Name:______________________________ Name of Assignment:

Team Project: Peer Evaluation

For this assignment, your group work will be graded in two methods. First you will be scored by your group's performance on the assignment as a whole. That will be 60% of your project grade. Secondly, you will be graded as an individual within your group which will be 40% of your project grade. The chart I have given you asks you to rate each group member for the amount of work s/he has done on the assignment (the total amount should be 100%), give comments and examples of each member’s achievement, and give him/her a grade on a scale of 2-10. Your report will be graded by the teacher so do a good job. For the grade section, use the following scale and mark the appropriate symbol.

Basic Scoring Guidelines

Team Member

w= This team member contributed many good ideas to the group, acted respectfully to all group members, stayed on task, and did more than his/her share of the work. Only one person can get this grade!

Ν= This team member contributed some good ideas to the group, acted respectfully to all group members, always stayed on task, and did his/her share of the work.

( = This team member contributed some good ideas to the group, acted respectfully to all group members, almost always stayed on task, and did his/her share of the work.

X= This person may have occasionally goofed around a little or acted a little bit disrespectfully, but did most of his/her share of the work and contributed to the overall product.

]= This person did not contribute to the group OR he/she negatively effected other people in the group with his/her behavior.

4= This person did not contribute to the group and negatively effected other people in the group with his/her behavior.

Note: Remember you may not have more than one 10 nor more than two 9s (and not both). This also assumes somebody did less than their share of the work!

Team Leader

w= The team leader fulfilled all of the requirements of a fantastic group member and did a great job of facilitating group communication and delegating and checking up on tasks.

(= This team leader was a good group member and did a solid job of facilitating group communication and delegating and checking up on tasks.

X= The team leader may have sometimes strayed off task or acted a little bit disrespectfully, but did make a serious attempt at leading the group.

]= The team leader either did not seriously try to lead the group OR the team leader constantly abused his or her power.

4= The team leader did not seriously try to lead the group AND the team leader constantly abused his or her power.

Name:______________________________ Name of Project: ______________



Team Members of Work What did they do? Symbol



Remember that your total % of the work should equal 100% (it is not graded out of 100% for each person). Also, please leave the teacher grade portion blank. You will receive a grade for completing this sheet, so please make specific comments on your responsibilities during the project as well as those of your peers.

Team Leader:

(if any)


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