
ANN E. LOWRY (Betsy), Ed.D.

Associate Director, Center for Technology in Education (CTE)

Assistant Dean, Teaching Learning and Assessment, School of Education

Johns Hopkins University

6740 Alexander Bell Drive

Suite 302

Columbia, MD 21046

[P] 410.516.9837 [C] 410.274.2018


Ed.D., 2007 Teacher Development and Leadership, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland,

Research focus: Online Team-Based Learning Communities

M.S., 1994 Administration and Supervision, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

B.S., 1987 Special Education, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia


Johns Hopkins University, Columbia, Maryland

Center for Technology in Education

2007 – Present Associate Director

1999 – 2007 Program Director for Online Learning and Distance Education

1996 – 1999 Instructor/Facilitator for Instructional Technology

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

School of Education

2008 – Present Assistant Dean for Teaching, Learning and Assessment

2008 – Present Assistant Professor

2007 – Present Director of Online Learning

1994 – 2007 Instructor, Technology for Educators Graduate Program

1995 – 1996 Student Teacher Supervisor

Key Accomplishments

• Co-management of successful Center funding and operations for ten years

• Five Web-based applications recognized as university inventions

• Over 30 online professional learning communities with 10,000 + members (international)

• Online learning model used school-wide to produce high quality courses

• Competitive online graduate programs in educational technology (international)

• School-wide electronic unit assessment system that supported successful accreditation

• Improved student learning outcomes assessment and data review cycles for program improvement

• Production of Web-based multimedia resources for the education community

Baltimore County Public Schools, Essex, Maryland

Deep Creek Middle School

1995 – 1996 English Teacher/Team Leader

1994 – 1995 Special Education Teacher

Key Accomplishments

• Eighth grade technology initiative that provided one computer per student learning team

• Original computer-based data management system that allowed students to track and report on their own academic performance

• Comprehensive, classroom-based integration of services (psychological, occupational, physical, speech and language, counseling) resulting in improved performance of students with disabilities in general education classrooms

• Cooperative team-based learning structure that increased student engagement in eighth grade English classes

Baltimore City Public School System, Baltimore, Maryland

Dr. Bernard Harris, Sr. Elementary School

1993 – 1994 Principal Intern

Key Accomplishments

• Grant award that increased parent and community involvement in the elementary school

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland

Center for the Social Organization of Schools

1991 – 1994 Facilitator and Program Developer, Success for All School Reform Program

Key Accomplishments

• Dissemination of Success for All model in over 30 under-resourced schools in challenging urban and rural environments, that resulted in significant, documented student achievement gains

Seattle Public School System, Seattle, Washington

Greenwood Elementary School

1990 – 1991 Special Education Teacher

Key Accomplishments

• Co-teaching initiative that redirected service delivery for students with disabilities to address learning needs in general education classrooms

• School-wide professional development initiative in partnership with Johns Hopkins University that resulted in implementation of team-based learning practices and increased student engagement

Carroll County Public School System, Hampstead, Maryland

North Carroll Middle School

1988 – 1990 Special Education Teacher

Key Accomplishments

• Original cooperative collaborative co-teaching model that resulted in school-wide schedule development around the needs of students with disabilities

• School-wide professional development that positively impacted service delivery for students with disabilities at every grade level

• Application of Orton-Gillingham instructional intervention that improved the reading scores of sixth and seventh grade students with learning disabilities

• Implementation of project-based learning approach that increased student engagement across all sixth grade content areas


2008 Scholarship for Johns Hopkins University Leadership Development Program

2007 Aspen Institute Leadership Fellow Scholarship for Aspen Ideas Festival

2000 JHU School of Education Doctoral Program Scholarship

1989 National First Year Teacher Award, the Sallie Mae Fund


Center for Technology in Education

1996 – Present Center for Technology in Education Board

(provide leadership and management for CTE’s advisory board of 12 university,

state and national level members)

School of Education

2007 – Present National Advisory Council

2008 – Present Assessment and Program Improvement Committee – Chair

2007 – Present International Committee

2007 – Present Academic Policy Committee

2008 – Present Academic Council

2008 – Present Dean’s Leadership Council

2008 – 2009 Task Force on Teaching and Learning –Chair


2008 – Present Educational Technology Committee – Co-Chair

2008 – Present Master of Education for the Health Professions

(five-school curriculum development and program management)

