Grade 5 – Non-Renewable Resources

Assessment Overview

Grade 5 - Science

Non-renewable resources with a focus on mining and rocks and minerals

Language Arts:

C2 write a variety of clear, focused informational writing for a range of purposes and audiences, featuring

– Clearly developed ideas by using interesting supporting details and explanations

– An organization that includes a purposeful introduction, followed by a well-developed and

logical sequence of details, with a conclusion that summarizes the details

C5 select and use strategies before writing and representing, including

– Setting a purpose

– Generating, selecting, developing, and organizing ideas from personal interest, prompts,

models of good literature, and/or graphics


S1 - analyse how BC’s living and non-living resources are used

S2 - identify methods of extracting or harvesting and processing BC’s resources

S3 - analyse how the Aboriginal concept of interconnectedness of the environment is

reflected in responsibility for and caretaking of resources

S4 - describe potential environmental impacts of using BC’s living and non-living


|Tasks |PLO Links |

|Summative Tasks |Unit Test: S1, S2, S4 |

| | |

|Unit Test |Newspaper Article: S3, S4, S2, C2, C5 |

|Newspaper Article | |

|Formative Tasks | |

| |-Journal: S1 |

|-Journals: Science Idea Box: record personally developed definitions.|-Worksheet: S1 |

|-Worksheet: List non-renewable (rocks and minerals) resources found |-“Frog Girl” Newspaper Article: S3, C2, C5 |

|in the picture (recognizing how non-renewable resources are used) |-Apple Mining Experiment: S2, S4 |

|-Newspaper article based on “Frog Girl”: which focuses on Aboriginal |-Chart: S1, S2, S4 |

|Peoples connectedness to the environment |-Comparison Chart: S3, S4 |

|-Apple mining experiment: how rocks and minerals are extracted, and |-Newspaper Article based on comparison chart: S3, S4, C2, C5 |

|compare environmental effects | |

|-Chart: Name type of resource, name type of mine, processing, and | |

|closing mines (tailings) and list the negative effects for each. | |

|-Comparison chart: Personal connection to environment compared to | |

|Aboriginal Peoples connection to the environment. | |

|-Newspaper Article: based on comparison chart information | |

|Diagnostic Task | |

|Students complete a KWL chart | |

|Then class collaboratively create a classroom KWL chart: Ask students| |

|to answer the following questions … | |

|What is a non-renewable resource? | |

|What are examples of non- | |

|renewable resources? | |

|Where are non-renewable resources found? | |

|How do we use non-renewable | |

|resources in our everyday lives? | |

|How might Aboriginal Peoples use non-renewable resources? | |

|How are non-renewable resources | |

|harvested and extracted? What | |

|does harvested and extracted mean? | |

|How might our use of non- renewable resources affect the earth. | |

Science Rubric

| |1 |3 |5 |Comments |

|Analyse how the Aboriginal | | | | |

|concept of interconnectedness|Rarely |Sometimes |Thoroughly & Insightfully | |

|of the environment is | | | | |

|reflected in responsibility | | | | |

|for and caretaking of | | | | |

|resources. | | | | |

|Describe potential | | | | |

|environmental impacts of |Rarely |Sometimes |Thoroughly | |

|harvesting, extracting, and | | | | |

|using BC’s non-renewable | | | | |

|resource of rocks and | | | | |

|minerals. | | | | |

Language Arts

| |1 |3 |5 |Comments |

|Three clearly developed ideas | | | | |

|by using interesting supporting|Needs More Practice |Mostly |Thoroughly | |

|details and explanations | | | | |

|An organization that includes a| | | | |

|purposeful introduction (Lead),|Needs More Practice |Mostly |Thoroughly | |

|followed by a well-developed | | | | |

|and logical sequence of | | | | |

|details, with a conclusion that| | | | |

|summarizes the details | | | | |

|Generating, selecting, | | | | |

|developing, and organizing |Unable even with support |Often with some support |Independently and | |

|ideas from personal interest, | | |consistently | |

|prompts, models of good | | | | |

|literature, and/or graphics | | | | |

|(From a Graphic Organizer) | | | | |

Newspaper Article Steps

1. Review and use Tahltan video questions to write newspaper article.

2. Complete the “who, what, where, when, why” worksheet. Each answer should be supported with details and explanations.

3. Complete the “Newspaper Story Format” organizer. This includes …

a. Lead: A hook, an interesting, surprising, or shocking sentence that will grab the attention of your reader.

b. Five Ws: Enter in your information for who, what, where, when, and why.

c. Three Details:

i. The three details you will write about.

ii. Each detail needs to have supporting ideas.

iii. Include Aboriginal Peoples idea about interconnectedness of the environment with their responsibilities.

iv. Include negative environmental effects and why.

v. No personal opinion.

d. One Detail:

i. The last detail you want to write about.

ii. This detail is not that important.

iii. Needs to have a supporting idea.

iv. This is your conclusion.

v. No personal opinion.

4. Write your article in paragraph form.

5. Edit your article for spelling.

6. Compete the good copy on the blank white piece of paper.

a. Outlined with fine liner

b. Newspaper Name

c. Neat

Student Rubric

| |1 |3 |5 |

|Analyse how Aboriginal Peoples idea| | | |

|of interconnectedness is connected |Rarely |Sometimes |Thoroughly & Insightfully |

|to their responsibility to the | | | |

|environment and resources. | | | |

|Include and describe environmental | | | |

|effects of harvesting, extracting, |Rarely |Sometimes |Thoroughly |

|and using rocks and minerals | | | |

|Three ideas with interesting | | | |

|supporting details and |Needs More Practice |Mostly |Thoroughly |

|explanations. | | | |

|Organized: | | | |

|1Interesting lead |Needs More Practice |Mostly |Thoroughly |

|Who, what, where, when, why | | | |

|Ideas and supporting details | | | |

|Closing detail | | | |

|Develop ideas through the | | | |

|“Newspaper Story Format” graphic |Unable Even With Support |Often With Some Support |Independently & Consistently |

|organizer. | | | |

|Develop ideas through the 5Ws | | | |

|worksheet. | | | |

|Develop ideas from Tahltan question| | | |

|sheet. | | | |


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