Final Examination Study Guide

Midterm Examination Study Guide Name:

January 2013 Date:

The grade 9 English midterm will include sections on:

Short Stories, Short Story Terms, Vocabulary, Epic Poetry Terms, and The Odyssey

Short Story Literary Terms

For the exam, you must be able to define each of these literary terms and be able to apply to any short story. Write the definition of these terms in the boxes provided.

|protagonist |antagonist |

|dynamic character |static character |

|round character |flat character |

|verbal irony |situational irony |

|dramatic irony |theme |

|foreshadowing |symbol |

|metaphor |simile |

|first person point of view |second person point of view |

|third person limited point of view |third person omniscient point of view |

|internal conflict |external conflict |

|setting |mood |

|direct characterization |indirect characterization |

|plot |exposition |

|rising action |climax |falling action |resolution |

Epic Poetry Terms

For the exam, you must be able to define each of these epic poetry terms and be able to apply them. Write the definition of these terms in the boxes provided.

|epic poem |en media res |

|epic simile |epithet |

|archetype |invocation |

Odyssey by Homer

A. Characters

Be able to identify the following characters and discuss their importance to the story.

|Aeolus |Alcinous |

|Antinous |Apollo |

|Athena |Calypso |

|Charybdis |Circe |

|Eumaeus |Eurylochus |

|Eurymachus |Helios |

|Helen |Laertes |

|The Laestrygonians |Odysseus |

|Penelope |Polyphemus |

|Poseidon |Scylla |

|The Sirens |Telemachus |

|Tiresias |Zeus, Hermes |

B. Major Events, Major Lessons

Go through the Odyssey and pick out what you think are the major events of each part. Next to each, write a lesson that the event taught the audience

|Event |Lesson |

|The raid on the Cicones |Importance of obedience to leaders |

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|The Lotus Eaters | |

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|The Cyclops | |

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|Aeolus and the Bag of Winds | |

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|The Laestrygonians | |

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|Circe | |

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|The Underworld | |

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|The Sirens | |

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|Scylla and Charybdis | |

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|The Cattle of the Sun | |

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|Calypso | |

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|Test of the Bow | |

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|Death in the Great Hall | |

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|Trunk of the Olive Tree | |

Short Stories

The following stories were read in class.

“The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

“A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury

“Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl

“Gaston” by William Saroyan

“The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell

“Cask of Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

For each story, be able to identify the following:

❖ Characters (round, flat, dynamic, static, protagonist, antagonist, foil)

❖ Setting

❖ Point of View

❖ Conflict (internal, external, person vs. ?)

❖ Theme(s)

❖ Stages of Plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution)

Possible Essay Topics

While these are not the essay questions that will appear on the exam, thinking about how you would answer these questions will help you to prepare.

How do Odysseus and Penelope demonstrates the ancient Greeks' idea of the ideal man and woman?

What was Odysseus' most difficult challenge during his journey, and what made it so difficult?

How do the failings of other characters draw attention to the good qualities of Odysseus?

Select a dynamic character from any story we read, and explain the changes he/she went through.

Select two characters from any stories we have read and compare/contrast them.

Select two stories with similar themes and compare/contrast the way the themes are presented.

Which character best represents a static/dynamic/round/flat character, and why?

Study Tips

I. Review materials

a. study guides

b. notes

c. past tests/quizzes/papers

II. Teamwork

a. drill literary terms/plot events with a partner

b. trade missing notes/study guides

III. Don't try to do it all in one night!


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