Scholarships / Bursaries
Scholarships / Bursaries
|Scholarships are ordered by deadline. University / College specific scholarships are in a separate |
|table at the bottom of the page. |
General Scholarships
|Scholarship |Deadline |Selection Criteria |
|Website | |(open links/website) |
|Blyth Cambridge |Submit two |Students who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement and the ability to excel at Cambridge University. Intellectual depth and |
|Scholarship |months prior |personal integrity are key requirements and should be reflected in their grades and letters of recommendation. |
|Full tuition, |to the start | |
|travel costs and |of the | |
|living allowance |academic year| |
|for 3 years | | |
|Loran Award and |October |Academic average of 85% or higher. Candidates should be outstanding students who demonstrate character, promise of leadership, and |
|Canadian Moorehead | |strong commitment to service in the community. Two dues dates: sponsored applicants and direct pool applicants |
|Scholarship |Sponsored | |
| |applicants | |
|$3,000 up to |see Guidance | |
|$64,000 |first week of| |
| |October | |
|Horatio Alger |October |Scholarships of up to $10,000 are awarded to full-time students in their terminal year of high school with financial need (family |
|Canadian | |income under $65,000) who have demonstrated integrity and perseverance in overcoming adversity, a commitment to pursue a |
|Scholarship program| |post-secondary education, a desire to contribute to society, and a good academic record. |
|TD Canada Trust |November |Demonstrated outstanding community leadership in balance with good academic achievement. |
|Scholarship | |Up to 20 scholarships awarded nationally |
| | | |
|up to $ 70,000.00 | | |
|Diversity Bursary |December |Are you creative, innovative, connected? Are you embarking on a career in |
| | |communications, technology, design, video production, photography or marketing? |
| | |Do you belong to a diverse group? CNS is offering three, $1,000 bursaries to students from designated groups enrolled in a |
| | |post-secondary education program. The bursaries will be awarded in the categories of |
| | |Images, Words and Ideas. |
|Burger King |December | Candidates will be evaluated on their academic achievements and records and participation in school and community activities. |
|Scholars Program | |Students do not have to be employed at a Burger King restaurant to be eligible but there are additional scholarships for employees. |
|Schulich Leader |Early January|Schulich Leaders are selected by the universities. In order to become a Schulich Leader, one must be a Schulich Leader Nominee |
|Scholarships | |enrolling in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and MathematicsThe student must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of |
| |resume and |Canada and possess at least two of the three following attributes: |
|$60,000 |reference |- Exceptionally high academic grades |
| |letters to |- Demonstrated leadership in school life and community life, or provided evidence of entrepreneurial talent (Schulich Leader Nominees |
| |the Guidance |must provide two written references with at least one academic) |
| |Office |- Financial need |
| |to be |Students wishing to be considered for nomination must submit their resume and two reference letters (at least one academic) to their |
| |considered |Guidance Counsellor by early January |
| |for | |
| |nomination | |
| | | |
|Terry Fox |Check website|Candidate should demonstrate the highest ideals and qualities of citizenship, courage in overcoming obstacles, involvement in |
|Humanitarian Award |in Nov |voluntary humanitarian and community work, and participation in sport and fitness |
| | | |
|up to $7,000 / year|Due February | |
|Phillip W. Oland |Mid February |For students with high scholastic standing and demonstrated leadership ability. Renewable for four years at $6,000 per year. *The |
|and J.P. McCarthy | |school can only nominate one student in the top 1% - 2% of the grade 12 class. If you wish to be considered for nomination please |
|Scholarships - St |to Guidance |submit your resume to your guidance counselor by deadline |
|FX |Office | |
| | | |
|The Zonta club of |February |The Young Women in Public Affairs Award Program: |
|Halifax | |The Young Women in Public Affairs (YWPA) Program offers recognition and awards at district and international level for outstanding |
