Persuasive Essay Grading Rubric

Poetry Explication Essay Rubric Name_______________________________________SCORE:_____________

|ORGANIZATION: |Excellent- 20 |Good- 17 |Fair- 14 |Needs Improvement- 12 |

|Ideas are written in an organized fashion. |-Introduction has an engaging hook and a |- Intro gives the title and author of the |- Has an intro but may be missing parts. |- Essay does not have a clear beginning or |

| |compelling thesis. |poem and states what the poem is about. |Thesis may not be clear. |thesis. |

| |- Each body paragraph discusses a stanza, |- Each body paragraph discusses a stanza, |- Body does not discuss the poem in logical|- Ideas are jumbled and confused. |

| |moving forward through the poem. |moving forward through the poem. |order. |- No conclusion, or else it is very weak. |

| |- Paragraphs begin with transitions that |- Paragraphs begin with transitional |- Missing transitions. | |

| |vary in interesting ways (not just “In the |words/phrases |- Conclusion is incomplete, missing, or | |

| |1st, 2nd, 3rd stanza…”) |- Conclusion is insightful, not |repetitious. | |

| |- Conclusion is punchy and insightful. |repetitious. | | |

|COMPLETE EVIDENCE: Discusses each stanza in|Excellent- 20 |Good- 17 |Fair- 14 |Needs Improvement- 12 |

|depth, giving specific details to support |- Discusses each stanza thoroughly, |- Discusses most stanzas well, supporting |- Discusses some stanzas but ignores others|- Discusses few stanzas/lines, with little |

|ideas. |supporting all assertions with quotations. |most assertions with quotations. |- Supports some assertions with quotations,|or no support for assertions. |

| | | |but not all. | |

|DEPTH OF ANALYSIS: |Excellent- 20 |Good- 17 |Fair- 14 |Needs Improvement- 12 |

|Shows deep and thoughtful understanding of |- Identifies key ideas in the poem. |- Identifies key ideas in the poem. |- Identifies at least one idea in the poem.|- Fails to identify any ideas in the poem. |

|poem. |- Identifies and explains/interprets all |- Identifies and explains/interprets most |- Identifies few metaphors, with little or |- Does not identify or explain metaphors. |

| |metaphors. |metaphors. |no explanation. |- Shows superficial/no understanding of |

| |- Shows great insight into what the poet is|- Shows good insight into what the poet is |- Shows superficial understanding of what |what the poet is trying to say. |

| |trying to say. |trying to say. |the poet is trying to say. | |

|CLARITY: |Excellent- 20 |Good- 17 |Fair- 14 |Needs Improvement- 12 |

|Writing is clear, concise, and coherent. |- Line by line, sentences are clear and |- Sentences are mostly clear and easy to |- Sentences are not very clear and are |- Sentences are difficult to understand. |

| |easy to understand. |understand. |sometimes difficult to understand. |- Overall, the essay is confusing. |

| |- Overall, easy to follow. |- Overall, reasonably easy to follow. |- Overall, hard to follow. |- Frequent repetition of phrases or ideas. |

| |- Uses strong vocabulary. |- Most words are used appropriately. |- Poor word choice. | |

| |- No unnecessary repetition. |- Little or no repetition. |- Frequent repetition of phrases or ideas. | |

|MECHANICS |Excellent- 20 |Good- 17 |Fair- 14 |Needs Improvement- 12 |

|Spelling |Excellent= No errors |Good= Few errors |Fair = Several errors |Needs Improvement= Many errors |

|Capitalization |Excellent= No errors |Good= Few errors |Fair = Several errors |Needs Improvement= Many errors |

|Complete Sentences/ Punctuation |Excellent= No errors |Good= Few errors |Fair = Several errors |Needs Improvement= Many errors |

|commas, quotation marks, apostrophes, etc.,| | | | |

|properly used; no run-ons/fragments | | | | |

|Verb Usage | | | | |

|Uses present tense, subjects and verbs |Excellent= No errors |Good= Few errors |Fair = Several errors |Needs Improvement= Many errors |

|agree, uses standard English | | | | |



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