Easy Grade Pro

***After the grade book is setup, Always OPEN the Grade Book FILE from MY DOCUMENTS!!***

Easy Grade Pro Grade Book

Setting Up a New Grade Book

1. Double click on the EGP icon on the desktop. If there is not a desktop icon, click Start – All Programs – Easy Grade Pro – Click on the icon.

2. Easy Grade Pro will open the last grade you saved – Select File – Click Close.

3. A dialog box will open – Click the Create New Grade Book button.

a. Navigate to My Documents.

b. Enter a file name if you do not like the default one.

c. Click the Save button.

4. Click the Add Classes button.

5. Enter the Class/Subject Name and select the appropriate Terms for that particular class/subject by clicking in the box next to the Term name. If you have correctly selected the term(s) a check mark should appear in the box.

6. Continue step 4 until all classes/subjects are entered.

7. Click Done

8. Locate the Dialog box Choose a Class.

a. To select a class/subject, click on the black upside down arrow and left click on the appropriate class/subject.

9. Click on the View/Edit Class Options button.

10. Scale Tab, select the Standard Scale radio button. Enter the following information to personalize the scale

a. A – minimum percent – 93

b. B – minimum percent – 85

c. C – minimum percent – 75

d. D – minimum percent – 70

e. F – minimum percent – 0

❖ Elementary teachers or other teachers who do not use the Standard Scale will need to use the OSU Scale and personalize the grading scale to meet the needs of the class/subject.

11. Round Tab – Click in the Tenths Place radio button.

12. Category Tab – Change each Category name to personalize the “types” of grade assignments students will have.

a. If the assignments are weighted, click in the “Use Category Weights Yes” radio button before changing the names of each category.

13. Delete any unused category name by high lighting the category name and pressing the delete button.

14. Footnote Tab – if needed personalize to fit the class/subject by clicking in the name and delete/edit any words.

15. Score Tab – Change the code, score name, shortcut key, and count as names as needed.

16. Attendance Tab – Personalize by school or by class.

17. Calendar Tab – Select the first day of school (July 26), the off days (September 4) and the last day of the Term (September 29).

18. Color Tab –Changes the color of the background and grid lines to the desired color scheme.

19. Click Done.

20. Click on the Type Student Names button.

21. Enter the last name, first name and any other information you wish to include.

22. Click on the Next Student button.

23. Continue Steps 20-21 until all students have been entered for the class/subject.

24. Click Done.

Copying class options from one class to another

1. From the menu bar, select Tools.

2. Select Copy – Class Options.

3. In the Class to Copy From section, click on the class the class options have been entered for.

4. In the Classes to Copy To section, click on the class/subject the class options are to be copied to. More than one class can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key.

5. In the Class Options to Copy section, click on the blue pencil and choose select all or hold the Ctrl key down and click on the desired class options to copy only certain options.

6. Click Copy.

Copying students from one class to another

1. From the menu bar, select Tools.

2. Select Copy – Students.

3. In the Class to Copy From section, click on the class the class options have been entered for.

4. In the Classes to Copy To section, click on the class/subject the class options are to be copied to. More than one class can be selected by holding down the Ctrl key.

5. In the Students to Copy section, click on the blue pencil and choose select all or hold the Ctrl key down and click on the desired student names to copy only certain students.

6. Click Copy.

The same type steps can be used to also copy Assignments from one class to another class or multiple classes as well as Classes and Seats.

Important option to view – Edit – Tool Options – Left click once on Show Tool Palette.


1. Click on the Attendance Tab.

2. Choose the correct class/subject.

3. Click once on the day/student that is missing.

4. Click on the type of absence from the tool palette.

Printing Reports

1. From the menu bar, select File and choose Print.

a. To print progress reports, click on the Student Tab.

b. To print grades, an attendance chart, a seating chart, etc, click on the Chart Tab.

c. For all other reports, click on the Other Tab.

2. Click on the type of report to be printed.

3. In the Teacher Name box, type in the name of the teacher.

4. Click Next.

5. In the next dialog box, various options need to be selected.

a. Reports can be printed for individual classes, all classes, or only selected classes.

b. Choose the type of font, size, intro/post test script, comment lines, etc.

6. Before printing, Please preview the report to determine if the report contains the correct information. Click Done after previewing.

7. Click Print.

Publishing: Before publishing

1. Click on the Student Tab.

a. In the Password column and/or ID column, enter Student ID Number (7 digits) for each student

Making a Backup Copy of The EGP Grade Book File

1. Plug the memory stick into the USB port.

2. Select File – Click Exit

3. When asked if you would like to make a back up copy, Select Yes.

4. In the Save As dialog box, Choose the Jump Drive (Removable Disk) for the Save In location.

5. In File Name, get rid of the words “Copy of.”

6. Click Save.

We do not recommend saving to a Floppy Disk – They are easily damaged and the files cannot be recovered.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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