|Scholarships | |young women who are making a difference in their world through service. The winner will be awarded $1,000. |
|Co-Op Atlantic |March |Applicant must be a Co-op Atlantic member or a dependant of a current Co-op Atlantic member or employee or a full-time or part-time |
|McEwen Scholarship | |employee. |
| | |Applicants are judged on their application including a formal written essay. They should be able to demonstrate knowledge of |
| | |co-operative issues and/or organizations, have good academic performance and have demonstrated community/school involvement. |
|Leonard Foundation |March |Preference will be given to daughters or sons of ordained clergy, licensed elementary or secondary school teachers, Canadian military |
|Scholarship | |personnel, graduates of a Canadian Military College, members of the Engineering Institute of Canada and members of the Mining and |
| | |Metallurgical Institute of Canada Successful applicants are expected to obtain employment during free time to help defray the costs of|
|$1,000 - $1,500 | |their education. In addition, they must participate regularly in athletic, fitness or military activities. Personal qualities showing |
| | |a potential for leadership are also a requirement. |
| | |Application Form can be forwarded for consideration only through a Nominator. Select one nearest you and call for an appointment. This|
| | |must be done before March 15. The earlier, the better but not before January |
|Knights of Columbus|March |Open to practicing Catholics of good moral character who are residents of Nova Scotia and are planning to attend University, Community|
| | |College or Private College. Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and on high academic standing. Applications must be |
| $1,000 | |delivered to Alvin Cameron Knights of Columbus Council#7077 29 Coles Road, Lr. Sackville, NS, B4C1T9 See Guidance for applications|
|scholarship | | |
|and | | |
|$500 bursary | | |
|Credit Counselling | March |Learning financial skills is crucial to future financial freedom. Since 2004 Credit Counselling Services of Atlantic Canada, Inc. |
|Services of | |(CCSAC) has awarded $71,000 to students across Atlantic Canada. With several $1,000 scholarships available annually, we continue to |
|Atlantic Canada, | |provide students with the tools to minimize their post-secondary debt and to use credit wisely |
|Inc. Scholarship | | |
|Several $1,000 | | |
|scholarships | | |
|available | | |
|W.Garfield Weston |March |Open to students who are passionate about their field of study, curious, courageous and willing to try new things, caring about their |
|Award | |family, neighborhood and community; and truly interested in becoming involved and making a difference in society. University and |
| | |Skilled Trades scholarships |
|Dr. P Anthony |March |A graduate of a Nova Scotia high school in this academic year (not as a result of upgrading) planning to attend a Maritime Provinces |
|Johnstone | |university in the fall. Student must have a demonstrated interest in multiculturalism and human rights. |
|Scholarship | |Applications available at . |
| | | |
|$6,000 | | |
|Ted Rogers |March |Seeking exemplary Indigenous high school leaders to apply for theTed Rogers Scholarship Fund (For Indigenous Students). This award is |
|Scholarship Fund | |for students entering their first year in full time studies in a two-year college diploma program or a four-year undergraduate program|
|for Indigenous | |at a Canadian accredited college or university. Applicants MUST have strong leadership skills and commitment to their school and |
|Students | |community. |
| | |The application process and simple application can be found at |
| | | |
| | |$2500 (renewable) |
|East Coast Credit |March |To be eligible for an East Coast Credit Union bursary, the applicant must: |
|Union | |1. Be a member or the child or grandchild of a member or employee/board member of East Coast Credit Union. |
| | |2. Be enrolled full-time for your first year at an accredited vocational program, college or university for the upcoming academic year|
| | |3. Complete the application and submit it before the deadline |
| | |4. Be a Canadian citizen |
| | | |
| | |Students will complete the application via Survey Monkey. Here is the direct link to our website page that hosts the bursary |
| | |package: |
| | | Nine bursaries at $1000 (for members of ECCU or their children/grandchildren); and one (for a child/grandchild of ECCU staff or board|
| | |members) |
