Technology - Grade 7-9 Workbooks


Grade 9

Book 2


Learner Book

Developed and funded as an ongoing project by the Sasol Inzalo Foundation in partnership with the Ukuqonda Institute.

Published by The Ukuqonda Institute 9 Neale Street, Rietondale, 0084 Registered as a Title 21 company, registration number 2006/026363/08 Public Benefit Organisation, PBO Nr. 930035134 Website:

First published in 2014 ? 2014. Copyright in the work is vested in the publisher. Copyright in the text remains vested in the contributors.

ISBN: 978-1-920705-05-3

This book was developed with the participation of the Department of Basic Education of South Africa with funding from the Sasol Inzalo Foundation.

Contributors: Graham Barlow, Louis Botha, John de Klerk, Jacqui Greenop, Chris Human, Piet Human, Riekie Human, Xenia Kyriacou, Morne Labuschagne, John Laurie, Ezekiel Makwana, Rallai Maleka, Mafahle Mashegoana, Themba Mavuso, Peter Middleton, Lebogang Modisakwena, Peter Moodie, Neil Murtough, Sarah Niss, Humphrey Nkgogo, Phillip Radingoane, Jan Randewijk, Margot Roebert, Marlene Rousseau, Marcus Taba, Yvonne Thiebaut, Cecile Turley, Louis van Aswegen, Karen van Niekerk, Elene van Sandwyk, Hettie Vos, Magdaleen Snyman

Illustrations and graphics: Astrid Blumer (Happy Artworks Studio), Ian Greenop, Chris Human, Piet Human, Peter Middleton, Peter Moodie, Melany Pietersen (Happy Artworks Studio), Theo Sandrock, Lisa Steyn Illustration, Heine van As (Happy Artworks Studio), Leonora van Staden, Geoff Walton

Cover illustration: Leonora van Staden

Photographs: Lenni de Koker, Ian Greenop, Chris Human, Tessa Oliver, Elsa Retief (GalleryProductions)

Text design: Mike Schramm Layout and typesetting: Lebone Publishing Services

Thanks for free sharing of ideas, and free access to photographs, to: Cape Peninsula Fire Protection Association, National Sea Rescue Institute, The Transitions Collective (

Thanks to people or institutions who placed photographs in the public domain on mons., with no attribution required.

Thanks to Frank Murmann, 2008, whose photo appears on page 132, for sharing that photo on mons. under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.

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Table of contents

Term 3

Chapter 1:

Component symbols and simple circuits.............................. 1

Chapter 2:

Resistors and Ohm's Law ....................................................... 19

Chapter 3:

Electronic components 1......................................................... 31

Chapter 4:

Electronic components 2 ........................................................ 45

Chapter 5:

Build and draw electronic circuits ......................................... 57

Chapter 6: Mini-Pat

Electronic systems and control .............................................. 69

Term 4

Chapter 7:

Preserving metals.................................................................... 93

Chapter 8:

Extending the shelf life of food ............................................. 107

Chapter 9:

Plastics ..................................................................................... 121

Chapter 10:

Recycling and manufacturing with recycled plastic ............. 131

Chapter 11: Mini-PAT

Reduce, re-use and recycle: Working with plastics............. 139


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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