2008 – Present Assessment and Accreditation Committee

2008 – Present Part-time Education Committee

2007 – 2009 Course Management System Task Force

2006 – 2008 University Committee on Electronic and Distance Education


American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (2000-present)

Association for Educational Communications and Technology (2003-2008)

Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (1992-present)

Association of Teacher Education (2000-2007)

Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (2003-present)

Council for Exceptional Children (1986-present)

International Society for Technology in Education (1996-present)

Conference Workshop Reviewer

Maryland Council of Staff Development (1996-present)

Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association (1996-present)

Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (2000-present)

United States Distance Learning Association (2007-present)


Journal of Curriculum and Instruction (2007-present)

Routledge Publishing (2007-present)


Digital Learning Group (2006-present)

Partnership to produce multimedia products that offer rich learning experiences to students and educators.

International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) (2005-present)

Partnership with the School of Education and the Center for Technology in Education (CTE) to prepare leaders in education and technology through an international graduate certificate program that builds on CTE’s research-based approach to online learning, and ISTE’s depth of knowledge in instructional technology.


Partnership to design and develop Web-based tools to promote effective teaching, learning and assessment practices.

ICF Macro (formerly Macro International, Inc.) (1998-present)

Partnership sustained through multiple educational technology projects funded at the national, state and local levels, to measure the impact of technology integration on teaching and learning in K-12 and higher education environments.

Maryland State Department of Education (1996-present)

Founding partnership with the Division of Special Education and Early Intervention Services to provide professional development in the use of assistive, instructional and leadership technologies to improve the quality of life for children and youth, particularly those with special needs.

U.S. Department of Education (2000-2003)

Partnership to develop and facilitate a national online professional learning community to support technology infusion in teacher education as part of the U.S. Department of Education Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology Program.

Maryland Public Television (MPT) (2000-2009)

Partnership through two Star Schools grants and related initiatives to promote high quality professional development and instructional practices through production of Web-based multimedia programs, games, and simulations.

American Institutes for Research (2000-2003)

Partnership to develop and deliver the first Web-based evaluation and reporting system for the U.S. Department of Education, aggregating data across grants to determine impact related to the national goals established for K-12 educational technology use.

American Professional Partnership for Lithuanian Education (A.P.P.L.E.) (1994)

Partnership between Johns Hopkins Center for the Social Organization of Schools and A.P.P.L.E. to deliver professional development in all regions of the country to integrate cooperative learning practices into instructional delivery.


Boundless Learning, Professional Development Program in the Center for Technology in Education

Leadership in Technology Integration, Online Graduate Certificate in the School of Education

Technology and Project-Based Learning, Graduate Certificate in the School of Education


Graduate Certificate in Education Administration and Supervision

Online program in partnership with ISTE

Earned ISTE’s NETS-A Seal of Alignment

Graduate Certificate in Biotechnology Education

Online program in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Krieger School of Arts and Sciences

Master of Education for the Health Professions

Blended program in partnership with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Carey Business School, School of Education, School of Medicine, and School of Nursing

Graduate Certificate in Online Teaching and Learning for Adults

Online program offered through the School of Education


Johns Hopkins University

Online Education Administration and Evaluation (893.648)

Designing and Delivering E-Learning Environments (893.645)

Web-Based Mentoring and Online Interaction (893.648)

Supervision and Professional Development (852.602)

Special Education Doctoral Seminar in Assistive, Instructional, and Administrative Applications of Technology (892.650)

Performance-Based Teaching and Assessment with Technology (893.574)

Integrating Technology into Project-Based Instruction (893.641)

School Improvement through Technology: Becoming an Agent of Change (893.631)

Collaborative Research and Inquiry Using Technology (893.572)

Technology for Middle and High School Instruction (893.570)

Technology-Based Instruction I: Cooperative Learning (893.569)

Restructuring Special Education with Technology (890.507)

Systemic Change Process for School Improvement (851.708)


Dubai GETEX-ISTE Global Forum on Technology and Innovation in Education (2008, 2009)

Produced higher education strand (2009) and moderated distance education strand (2008), both involving 12-15 international partners, in the United Arab Emirates.

ISTE International Webinars (2007-2009)

Moderated a synchronous Webinar series for an international audience, with national experts in the field, for the International Society for Technology in Education.

