PowerTeacher Gradebook - SCHOOLinSITES

PowerTeacher Gradebook

Open the School Website, Click the power school teacher login icon.

To get into your Power Teacher Program:

1. Open PowerTeacher

2. Enter your username and password

User name is the first part of your email: jdoe

Enter your password. The default is usually: password

3. Click the Enter button

The page you will be viewing is called the start page. You can get back to this page at any time by clicking the PowerTeacher icon in the top left.

On this page you can:

1. Take attendance (Desk chair icons)

2. View Student information (Back packs)

3. View Daily Bulletins

4. Change your password (under Personalize)

5. Go into your gradebooks.

6. Print Reports

If asked if you want Windows to remember your password, choose No


*The first thing you need to do is set up your gradebook to calculate final grades.

The Gradebook Interface

1. Click the Gradebook button in the left pane

2. Click the Launch Gradebook button

3. As the program launches, you may receive a security warning, click Run.

4. When the gradebook opens change the drop down menu on the upper left from current classes to 2010-2011. You will see a list of current classes and the students enrolled in each class. By default, the Gradebook opens up in the Scoresheet.

5. The gradebook window is broken into different panes, the panes can be adjusted by clicking and dragging the 3 vertical lines in the upper right corner of the pane.

NOTE: The Scoresheet window can be filtered by Reporting Term (which also includes the current week, the next week, etc…and which is located directly under the Scoresheet tab).

Calculating the Final Grade using Term Weights

You have to set your classes up to calculate using your finals and your EOCT scores and all assignment grades correctly. This is done once at the beginning of the year. It is best to do this for all classes for the year.


1. Make sure you have 2010-2011 selected at top left corner under classes so all of your classes show.

2. Select a class

3. Click the Grades Setup tab

4. Click the reporting term (the one at the very top…ex: Y1 for year-long, S1 for semester one clases, S2 for semester two classes) for the class you want to set up final grade calculation.


5. Select Term Weights (the 2nd radio button in the bottom portion of the screen under “Calculate Y1, S1, or S2 Final grade using:”)

6. Find below the instructions for YOUR particular class and follow the directions for each class (this MUST be completed for each of your classes):

For Semester One (S1) classes without an EOCT:

• Double-click the term’s weight field by clicking the number under the word “weight” in the table at the bottom. Enter 375 for Q1 and 375 for Q2.

• Double-click the term’s weight field for F1 and enter 250, E1 should be set at 0 if it does not automatically set itself after you set F1

• Click Save

For Semester One (S1) classes WITH an EOCT:

• Double-click the term’s weight field by clicking the number under the word “weight” in the table at the bottom. Enter 375 for Q1 and 375 for Q2.

• Double-click the weight field for F1 and enter 100,

• Double-click the weight field for E1 and enter 150.

• Click Save

For Semester Two (S2) classes WITHOUT an EOCT:

• Double-click the term’s weight field by clicking the number in the box under the word “weight” and enter 375 for Q3 and 375 for Q4.

• Double-click the weight field for F2 and enter 250, E2 should be set at 0 if it does not automatically set itself after you set F2

• Click Save

For Semester Two (S2) classes WITH an EOCT:

• Double-click the term’s weight field and enter 375 for Q3 and 375 for Q4.

• Double-click the weight field for F2 and enter 100,

• Double-click the weight field for E2 and enter 150.

• Click Save

For Year Long (YR) classes WITH an EOCT:

Enter the weights as follows:

• Double-click the term’s weight field and enter 375 for S1 and 375 for S2.

• Double-click F2 and enter 100,

• Double-click E2 and enter 150.

Click Save

For Year Long (YR) classes WITHOUT an EOCT:

• Double-click the term’s weight field and enter 375 for S1 and 375 for S2.

• Double-click F2 and enter 250,

• Double-click E2 and enter 0 if it does not set itself after setting F2.

• Click Save


Before you can use Gradebook to record student scores, assignment categories need to be defined. Gradebook has four pre-defined category types: Homework, Project, Quiz and Test. You can modify (edit or delete) the existing categories and/or create new categories.

Once your categories are set up, they are available to all of the classes you teach.

1. Go to Tools, Categories


Editing Existing Categories

1. Click on a Category in the left pane

2. Make any desired changes to the fields that are set up:

a. Color

b. Points Possible

c. Score Type

d. Include in Final Grade

3. If you wish to delete the category, click the – in the lower left corner of the categories window.

Creating New Categories

1. Click the + in the lower left corner of the categories window.

2. Enter a Name for the category

3. Enter an Abbreviation

4. Choose a Color from the drop-down list

5. Enter the Points Possible (this will be the default point value of any assignments in this category)

6. Choose a Score Type from the drop-down list.

7. Check Include in Final Grade if appropriate

8. Enter a description

9. Repeat steps 1 – 8 until all categories are set up

10. Check Include in Final Grade if you want this category to be included in grading. See NOTE below.


****IMPORTANT**** YOU MUST CREATE A CATEGORY ENTITLED FINAL EXAM AND A CATEGORY ENTITLED EOCT. Instructions on using these will be below under “Putting in Final Exam Scores and EOCT Scores.”

