Sandwich Book Report

Sandwich Book Report

Assembling Di

Materials Needed:

Final Draft Templates o Evaluation Rubric

o Pencil or Pen o Color Pencils/Markers o Scissors and Stapler

1. Using your edited First Draft, complete the writing sections in your sandwich templates.

2. Draw and color a picture from the book on the title bread slice.

3. Draw and color a picture about your favorite part of the book on the "My Favorite Part" bread slice.

4. Color each layer of your sandwich book report.

a. top bread layer: light brown b. tomato: red c. onion: light yellow, light purple, or leave white d. lettuce: green e. cheese: yellow or orange f. meat: brown g. bottom bread layer: light brown

5. Cut out all the layers of your sandwich book report along the solid black lines.

6. Staple the layers of your sandwich book report together along the top. Staple them in the order that is listed in Step 4 above.

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Sandwich Book Report

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Report 9





Grading Rubric:


Excellent Very Good


Setting and


Problem and

Story Climax

Solution, Conclusion, and Favorite


Proofreading and Editing

Final Presentation and Effort

I have described when and where the story takes place and introduced the main and minor characters. I have described the main problem and the point of greatest interest, or suspense, in the story. I described how the main character solved the problem, the ending, and my favorite part of the story. I have proofread and edited my writing for grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation errors. I have used my neatest handwriting and my best effort to draw my pictures and color my sandwich book report.


Shade in the face for each section for the score that you feel you have earned.

Total Points:



Circle the number in each section for the score that the student earned.

Total Points:



Sandwich Book Report

Top Bread Layer: Color this layer of your sandwich light brown and color the olive green. Cut this template out along the solid black lines.

Author: Senre:

?Unique Teaching Resources

Draw and color a picture in the box above.

Sandwich Book Report

Bottom Bread Layer: Color this layer of your sandwich light brown. Cut this template out along the solid black lines.

O My Favorite Part: Q

Draw and color a picture of your favorite part of the book in the box above.

Sandwich Book Report

Meat Layer: Color this layer of your sandwich brown. Cut this template out along the solid black lines.

Solution and Conclusion:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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