|Nova Scotia Power |March |Nova Scotia Power supports a number of scholarships at educational institutions province-wide for students in trades and degree |
|scholarships | |programs. To learn more about the scholarships they offer view the link to the left. |
|Girl Guides of |April |Scholarships are open to girl and adult members who are pursuing post-secondary education at a recognized college, university or |
|Canada | |trades program. Whether you're studying engineering, education, political science, or anything in between, there's a scholarship |
| | |that's right for you! Guiding involvement and participation are important criteria in the awarding of National Scholarships. |
| | |Scholarships are available for both full-time and part-time studies. |
|Bedford Players |April |Bedford Players will present one $1000.00 scholarship to a student who will be attending a post-secondary theatre arts program. |
|Scholarship | | |
|$1000 | | |
|Robbie and Jean |April |The Robbie and Jean Shaw Scholarship will offer post-secondary grant(s) to former or present IWK patients, who are entering any year |
|Shaw Scholarship | |of post-secondary studies. |
| | |The required essay and reference letters will form the basis of adjudication of the award according to the following weighted |
| | |criteria: |
| | |Minimum school average of 75 20% |
| | |Community involvement (both with IWK and beyond) 30% |
| | |How the scholarship will make a difference to them 25% |
| | |Why the IWK is special to them 20% |
| | |Hopes & dreams for the future 5% |
| | |Applications can be downloaded at |
| | | $2500 (minimum) |
|Friends of Sable |April |The Friends of Sable Island Society offers a scholarship to promote learning and awareness about Canada’s 43rd National Park. The |
|Island Society | |award is open to all grade 12 students in the NS school system entering a post secondary institution with an average of at least 75%.|
| | |Information on submission requirements and relevant areas of interest, along with the application form can be found at |
| | | |
| | | |
| | |$1000 |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Royal Canadian | |Awarded to N.S. students planning to attend a post-secondary institution on a full time basis. Bursaries are awarded on a point system|
|Legion – Jack Moore|April |that is based on financial need, with special consideration given to children of Veterans. See Guidance for application |
|and AIL Insurance | | |
|Bursary | | |
| | | |
|$500 | | |
|Royal Canadian |April |Awarded to N.S. students planning to attend a post-secondary institution on a full time basis. Bursaries are awarded on a point system|
|Legion – Elsie Jean| |that is based on financial need, with special consideration given to children of Veterans. |
|Lambert Scholarship| | |
| | | |
| | | |
|$1,000 | | |
|Wales Scholarship |April |A disabled resident of Nova Scotia Starting post-secondary education in Nova Scotia (University, Community College or Private College)|
| | | |
|$6,000 | | |
|PAANS - Partnership|April |To be considered, scholarship applicants must: |
|for Access | |Be a person with a permanent disability. Applications are evaluated on a number of factors including: Community involvement, |
|Awareness of NS - | |Extra-curricular activities, Approach to overcoming barriers, Academic performance, Educational goals and direction. |
|Scholarships for | |All required documentation must be received at the Partnership for Access Awareness - NS office (for address, see below) no later than|
|Students with | |4:30 pm on the due date. |
|Disabilities | | |
|Eleven of $1500 | | |
|Three of $2000 | | |
|deGarthe Art | April |deGarthe Art Scholarship |
|Scholarship | |Eligibility: The applicant must be in the final year of high school and eligible for graduation. Also the applicant must have an |
| | |intent to study art in a post-secondary setting. The applicant must submit 2 unframed original pieces of art work in oil and/or water |
|$1000 | |color, or acrylic. |
|EnCana High School |April |For students entering university programs in engineering, geology or geophysics or a technical or trades program relative to the oil |
|Scholarship | |and gas industry. Must demonstrate solid academic performance, community involvement, and leadership. |
| | | |
|$10,000 ($2,500 | | |
|renewable over | | |
|four years) | | |
|The Jordan Boyd |April |The Jordan Boyd Leadership Award & Scholarship has been established to recognize individuals in amateur hockey, in the form a series |