Click the Close button when you are finished working with categories.

NOTE: One nice use of categories is for tracking non-graded assignments, such as field trip permission forms, etc… You will have the ability to filter the category out of any reports you run. If you choose to do this, make sure you leave Include in Final Grade unchecked.

Score Types

Mixed, Points, Percentages, Letter (Percentages is the most common.)

After you have set up the desired categories, you must select the categories you want for each class in order for your final grades to calculate. (Remember if you have assignments created that you do not assign a category, they will not figure into your final grades.)

Calculating the Final Grade using Category Weights

Category weights should only be set under Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4. When you click on Y1, S1, or S2 under Gradebook Setup, you should only see the term weights at the bottom of the screen that we set up earlier. You should NEVER have category weights checked when you have clicked on Y1, S1, or S2.

In order to set category weights, you select Gradebook Setup and then click on Q1 (You will do this for each quarter—the picture below shows categories added to S1…you NEVER will have categories under Y1, S1, or S2 for PCHS) and then the radio button—Category Weights


1. Click Add Category.


2. You will then see all the categories you created earlier. Select the checkbox next to each category you want to add to this class for the quarter you are setting up.

3. Click OK. The category appears on the Grades Setup window


NOTE: Remove a category by selecting the category and clicking the remove button

****Important*** After adding categories to all Quarters, click on F1 or F2. Within F1 add the final exam category you set up earlier and set the weight for 100%. This is the only place you will use the Final Exam category.

Then click on E1 or E2 and add the EOCT category you set up earlier. Set this weight for 100%. This is the only place you will use the EOCT category.

Entering Assignments

Once your categories are set up, you are ready to add assignments to the gradebook.

1. Select a class

2. Click the Assignments tab

3. Click the + in the Assignments pane

The lower half of the pane comes up with settings for the assignment


12. Click the Publish tab (this is where you determine when an assignment will be visible to students and parents via PowerSchool—usually the default is for all assignments you add to be published. If you want every assignment visible to parents you do not need to click this tab at all.)


NOTE: Once an assignment has been created, it will appear in the upper part of the pane. Double-click an assignment to make changes to it.


***You will need to create an assignment entitled Final Exam and an assignment entitled EOCT. However, the dates of these assignments must be exact for them to calculate properly and for them to count in the right term. Please see instructions below for Entering Final Exams and Entering EOCT scores. Please follow these instructions exactly. This is the only place way you should have a Final Exam assignment and a place to input final exam grades as well as an EOCT assignment and a place to put in EOCT scores.

Copying Assignments

Assignments can be set up in one class and copied to other classes.

1. Select the class you want to copy the assignment from

2. Click either the Scoresheet tab or the Assignments tab

3. Click on the assignment you would like to copy

4. Go to Tools, Copy Assignment


NOTE: Deleting an assignment from one class does not delete it from any of the classes it may have been copied to.

Sorting Assignments

By default, assignments are sorted by Date in ascending order.

1. Select a class

2. Click on a column heading to sort the assignments by: name, abbreviation, category, points possible, weight or date due. Assignments appear sorted in ascending order based on the selected column.

3. Click the same column heading again to sort assignments in descending order.

Entering Scores

1. Select a class

2. Click the Scoresheet tab

3. The assignments you have entered are listed across the top of the scoresheet.

4. Click in the cell representing the intersection of the row containing the student’s name and the column of the assignment you want to enter the score for.

5. Enter the score (make sure the score is appropriate for the assignment score type)

6. Press Return to advance to the next student

7. Press Tab to advance to the next assignment

8. Click Save when you are done entering scores


NOTE: Extra credit can be awarded by entering a score higher than the points possible.

NOTE: An assignment can be marked as collected, late or exempt by right-clicking on the score and choosing the appropriate item.


Click the Summary button in the lower left corner of the Scoresheet to view the mean, median, and mode score of each assignment.

Fill Scores

Fill Scores allows you to enter the same grade on an assignment for several students. It also allows you to mark whether the assignment has been collected, was received late, or is exempt. Additionally, you may add comments.

1. Click in a score cell

2. Go to Tools, Fill Scores


The Score Inspector

The Score Inspector can be accessed for individual student grades on assignments as well as the final grade. It allows you to add additional information to an individual grade or override a final grade. You can also enter your grades via the Score Inspector.

