Grade Sheet - California State University, Northridge

Grade Sheet

My Points Earned Points Possible


|Exam #1 | | |25 |

|Exam #2 | | |25 |

|Exam #3 | | |25 |

|Exam #4 | | |25 |


|Web Search & Critique | | |10 |

|2-Day Diet Record | | |10 |

|Food Guide Pyramid Comparison | | |20 |

|Nutrition Facts Food Label | | |10 |

|4 Worksheets @ 10 points each | | |40 |

|Research/Projects: | | | |

|Nutrient Presentation | | |25 |

|Nutrient Paper | | |25 |

|Dietary Analysis Project | | |60 |

| | | | |

|Extra Credit* | | | |

|Research Websites sent on-time | | | |

|Sugar and Alternate Sweeteners | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Attendance: | | |(-5 for each absence) |

|My Total: | | |300 |

* 5 points each (add to My Points Earned)

(The final letter grade will be determined by calculating the percentage of total points earned relative to the total points possible, and assigned as described below.)

| | |

|Grading: (Tentative points assignment) |GRADE ASSIGNMENTS: |

|Homework – 90 points | |

|Nutrient presentation/paper – 50 points |A = 94-100%; A- = 90-93% |

|Diet Analysis Project – 60 points |B+ = 87-89%; B = 34-86%; B- = 80=83% |

|Four exams (25 points each) – 100 points |C+ = 78=79%; C = 74-77%; C- = 70=73% |

|Attendance: (5 points is deducted for each absence) |D+ = 68-69%; D = 64-67%; D- = 60-63% |

| |F = < 60% |

|Total Points Possible: 300 points | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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