|Leadership Award & | |of scholarships, who have demonstrated a passion for sportsmanship, learning, leadership and community. These qualities reflect those |
|Scholarship | |found in Jordan.The Award & Scholarship was established in 2013 shortly after Jordan’s passing. Since that time 14 student athletes |
| | |have received a Jordan Boyd Leadership Award & Scholarship.Awards are paid directly to the post secondary institution upon proof of |
| | |successful completion of the first semester. |
| | |Registered during current playing season with Hockey Nova Scotia or NSSAF (hockey) as a member in good standing as either a player or |
| | |on-ice official. |
| | |Must graduate from high school same year the award is presented. |
| | |Must commence post secondary studies at a Canadian University or Community College in the same year the award is presented or the |
| | |first year after Junior eligibility if playing Jr Hockey. |
| | |Must be committed to the principle of fair play and sportsmanship. |
| | |Applicant must write a short essay explaining why they are deserving and how they have met the criteria. |
| | |We’re proud to support a number of scholarships at educational institutions province-wide for students in trades and degree programs. |
| | |To learn more about the scholarships we offer, view any of the links to the left or click here to view current scholarship openings. |
| | | |
|Nova Scotia Power |April | |
|Scholarship | | |
| | | |
|Michelin Female |April |Awarded to female students enrolling in eligible programs at NSCC. Applicants will submit an essay describing why they are interested |
|Technical | |in a career at Michelin. Selection is based on content of essay, academic ability, and character, demonstration of teamwork and |
|Initiative Bursary | |leadership skills. |
|Program | | |
|2 X $2,500 | | |
|Black Educators |April |BEA Scholarship Book for High School (Download Now) |
|Association | | |
|Bursaries for | |Black Educators Association Bursaries for African NS Learners |
|African NS Learners| |Eligibility Criteria (This is a one-time bursary) |
| | |• African Nova Scotian (Black) learner - At least one parent to be of African descent |
| | |• Resident of Nova Scotia |
| | |• Demonstrate financial need |
| | |• Continuing studies at Post-Secondary institution (i.e., university, college, trade, school, |
| | |• Studying toward first degree or diploma at Canadian post-secondary institution (including the Transition Year Program) |
|Swim Nova Scotia |May |All competitive amateur swimmers registered with Swim Nova Scotia that are graduating high school will be eligible to submit |
|David Fry Memorial | |applications; they must intend to further their education and continue to swim competitively with a Nova Scotia University program |
|Fund | |that is affiliated with the AUS. |
|Pengrowth Nova |May |Awarded annually to students completing grade 12 at a Nova Scotia high school with the intent to pursue energy-related studies at |
|Scotia Energy | |university |
|Scholarship Program| | |
| | |The program also offers non-renewable $2,500 scholarships for first-year students accepted to eligible energy-related trades and |
| | |technology programs at the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC) |
| | | |
| | |$2500 renewable over four years ($10,000 total) |
|Royal Canadian |May |Calais Branch 162 established 8 $1000 bursaries to assist 1st year deserving students to pursue career goals at recognized post |
|Legion Calais | |secondary institutions in Canada. Applications are open to relatives or dependents of veterans, retired Military personal or those |
|Branch 162 | |serving in the Armed Forces. Legion Calais 162 see guidance for apps |
|Sackville NS | | |
|Bursary | | |
|Nova Scotia IODE |May |Open to students planning to continue their education after high school. Application is to be accompanied by a transcript and a letter|
|Bursary | |stating interests, future plans and financial status. Applicant and family must be in financial need |
| | |Applications available online |
|$500 | | |
|Encana Community |May |This scholarship is available only to Grade 12 students who are planning on pursuing post secondary education in a Department/Faculty |
|Scholarship | |of Engineering or departments of Geology or Geophysics in Nova Scotia. Disbursed in payment of $2500per year for up to four years to a|
| | |maximum of $10 000. Apply online click here |
|Post Secondary |May | |
|Tourism Scholarship| |The Nova Scotia Tourism Human Resource Council is |
