General Biology Disclosure

Honors Biology Disclosure 2018-2019 Amy McVeyHunter High SchoolEmail: aemcvey@Phone: 385-646-5360Course Description: Biology is the study of life. This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of the main areas of biology including: cell structure and function, biological diversity, genetics, evolution and ecology. It is also designed to help students develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for life processes that are occurring around us everyday.Students will develop skills related to scientific inquiry, the scientific process and will develop an understanding of biological terms.Required Materials:There is a $15.00 lab fee for this class. Students can pay for this fee in the school financial office. Fee must be paid the first month of school. Please bring the receipt to Ms. McVey to get checked off. Textbook-Miller & Levine (2009). Biology. Glenview, Illinois: Prentice Hall. Available online through Student Portal, CANVAS and Hunter Biology Webpage. You will receive a 3 ring binder in class. You will need to bring loose notebook paper, and 3 ring binder divider tabs. Please bring this to class the second week.Student Expectations:?Students are expected to abide by all of Hunter’s school rules and policies.?Students will be in class on time and in their assigned seats when the tardy bell rings.?Students will come to class prepared with all required materials, completed homework, assignments, etc.?Students will show proper respect to the teacher (including substitutes), fellow students and school property at all times.?Students will turn off and put away all cell phones and electronic devices before class. Use of these devices during class will result in immediate confiscation of the item.?Students will not bring any food, drink or gum to class. Students may bring water to class as long as it is in a closeable bottle.?Students will engage in appropriate behavior in the laboratory, they will follow all safety rules and will not engage in any type of “horseplay” in the lab. Violation of this rule will result in lab privileges being revoked.Cell Phones: Cell Phones and other electronic devices are not permitted in class for any non-instructional purposes. With a first offense, the device will be taken away and can be returned to the student at the end of the class period. With any additional offense, the phone/device will be taken away and taken to the front office. In order to retrieve the phone, a parent will have to come in after school to do so.Attendance: Regular attendance in this class is vital to success. Students who are frequently absent will fall behind quickly, and the amount of material we have to cover makes it difficult to get caught up. It is the responsibility of the student to find out what they missed in class. In addition, students will only be allowed to make up work for excused absences.Tardies: In accordance with Hunter High School policy, students who are not in the classroom when the bell rings will be marked tardy. Excessive tardiness will affect your citizenship grade.Grading Procedures: Grades can be checked online at any time through Parent Portal ()Granite School District Proficiency Based Grading (PBG) will be used.? The purpose of PBG is to determine what the student has learned of the Utah Core Biology Standards.? PBG is based on a 4-point scale.??Score?Meaning?4?Student exceeds expectation by utilizing in-depth inferences and applications of the standard(s) that extend beyond what was taught.?3?Student meets expectation by demonstrating knowledge, understanding, and skills as described in the standard(s).?2?Student demonstrates knowledge of the simpler details and processes of the standard(s).?1?With help, student exhibits a partial knowledge of some of the simpler details and processes of the standard.?The 4-point PBG scale relates to the following letter grades according to the Granite School District:?Proficiency Level?Letter Grade?3.51 – 4.00?A?3.00 – 3.51?A-?2.84 – 2.99?B+?2.67 – 2.83?B?2.50 – 2.66?B-?2.34 – 2.49?C+?2.17 – 2.33?C?2.00 – 2.16?C-?1.66 – 1.99?D+?1.33 – 1.65?D?1.00 – 1.32?D-?0.00 – 0.99?F?I will use GRADEBOOK and CANVAS to keep track of grades.? Scores will be updated within a week of the given assessment.?For more information about PBG and Granite School District’s proficiency standards, see the following:??? Assessments:?Your grade will be based on your performance on?assessments of the Utah Biology Core Standards.??For a copy of the Biology Core:? standard has several objectives that will be assessed.? You will be graded on three assessments per objective.? These will be a quiz/assignment assessment, a lab/activity assessment, and summative assessment (test).???Granite School District uses a degrading average for PBG.? This means that the most recent assessment will count the most on your grade.? The first assessment (quiz) will be 12% of your grade, the second assessment (lab/activity) will be 23% of your grade.? The third assessment (test) will be 65% of your grade.?You may retake these assessments as many times as you like during the quarter IF you have?a minimum of 80% of the practice assignments completed.???Assessment?Percentage?Quiz/Assignment Assessment?12%?Lab/Activity Assessment?23%?Summative Assessment?65%?Practice Assignments:??You will not be graded on practice assignments or formative quizzes.? The purpose of these assignments will be to help you learn the material and prepare you for the assessments.???If you are missing questions on the practice, you are responsible for studying and coming after school to get help from the teacher before the graded assessments.???Extra Credit:?There is NO extra credit available.? Grades can be improved by retaking assessments.?Citizenship Grade: Citizenship will be assigned based on?absences,?tardies, and classroom behavior in accordance with the?Hunter?High School guidelines.? Violating class and school rules, distracting other students, being disrespectful, and cheating will result in reduced citizenship grades.??Citizenship Violation?Docked Points?Unexcused absence?- 3 points each?Tardy (starting on 2nd?tardy)?-1 point each?Cell phone violation?-1 point each?Behavior: disrespect, disruptive, sleeping, defiance, etc.?-0.5 point each?Special Note: Cheating of any kind in this class (this includes plagiarism) will not be tolerated. The student will receive an automatic zero on the assignment, their citizenship grade will be greatly affected and parents will be notified. Copying work from another student is considered cheating. Students are expected to be honest and complete their own work at all times. Please sign and return this form by Aug 31, 2018.Student Name: Student Signature: I have read the Disclosure for Biology taught by A. McVey. I agree to support my student __________________________ in period ___________ A with the requirements listed. Parent Name: Parent Signature: Would you like to be contacted if your student needs to improve? __________Would you like to be contacted if your student is doing well? __________Parent Email: Parent Phone #: ____________________________________________________Comments/Questions:Please sign below if you consent:I will allow my student to watch parts or all of the following videos and other videos that are used in the classroom this year.Lorenzo’s Oil Race for the Double Helix GattacaBody Worlds Anatomy of the Human Body Signature of Approval _______________________________________________________ No I do not want my student watching _____________________ video ................

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