Assignment Grades

1. Click on the student’s grade that you want to add some details to.

2. Go to Tools, Score Inspector

Alternatively, right-click on the score and choose Show Score Inspector


Final Grades

1. Double-click on a final grade

2. The Score Inspector dialog box opens


Student Information

1. Click the Students tab

2. A list containing the students’ names, student numbers, birthdays, genders, grades and home phone numbers will come up.

3. Clicking on the arrow next to the student’s name will bring up their information in the lower part of the pane – this information includes parent names, emergency contact information and a link to a guardian e-mail address.

4. Click the x in the upper left corner to close

NOTE: The student number and home phone have been removed from the above picture.

Class Info

1. Click the Class Info tab


2. Enter a description for your class and any web links that are needed for the class.

3. Click Save


There are 7 reports available in PowerTeacher Gradebook.

1. Click the Reports tab



1. Go to Tools, Preferences


Grades should be rounded and stored with 0 decimal places.

Exiting the Gradebook

1. Go to File, Save

2. Go to File, then Quit PowerTeacher Gradebook


Attendance is taken in PowerTeacher outside of the Gradebook program.

1. Navigate to PowerTeacher through the school website and enter your username and password.(Click powerteacher to go back to the start-up page if you are in your gradebook.)

2. A list of your classes will come up


3. Click the Chair icon of the appropriate class

4. Use the drop down arrow to choose the attendance code

5. Click in the cells that should have the attendance code

6. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until all codes have been entered

7. Click Submit

8. You should see the circle next to your chairs turn to green when attendance is taken. Penny and Pam will also receive a report on the status of your attendance.

NOTE: You do not need to mark a student Present. If all students are present, just click the Submit button. **THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU CHECK YOUR ATTENDANCE ASAP EACH PERIOD.

Always LOGOUT when you are finished. Powerschool strongly advises that you do not X out of the program.

Additional Gradebook/PowerTeacher Instructions:

Start Page Instructions:

• Personalizing Start Page and changing passwords:

Teachers can change their passwords through the personalize button on the left side of the screen on the start page. You can also set the page you wish to show each time you go into your class

• “Back Pack” Instructions:

Inside Power Teacher you have access to much information about your students.

On the startpage of Power Teacher, you should see a list of your classes and a backpack icon out to the side. Click on the backpack of one of your classes. A list of students will pop up in the left side of the page. Click on a student. Usually the student’s schedule is the default screen. On the right if you will click the drop down menu, you have other information available. Here are the most commonly used pieces from the drop down menu:

Demographics: Student parent contact info

Meeting attendance: Shows codes for each absence within the current term at the top of the page.

Net Access: Each time student or parent has accessed their grades on the internet

Print a Report: currently there are no teacher reports for you to print in this part of the program

Quick Lookup: Student’s grades in each class and attendance summary. You can also click on “Show Dropped Classes” under the student’s grades and you can see any classes the student dropped in order to obtain the grades from that class if the student has moved from another class to your class.

Submit Log entries: Creates a record regarding a student's behavior, performance, or activity. This can be viewed by administration and only removed by authorized persons .

Teacher Comments: Click on the blue edit button and you are able to enter comments from the list or type your own. Please be brief and put only one. If creating your own, it must be brief or it will be deleted from the report card.

Term Grades: Shows the final grades from each reporting term.

• Entering Teacher Comments for the Report Card and Parent Portal:

To add teacher comments which will print on report cards, use the following steps (Please remember that comments need to be limited. Only 1 or 2 per teacher will fit to print on the report card of the student.)

1. After logging in, on the teacher Start Page, click on the backpack of the class you wish to add comments.

2. Click on the student name on the left.

3. Choose Teacher Comments on the drop-down menu on the right.

4. Click the blue edit by your name on the student’s schedule.

5. Choose the comment you wish to add by double-clicking on the comment or by highlighting the comment and clicking on the arrow. (You may also add your own comments by typing in the box on the right.)

After selecting or creating your comment, click Submit.

Additional items for end of grading period:

• Checking Absences for Final Exam Exemptions:

1. Unfortunately, the only way (until PS gives us a patch and way to correct it) to check attendance is to go into your gradebook start page, click on the back pack, click on the student name, then change the drop down menu to the meeting attendance screen. This will show all absences for the term at the top of your PowerTeacher startpage.

2. If you need year long absences, change the drop-down to the quick look-up screen, under 2010-2011 click on the blue number showing absences for that class. This will list all the absences for that class.

• Putting in Final Exam scores:

1. Add an assignment entitled Final Exams if you have not already done so.

2. Choose Final Exam as the category.

3. The date MUST be put in as the same date listed beside F1 (for Semester one classes) or F2 (for semester two or yearlong classes). You can find these dates beside the F folder under Grade setup. The date of the Final Exam assignment MUST match the date in the Grade Setup beside the F1 or F2.

4. The weight will be 1. This should not be changed and should already be in as the default. The folder is weighted properly to count the final at the right percentage so you do not need to worry about trying to make it the right percentage. This was done when we set up the final grade setup and set the F1 folder for 100 or 250.