| | |proud to support initiatives that encourage individuals |
| | |to pursue and enhance their professional careers |
| | |within the Nova Scotia Tourism Industry. |
|Halifax County |May |All Halifax County local members with children graduating high school are eligible to apply for a bursary from the Local. |
|local NSTU Bursary | |. |
| | |To be considered students must write a max 400 word essay o explaining: |
| | |1) Why you would be an outstanding candidate for the Halifax County bursary. |
| | |2) How the bursary will enhance your post secondary learning experience. |
|Stepping Stone |May |Awarded to an African Nova Scotian student who is enrolling full time at NSCC. Must have demonstrated financial need, a consistently |
|Bursary | |good academic standing, and have demonstrated involvement in the community through extra-curricular activities and/or community |
|(Black Cultural | |service. |
|Society of N.S.) | | |
| | | |
|(renewable) | | |
|EANS - Epilepsy |May |EANS Memorial Scholarships and The James Russell Kline Memorial Bursary and the Jesse Payne Memorial Bursary. |
|Association of NS | |The awards are available to young people who are under the care of a physician for the treatment of epilepsy, to assist with their |
|Scholarship and | |post-secondary education at any recognized institution throughout the world. |
|Bursary | |Application forms can be obtained by calling the EANS office at 429-2633, looking on the website, [under Programs] or|
| | |visiting the guidance office. There are different criteria for the scholarships and the bursaries. Potential applicants should |
| | |consider these when deciding which award is appropriate for their particular situation. If you have any questions please speak to me |
| | |at the above number. |
| | |Four scholarships of $500 |
|Karen Oxley Kennedy|May |Open to graduating students going on to further full-time study in music beginning the next academic year immediately following their |
|Memorial Vocal | |graduation from high school, Applications should include: |
|Scholarship | |1.) Covering letter outlining details of proposed music study at university and a brief resume highlighting music participation in the|
| | |schools you have attended, as well as any participation in All-City music programs and community music activities. |
|Kaye Dimock Pottie | |2.) A letter of recommendation from your high school music teacher(s) and proof of acceptance to a post-secondary music program. |
|Scholarship | |Submit the above to Scholarship Committee, c/o Sue Ellen Wilder, Halifax Schools' Music Centre, Room 310, Quinpool Education Centre, |
| | |6067 Quinpool Road, Halifax, NS, B3L 1A2 |
|Chalmers Doane | | |
|Scholarship | | |
|Monaanto Fund |May |Monsanto Fund Opportunity Scholarships are available to eligible students entering their first year of post-secondary education in |
|Opportunity | |agriculture at a recognized Canadian educational institution |
|Scholarship Program| | |
| | | |
| | |This Scholarship is available to all high school juniors and seniors as well as all students currently registered in any post |
|B.Davis Scholarship| |secondary institution. |
|Award Value: $1,000|May | |
| | |There is no age restriction |
| | |Be sure to include your name and the school you are attending this year and next |
| | |This is not an academic scholarship but we would like to know where you are going to school now and what your future academic plans |
| | |are. |
| | |Please visit our website at to read about us and to apply for our scholarship |
|N.S. Fruit Growers |May |Open to students entering a post-secondary program in the field of tree fruit production or a related science program (biology, |
|Assoc. Bursary | |chemistry, food science, plant science, environmental science, business or agri-business. |
|$500 | |Priority will be given to a child of a member of the NSFGA. |
| | |Criteria include academic achievement, participation in school and community activities, and interest in the tree fruit industry. |
|Canadian Lebanese |May |4x$1500 scholarships are offered to students who would like to continue their studies to University or College in Nova Scotia. These |
|Chamber of Commerce| |scholarships are open to any resident of Nova Scotia who has Canadian citizenship and is of Lebanese decent. |
|Scholarship | |Click here for application |
|African Nova |May | |
|Scotian Students | |Available to African Nova Scotian (Black) students who have successfully completed Grade 12 in the Nova Scotia school system within |
