Organ System Analogies

|Name: _________________________ |Class: ___________________________ |

Organ System Analogies Project

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In science, it can sometimes be hard to remember how things work. Organ systems like the nervous system are sometimes hard to observe and therefore understand. One of the ways we can help remember difficult ideas or concepts is by making analogies about them. Creating an analogy helps relate something new and unfamiliar to something you see or do everyday. Once you have your analogy, it can be easier to remember how something works.

In this project, each group will get one organ system to study. It is the job of your group to complete several goals:

1) Disease Article: Read and text code an article about your organ system and one or more problems that can affect the system.

2) Red Text Book: Learn the different organs of your system and what they do. Complete a graphic organizer and create analogies for your organs. (For example, the circulatory system is like the subways, the blood vessels are like the tracks, etc.)

3) T-Shirt: Create a t-shirt of your system’s most important parts.

4) Props: Create pictures or other materials that will help explain your analogies.

5) Presentation: Prepare a presentation of your analogies with t-shirt and props. Each person will make one note card for the presentation and will answer one of 5 questions:

1. What are the organs in your system?

2. How do they maintain health?

3. A disease or problem with your organ system – name, symptoms, what organ(s) it is affecting.

4. How does your organ system work with another to maintain homeostasis?

5. How does your organ system work with another to maintain homeostasis?

Our Organ System:_____________________


Even though everyone must help with all parts of the project, it is a good idea to make everyone responsible (or the boss) for one of the parts. Think of this person as a checker to make sure there is progress.

|Operatic Roles |

|Composer – in charge of analogies. Makes sure all analogies are |Costume Designer – in charge of the T-shirt. Makes sure that |

|complete and logical before the group can do other parts of the |shirt is correct, and all people have contributed. |

|project. | |

| |Name: _________________________ |

|Name: _________________________ | |

|Equipment Manager – in charge of props. Makes sure each analogy |Director – in charge of rehearsal of the presentation. Makes |

|has a prop and that it is properly designed and made. |sure all members have written and practiced note cards. |

| | |

|Name: _________________________ |Name: _________________________ |

|Conductor – leads the presentation. Makes sure everyone is sure |Impresario – wears the t-shirt around school. Will answer |

|of their parts, and directs them when to do their part during the|questions about the system from members of the school community. |

|presentation. | |

| |Name: _________________________ |

|Name: _________________________ | |

Contract to Perform:

We have discussed and agreed to these roles.


Organ System Analogies Project Rubric

Group Names: __________________________________________________

Class: ___________________

Our Organ System: _______________________________________________

|Category |Bravo! |Ovation |Mild Applause |Bad Review |

| |(15 pts) |(10-14 pts) |(5-9 pts) |(0-4 pts) |

|T-shirt | | | | |

|Anatomically accurate t-shirt with 3 or | | | | |

|more organs labeled. (15 pts) | | | | |

|Analogies | | | | |

|Logical analogies for 3 or more major | | | | |

|organs. (15 pts) | | | | |

|Props | | | | |

|Props that logically aid in all | | | | |

|analogies. (15 pts) | | | | |

|Presentation | | | | |

|All members speak clearly and loudly, | | | | |

|and each question from checklist is | | | | |

|answered. (15 pts) | | | | |

|Presentation Note Cards | | | | |

|Complete, revised, and rehearsed. | | | | |

|(15 pts) | | | | |

|Respectfulness | | | | |

|Attentive and respectful during each | | | | |

|presentation. (15 pts) | | | | |

|Ambassador | | | | |

|Wears t-shirt and answers questions from| | | | |

|school community (10 pts) | | | | |

Points = _______________

Total Points = Points x # Group Members = ____________ x _______ = ____________

Agreement to Divide Profits:

Our Organ System: ______________________________________________

Total Points Earned: _____________

A great collaboration requires that the rewards be divided among the collaborators. Now that you have finished the project, it is time to decide how to split the points among the group members.

Talk with your group and decide how you will split the points. Keep in mind that the number of points you give each person are equal to the following grades:

|97 |

|Group Member |Points awarded |Reason Why |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Total Points Earned | = | |

We have discussed and agreed to these points.



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