5. Save. You will then see the assignment listed if you change the drop down reporting term to All. Put in your scores.

6. (If you do not have the right date or right category it will not average as the right percent.)

7. If a student is exempt from the final, please enter his/her FINAL grade in the place for the final exam score. This keeps parents from logging on and seeing the zero that PS defaults to when no score is entered. The zero does not average in as a zero but does appear to be a zero. This will keep you from having many parent emails asking why you gave Johnny a zero on his final when he was exempt!

• Putting in EOCT scores (*follow this only for courses with an EOCT*):

1. Add an assignment entitled EOCT if you have not already done so.

2. Choose EOCT as the category.

3. Date MUST be put in as the same date listed beside E1 (for Semester one classes) or E2 (for semester two or yearlong classes). You can find these dates beside the E folder under Grade setup. The date of the EOCT assignment MUST match the date in the Grade Setup beside the E1 or E2.

4. The weight will be 1. This should not be changed and should already be in as the default. The folder is weighted properly to count the final at the right percentage.

5. Save. You will then see the assignment listed if you change the drop down reporting term All. Put in your scores.

6. (If you do not have the right date or right category it will not average as the right percent.)

• Adding points for honors or AP classes:

1. You cannot add your points for honors (3) or AP (5) until you have your final grades in and all assignments, EOCT’s, Finals are entered.

2. (If you do add your points and realize you left some grades out, you have to click on the final grade, in the box that pops up click CLEAR at the bottom. Then you can enter your new grades and follow the instructions again for adding points. )

3. Change your drop down menu for your reporting term to S1 or S2 for semester classes or Y1 for year-long classes.

4. Click on the final grade. This should be the first column after the student’s name.

5. A box will pop up. Click Manual Override.

6. Change the grade in both boxes to add your points.

7. Click Close

8. Click File, Save after you have added all your points.

You should NOT have any final grades over 100 unless the class is honors or AP. Please make sure your final grades are corrected before we print report cards or store them in history.


Use these buttons to add or delete categories

4. Enter a Name for the assignment

5. The Abbreviation field will be populated automatically when you press Tab (you may edit the abbreviation if desired)

6. Use the drop-down arrow to choose the appropriate Category

7. Use the drop-down arrow to choose the appropriate Score Type

8. Enter the Points Possible and Weight (change the weight only if you want an assignment to count more than once)

9. Click the calendar button to enter a Date Due (you may also enter the Date Due manually—it is important to enter dates for the parents to see!) ***Please note****: The date for the assignment MUST fall in the dates for the grading period in which you want the assignment to count. Please note the dates of the reporting term when putting in assignment dates.

10. If the assignment is to be included in the final grade, check the Include in Final Grade box

11. Enter a description (this is important for students who may have missed class and are accessing their assignments via PowerSchool at home.)

13. Use the drop-down arrow to set when the assignment is to be published

14. Uncheck the Publish Scores box, if appropriate

15. Click Save

NOTE: If you have assignments that are for tracking purposes only, you may not want to publish the score.

To delete an assignment, click the – in the lower left corner of the Assignment pane.

3. Click the appropriate radio button :

a. Fill empty scores

b. Replace all scores

4. Check the appropriate boxes:

a. Collected

b. Late

c. Exempt Score

5. Enter the Score

6. Add a comment by either clicking on the comment bank or entering one in the text box.

7. Click OK

NOTE: If you click on a cell that already has a score entered, the score in that cell will be in the Score box.

3. Check the appropriate boxes:

a. Collected

b. Late

c. Exempt

4. Add a comment by either entering one in the text box or choosing one from the Comment Bank.

5. Use the X to close the Score Inspector dialog box.

NOTE: Clicking Clear, clears all information for the score.

NOTE: When you add a comment or mark an assignment as late, there will be an indicator (c, l) next to the score.

Use the arrows to move through your roster and assignments

3. If you want to override the final grade:

a. Check the manual override box

b. Enter the Percent

c. Enter the Grade (always enter both)

4. Optional: Either enter a comment in the text box or choose one from the Comment Bank.

5. Close the Score Inspector dialog box with the X.

NOTE: When you add a comment there will be an indicator (c) next to the final score.

5. Check the box next to the classes you would like to copy the assignment to

6. Click OK

7. The assignment will be copied to the class(es) you chose

5. Double-click the category’s Weight field. Enter the weight.

6. Double-click the category’s Drop Low field.

7. Enter the number of low scores you want to drop from the final grade calculation if you wish to drop any scores such as a quiz, etc.

8. Click Save.

2. Select the report you want to run

3. Click the Run Report button in the bottom right corner

4. A Save Report dialog box will open

5. Navigate to the location you would like to save the report to

6. Click Save


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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