident of IL, transcript,

Scholarship letter of recommendation,

personal letter, full-time

student, no restrictions on

course of study, (one for both

Grundy and LaSalle county)

U of I Children of Veterans Tuition Parent must be a veteran, Mar. 15th

Must attend a University

of Illinois campus,

Morris Theatre Guild $500 Sr, academics, class rank, Mar. 15th

ACT score, School Activities,

Community Service, Letters

Of Rec., Essay

Northern Illinois Varies Sr., major in Journalism Mar. 15th

Newspaper Association or Communications with an

(NINA) emphasis on print journalism


Illinois Chemical Varies Sr, College in Fall, Major Mar. 15th

Education Foundation in Chemistry or related

Field, Outstanding Academics

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Kohl’s Scholarship Varies Sr., College in Fall, Mar. 15th

Outstanding community


Illinois Valley Cellular $500 “C” ave., Live in LaSalle Mar. 15th

Cty., Attending college

in fall

IVCC Theater Scholarship $400-$500 Sr., Attending IVCC in fall Mar. 27th

Involved in Theater

Production & Classes,

Recommendation, Portfolio

LaSalle County Illini Club Varies Sr, accepted and attending Mar. 31st

U of I, UIC, or UIS in fall.

Operation St. Nick $1000 Live in Grundy Cty., Mar. 31st

Scholarship financial need, academic

Achievement, school and

Community involvement,

Essay and interview.

Ancient Accepted Varies Senior, 3.0 GPA, entering Apr. 1st

Scottish Rite Scholarship health care field, accepted at

an Illinois college or univ. or

a state contiguous to IL,

Letters of Rec. required,

Delta Kappa Gamma $400 Female, Majoring in Apr. 1st

Society Scholarship Education, Accepted

At a college/University

Morris BPW $500-$750 Senior, female, Grundy Apr. 1st

County resident, entering

Into a math or science field

American Fire Sprinkler Varies Seniors, essay contest, Apr. 1st

Association apply online at

, only

First 1000 essays received

Are eligible

IL Lumber Material $500 - $2000 Pursue degree in lumber Apr. 1st

Or building materials industry

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

George Mangiaracina Up to $1000 Attending an IL 2-yr or Apr. 1st

Memorial Scholarship 4-yr college in fall, short

Essay, statement, info sheet,

upper 50% of class, priority

given to those entering bus.

Administration or Accounting

Beta Sigma Psi $1,000 Confirmed Lutheran male, Apr 1st

National Lutheran enrolling as a freshman at

Fraternity university of IL at Urbana-

Champaign, academic

achievement, school/church/

community activities,

pastoral recommendation,


Martha A. Slyter $1000 Resident of Grundy Cty., Apr. 4th

Education Scholarship Majoring in Education at

A 2 or 4 year college, two

Letters of recommendation

Ameren Minority $2500 Sr. considered a minority. Apr. 7th

Scholarship Attending a university in

fall, 2.667 GPA, majoring

in Engineering

Tri-County Opportunity Varies Attending college in fall, Apr. 13th

Council Block Grant Resident of LaSalle Cty.,

Financial Need

Delta Theta Tau varies Verification of Admission, Apr. 14th

Letter of recommendation,

and a personal letter

St. Mary’s Hostpital Up to $1000 Sr., Accepted into an Apr. 14th

Chad Scoles Scholarship accredited health care

program, Reside within 30

miles of St. Mary’s in Streator,

Maintain a 3.0 GPA

Financial Plus Credit $500 Sr., Member of Ottawa’s Apr. 14th

Union Scholarship (Ottawa) Financial Plus Credit Union,

Have Financial Need, 2.5 GPA

Joseph Hohner up to $575 Full-time student, legal Apr. 15th resident of LaSalle County, based on merit and need

financial need, leadership,

letters of recommendation

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Grundy Cty. Soil $500 Live in Grundy Cty., Plan Apr. 18th

& Water Conservation on entering a natural or

District Scholarship conservation area or an Ag

Related field

Seneca Lions Club $200 Based on scholarship Apr. 18th

and other qualities

Kendall-Grundy Varies Resident of Kendall or Apr. 18th

Community Action Grundy Cty., Income eligible

Scholarship household, Attending an IL

College/Univ. in fall,

Demonstrates Community


Student-View Scholarship $500-$3000 Sr., Atttending college in Apr. 22nd

Fall, random winners are

Chosen after students

complete a 15-20 min.

Application online at

Mazon State Bank $500 Business related major at Apr. 25th

Directors and a 2 or 4 year college



Mazon American Varies Senior, verification of Apr. 25th

Legion admission for next academic

Year, letter of rec., personal


Journal Star Newspaper $1000 (for 4 yrs) Must maintain a 2.75 GPA, Apr. 25th

Career Scholarship Major in Journalism-photo


Graphic Design, Live in

LaSalle Cty.

Tri-County Legal $250 Attending IVCC, pursuing Apr. 30th

Secretaries Association a degree in the clerical,

Scholarship criminal justice, or systems

Management field.

Seneca Port Authority Varies Sr., attending either JJC or May 1st

Scholarship IVCC after high school, two

Letters of recommendation

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

American Legion $500 Be the child or grandchild May 1st

Kasal Post #457 of a person who served in

The military. Good academics,

Good Citizenship

Marseilles Rotary $500 Marseilles address, May 1st

Club (Bob Harris) letter of acceptance,

letter of recommendation,

written essay

Morris Hospital $ 500-750 US Citizen, major May 2nd

Auxiliary Health in health field, essay,

Education accepted in allied

Scholarship health program, live

in Morris Hospital Service

area, transcript, 2 letters

of recommendation

Careen Gordon Varies Sr., Attendinga 4 yr. Public May 9th

Scholarship State University in Illinois,

Live in 75 district

IVCC Helen Taylor $500-$750 For Valedictorians ($750), May 27th

Scholarship and Salutatorians ($500)

LaSalle County Voiture Varies Financial need, letter of May 30th Nursing Scholarship acceptance from intended

college, transcript, student

letter of application

IVCC Scholarships Varies See IVCC Catalog May 31st

Triangle Achievement $500-$1000 Sr., Male, Attending June 6th

Award U of I in fall, 3.4 GPA,

Demonstrate leadership

Through activities and

Community service,


Rezin Orthopedic Sports $1000 (2) 3.0 GPA, enrolling into June 15th

Medicine Scholarship pre-med, physical therapy,

Occ., therapy, sports

medicine, ath. training, med

tech, nursing, etc.

Educators of Beauty Up to $1000 Plan to attend Educators of July 31st

Scholarship Beauty in LaSalle, Essay

Scholarship Amount Qualification Deadline

Alpha Sigma Phi $1000 Sr., Attending U of I in fall, Aug. 20th

Outstanding leadership

Skills in high school and

in community

Psi U University Grant Up to $1000 Sr. Male, Attending U of I Aug 20th

Program in fall, Exhibit moral,

intellectual, and social



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