|University Entrance| |the current year |
|Scholarships | |who have been accepted into, and will attend university in the academic year immediately following Grade 12.In Addition, applicants |
| | |must: have obtained an average of 75% or higher in five Grade 12 academic courses including the compulsory course of English 12 and |
| | |any four others from the Nova Scotia school system |
|CFIG Canadian |May |CFIG will award a National Scholarship of $10,000 and Regional Scholarships of $2,000 in each of the High School and |
|Federation of | |College/University categories. Scholarship applications are evaluated based on an essay submission that demonstrates the student’s |
|Independent | |understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities of the independent grocer in Canada, as well as academic and personal |
|Grocers National | |achievements. |
|Scholarship | | |
|Cobequid Cultural |May |The CCS is offering a $1,000.00 bursary to a student from the Cobequid area of the Halifax Regional Municipality who will be attending|
|Society application| |a full-time, post-secondary program focusing on visual & performing arts. |
|Wal-Mart Canada |May |The Walmart Canada Community Scholarship Program offers educational grants to graduating high school students who aspire to continue |
|Community | |their education at the college or university level. A total of six awards will be given away, two per region: Eastern Canada |
|Scholarship | |(Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, P.E.I., and Quebec), Ontario and Western Canada (Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British |
| | |Columbia, Yukon Territory, Northwest Territories and Nunavut). |
| | | |
|Angad Hundal |April |Age: 16-18 years at the time of application, High school. (Grade11 and 12) |
|Memorial Award | |Essay: Submit an essay describing candidate’s eligibility for the award. (Essay should describe the applicant’s understanding and |
| | |vision of oneself, one’s immediate circle and family, siblings and close friends. It should describe one’s vision of society, area, |
| | |town, province, country, the earth, world and complete existence. Cognitive development of a teenager will be considered in |
| | |assessment. Having said that, there is no word limit and candidate can choose to write on any topic of their liking if they want. |
| | |Uniqueness and originality will be valued. )References: Provide three letters of support from teachers, coaches or other individuals |
| | |in position of authority, who personally know you for minimum 2 years. Candidates may be called in for personal, phone or Skype |
| | |interview. |
|Champion of the |April |A Grade 12 student in Nova Scotia who has demonstrated a commitment to the environment through your school or community? Divert NS is |
|Environment | |offering $20,000 in scholarships to students who have exemplified leadership in protecting our environment. |
|Scholarship | | |
|It’s Your Future |June |TANS (The Information Technology Industry Alliance of NS) |
|Scholarship Program| |Criteria: This scholarship is open to grade 12 students planning on post secondary education in technology and or information |
|6 scholarships of | |management. To apply you must have a conditional acceptance or acceptance to a computer or technology program as listed in the program|
|$2000 | |brochure, write an essay explaining why you are a good candidate for this scholarship, and provide three letters of recommendation |
| | |from a teacher, the principal, and or community leader. |
| | |Scholarship details and criteria are outlined in the brochure and on the website. |
| | |Students been conditionally accepted to a Nova Scotia university or NSCC IT program are encouraged to apply (see list of eligible |
| | |programs). |
| | | |
| | |If you have any questions or require extra posters or brochures, please contact Beth Girard, Nova Scotia Business Inc. at 902-424-5842|
| | |or |
|Marion Sweet |June |Available to trappers, members of the Trappers Association, dependents of the Trappers Association or dependants of active trappers. |
|Memorial Bursary - | |Must be enrolled in an institute of higher learning. Requires candidate to write an essay on trapping and the use of fur in today's |
|Trappers | |society. |
|Association of N.S.| |For Information click here |
|$500 | | |
|AHEPA Scholarship |June |Provided by the Anglo-Hellenic Educational and Progressive Association to a student of Hellenic (Greek) heritage who is applying to |
