Science 9 Final Exam Review KEY - School District 41 Burnaby

Science 9 Final Exam Review KEY

Safety and Chemistry

1. Explain the particle model of matter and how temperature affects matter. -matter is made up of small particles -space between particles changes depending on temperature -particles are always moving -particles are attracted to one another/strength depends on types of particles

TEMPERATURE provides KINETIC ENERGY to particles meaning the move faster and further away from one another

2. Draw and explain each of the WHMIS symbols.

Dangerous Container (outside) Dangerous Product (inside)

3. List and explain the quantitative properties of matter. Quantitative: means physical properties than can be measured with NUMBERS

4. Explain what is meant by the term pure substance. Pure Substance: made up only ONE kind of matter. There are 2 KINDS: 1. ELEMENT 2: COMPOUND (2 or more elements)

5. List the three subatomic particles; be sure to explain where they are located and their charge.

Alkaline Earth Metals

Noble Gases

6. Explain the difference between families and periods.


Families: VERTICAL COLUMNS (transition and rare-earth metal families are made up of multiple columns )

7. List and locate the four families on the periodic table. *see above diagram

Alkali Metals: highly reactive with oxygen and water, lose 1 electron Alkaline Earth Metals: not as reactive as alkali metals but will burn brightly, lose 2 electrons Halogens: highly reactive, poisonous, need ONE extra electron for full valence shell Noble Gases: usually do not react, have a FULL valence shell

8. Describe the properties of metals, non-metals and metalloids.

9. Explain how the periodic table is organized. 10. Explain the difference between an atom and an ion.

Atoms: HAVE NOT reacted, have NO charge

Ions: : HAVE reacted, HAVE either a +/- charge,

11. What is the electron arrangement for an atom?

Atoms want to have full valence shells (if possible) and react by either GAINING or LOSING electrons to fix their outer/VALENCE shell

12. Using a Bohr diagram, draw an atom and ion of the element aluminum.

ATOM: no charge unfilled valance

ION: +3 charge/lost three electrons filled valence

13. Explain what is meant by the term valence electrons. Valence: outer shell electrons that are either LOST or GAINED when an atom REACTS to become an ION

14. Explain the difference between ionic and covalent bonds.

15. Write the correct formula for the following compounds: a. Silver Nitride b. Aluminum Phosphide c. Chromium II chloride d. Copper I Nitride e. Lithium dichromate f. Manganese IV sulphate g. Aluminum hydroxide

16. Write the name for the following compounds: a. Na2O b. Ag3N c. CrBr3 d. Fe2O3 e. Mg3(PO4)2 f. (NH4)3P g. NaCH3COO

17. What two things can you determine from a chemical formula? -The MINIMUM number of each elements needed to make the compound -Whether the compound is ionic or covalent.

18. Explain the difference between a physical and chemical change. PHYSICAL: change in state or dissociation of a compound into ions. NO new products made CHEMICAL: a reaction where NEW products are made. It is not usually reversible


1. Explain the relationship between DNA, genes and chromosomes. -DNA is very long double-chained strands of genetic material. -Genes are SHORT sections along the DNA chain that code for either RNA messages or PROTEINS -Chromosomes are one double stranded DNA chain tightly wound up and held by HISTONE proteins mainly forming X-shaped structures

2. What is a mutagen and provide an example. Mutagen is something that causes a change to the GENETIC CODE in DNA. Examples are: cigarette smoke, X-rays, UV-light, pesticides, pollutants, some household cleaners, food additives

3. What is meant by the term genetic code? Genetic code refers to the SEQUENCE of base pairs (A,T,C,G) found in a chromosome or DNA strand

4. Draw and label an animal cell and give a brief explanation for each of the organelles.

Cell membrane Layer that surrounds cells, controls what enters and leaves


Jelly like substance, houses organelles


Involved in protein production

Golgi Body

Sorts and packages proteins for transport


Contains nuclear information about cell and important proteins


Powerhouse that is responsible for energy production of a cell


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