Grade 7 Math: 2015-2016

Grade 7 Math: 2015-2016

Gaetz Brook Junior High School

Mme. Guimond

Room 101


School Phone: 827-4666 ext. 718-1101

Website:  aguimond@

Twitter: Follow me at...


What materials do I need?

The following materials are required for this course. Please check with your child throughout the year to ensure they still have enough pencils and paper.  

|          Binder |Eraser |

|          Looseleaf and Graph paper |Ruler |

|          Dividers |Colored Pencils/markers |

|          Pencils |Scientific calculator (see “What resources will I use?” below) |

|           Sharpener that holds |Water Bottle |

|shavings | |


What happens if I miss a class?

Students are responsible to find out what they have missed.  Each day any work that is done in class, including notes, assigned questions, videos to supplement lessons etc are posted online on my website.  If a student misses a day they may print off notes and examples either at home or at school the next day they are back. Additional support for student success is available by seeking extra help. Students are expected to make up missed work and attend extra help if necessary.  

How will you communicate homework?

In addition to writing homework on the board each day any assigned work will be posted on my website in the days file (all notes etc posted daily in pdf form), homework will also be tweeted.  It is recommended you and your parents join Twitter to stay informed about homework and assigned work.

When can I get Extra Help?

Extra help is available every Wednesday during the first half of lunch (12:10pm-12:30pm) and every Thursday at lunch (12:10-12:50pm).  After school help may be offered on an as needed basis with a late bus available.

When can I receive Extra Help?

Extra help will be shared by the math team and will be offered Wednesdays from 12:10-12:30 and Thursdays from 12:10-12:50.  Listen to the announcements or ask your teacher to find out what room it will be held in.

If students need to borrow a calculator, they will sign one out after September 14th.  To sign one out please fill out the “Calculator Agreement Form” & return to your math teacher.

What resources will I use?

Students are issued a copy of Math Makes Sense 7 that they will bring to class every day. These books are to be returned in June in the same condition they have been issued.  Students will pay $40.00 for the book if it is not returned.

How will I be assessed?

Homework will sometimes be given and will include finishing class work, assignments and practicing skills. Assignments, entrance/exit slips, and projects will be collected for evaluation. Quizzes and Tests will be given and tests will be sent home for parents/guardians to sign.

Levels of Achievement

Each outcome is assessed three times throughout the year; therefore students have multiple opportunities to master the outcomes. Every outcome will be assessed on a 4-1 scale. A 1 or 2 are NOT meeting expectations, whereas a 3 or 4 are meeting the expectations.

4 – you have a full understanding of the outcome and you can use the concepts in a variety of situations on your own.

3 – you have a general understanding of outcome and you can use the concepts in a variety of situations.

2 – you have a partial understanding of the outcome and you are starting to use the concept in a variety of situations.

1 – you have little or no understanding of the outcome and you do not apply the concept to a variety of situations.

Report Card Language

The following will be used to summarize grade 8 math performance pertaining to the math outcomes:

90-100% - demonstrates excellent or outstanding understanding of the concepts.

80-89% - demonstrates very good understanding of the concepts.

70-79% - demonstrates good performance understanding of the concepts.

60-69% - demonstrates satisfactory understanding of the concepts.

50-59% - demonstrates minimally acceptable understanding of the concepts.

Below 50% - has not met minimum requirements to show understanding of the concepts.

     Tentative Course Outline

1.      Patterns and Relations

2.      Integers

3.      Fractions, Decimals, and Percent

4.      Circles and Area

5.      Operations with Fractions

6.      Equations

7.      Data Analysis

8.      Geometry


Students are asked to be prepared, stay organized, participate in class, and be committed to completing both the work in class as well as homework.  Remember; practice is the key to being successful in math!

Feel free to contact me at school or via email if you have any questions or concerns.

                                                                                                                    Mme. Guimond  


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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