|$1000 | |attend university next year. Must have a minimum average of 85%. |
| | |Applications in the guidance office or email Peter Delefes at . |
|YMCA Langille |June |The YMCA Langille Scholarship is made possible through the generosity of a YMCA donor and supporter. This is available for Y-involved|
|Scholarship | |youth (18 to 29 years) who demonstrate the need for assistance as they further their post-secondary education. |
|$1000 | |Please visit our website for applications and further information: |
| | | |
| | | |
|Abbott and Fenner |June |Abbott & Fenner Business Consultants are pleased to be able to continue with our annual scholarship program. |
|Scholarship Program| |Application Process: Students will submit an essay on one of the two topics that appear on the scholarship page of our web site: |
|$1000 | | |
| | |Full details are available on our site. If you have any questions, please direct them to scholarships@ |
|BigSun Scholarship |June |Big Sun Scholarship |
|$500 | |We are proud to be able to help young athletes succeed in their academic pursuits. The successful applicant will be currently |
| | |involved in athletics in some capacity, either for their school or for their community. |
| | |Please visit our website at to learn how to apply. |
|The Encana Native |June |The Encana Native Council Opportunities Fund (ENCOF) at the Native Council of Nova Scotia. |
|Council | |ENCOF is a program for off reserve Mi'kmaq/Aboriginal Peoples living in the province of Nova Scotia. ENCOF is an initiative to |
|Opportunities Fund | |encourage, promote and support the participation of Aboriginal Peoples in careers relevant or useful within the oil and gas industry. |
|(ENCOF) | |ENCOF is able to provide funding for the following: |
| | |1) Tutoring for students who are struggling in courses needed for their post secondary education and applications are provided by |
| | |ENCOF; |
| | |2) Tuition disbursement for technical school and could also include allowances for books, equipment and living allowances |
| | |(applications are provided); |
| | |3) Tuition disbursement for technical school and could also include allowances for books, equipment and living allowances |
| | |(applications are provided); |
| | |Information and applications available in the guidance office. |
| | |For addition information please contact: |
| | |Tracey Johnson, ENCOF Coordinator, Native Council of Nova Scotia |
| | |P.O. Box 1320, Truro, N.S. B2N 5N2 |
| | |Tel: (902) 895-1523, Fax: (902) 895-0024, , |
|The National Union |June |Four awards of $1,500 given each year to children of NUPGE members |
|Scholarship program| | |
|African United |July |Applicant must have been a resident of Nova Scotia for the past 5 years and a member / adherent of a Church within the African United |
|Baptist Assoc. | |Baptist Association of Nova Scotia. |
|Scholarship | | |
|St Paul's Home |July |Open to students who have resided in one of the Phoenix Residential Programs or who have accessed Phoenix Youth Programs. |
|Award for Education| | |
|and Training | | |
|African Nova |July | |
|Scotian Students | |Applicant must be an African Nova Scotian (Black) student applicant must be enrolled on a full-time basis in the first or second year |
|Performing | |of a recognized university degree program (i.e. Bachelor of Music) have a concentration in one of the performing arts genre, i.e. |
|ArtsScholarship | |music, voice, dance, theatrical performances; have demonstrated qualities of performing arts through participation in student |
| | |activities and community affairs |
|African Nova |August |Applicant must be an African Nova Scotian (Black) student |
|Scotian Students | |applicants must be enrolled full-time in an approved Community College, Private Career College, or Trade School |
|Comm. College | | |
|AES Engineers |October |Application Process - Students will submit an essay on one of the two topics that appear on the scholarship page of our web site |
|Scholarship | | |
| | | |
|$500 | | |
|Communications Nova|October |Awarded to students from diverse backgrounds who are working towards careers in communications-related fields. This includes public |
|Scotia Diversity | |relations, photography, audio visual arts, filmmaking, web-related careers, graphic design, etc. |
|Bursary | |For more information and applications please visit: |
|$1,000. | | |
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