Emerging Technology Symposium (2007)

Co-produced a two-day symposium for a national audience, involving experts in the field of gaming and simulations in education. Delivered by the Center for Technology in Education in partnership with the JHU Applied Physics Laboratory.

International Forum on Online Education (2007)

Co-produced the forum for The China Education Association for International Exchange (CEAIE), in collaboration with Michigan State University, at Johns Hopkins University.

Technology Innovation Challenge Grant (TICG) Regional Conferences (1999-2001)

Coordinated and facilitated four conferences for federally funded TICG projects in the Southeast region of the U.S., involving K-12 and higher education professionals.


Strengthening Partnerships to Strengthen Education: Director of Online Learning Initiatives, 2003 to 2010; funded by the Maryland State Department of Education to research, advocate for, and disseminate effective policies and practices for: 1) Consideration of assistive technology devices, services, and testing accommodations; 2) Evidence-based, technology-supported, instructional strategies that foster collaboration between general and special educators, improve outcomes for all students, and support students with disabilities as they progress in the general education curriculum; and 3) Fostering leadership at the school, district, state, and national levels that is informed by data, supportive of collaboration between general and special education, invested in technology integration, and committed to assuring that all children, including those with disabilities, are able to access and progress in the general education curriculum.

Star Schools Project: Maryland Digital Schools: Director of Online Learning Initiatives for CTE, 2000 to 2006; funded by the U.S. Department of Education through Maryland Public Television to support the Maryland Star Schools Consortium in using digital broadcasting and other technologies to help teachers implement innovative teaching strategies to meet new educational standards that stress higher-level thinking skills and project-based collaborative learning.

Title II Teacher Quality Partnership Program: Project SITE SUPPORT: Director of Technology Initiatives, 1999 to 2004; funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education to recruit, prepare, mentor, and retain 1400 teachers for high-need schools in partnership with the Baltimore City Public School System, four urbanizing Maryland LEAs, the University of Maryland, and Morgan State University.

School Safety Web-based Curriculum for Six Target Audiences: Co-Project Director, 2001 to 2004; funded by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs to identify essential content and components of a strategic and comprehensive Web-based school safety curriculum for teachers, administrators, parents, students, police, school based officers, and concerned citizens. Developed a Web-based, menu driven environment for delivery of training and community building, and online courses for each targeted audience member.

Technology Innovation Challenge Grant (TICG) II: Maryland Teaching and Learning with Technology Consortium: Instructional Design Specialist, 1998 to 2004; funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement through Montgomery County Public School System to develop state policy regarding technology competence; create school-based technology leaders; build an electronic resource network to train and support large numbers of teachers throughout the state; build technology-rich professional development schools that function as hubs for new teacher preparation and support; provide proven professional development models that schools can adopt; and inform school principals and administrators in how to plan, align, and lead school-improvement initiatives that integrate technology. (Consortium members: Montgomery, Baltimore, and Prince George’s County Public Schools, MSDE, Maryland Public Television, Microsoft, Simon and Schuster, National Geographic Society, Inspiration Software, Center for Technology in Education).

Preparing Tomorrow’s Teachers to Use Technology (PT3): Project Director, 1999 to 2003; funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Postsecondary Education to enhance JHU’s pre-service teacher education programs by infusing technology into the curriculum, aligning it with state and national technology and content standards, and ensuring that graduates are prepared to learn and teach in technology-rich environments. Activities included modification of course syllabi to embrace technology-related objectives and activities, enhancement of faculty technology skills, enrichment of technology resources for students and faculty, creation of electronic learning communities, adoption of online course technologies, and institution of an electronic teaching portfolio and an electronic case study database.

Web-based Online Evaluation and Reporting System for the Technology Innovation Challenge Grant (TICG) Program: Project Director, 2000 to 2003; funded by the U.S. Department of Education (USDE), Office of Educational Research and Improvement to work with USDE leadership of the TICG program, TICG program project directors and evaluators, and staff from the American Institutes for Research to develop and implement a national Web-based evaluation, data collection, and reporting system.

Technology Innovation Challenge Grant (TICG) I: Putting Schools to Work on the Information Highway: Director of Professional Development, 1998 to 2000; funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement through Baltimore City Public Schools to deliver a multi-faceted program using electronic case studies and telecommunication tools to transform curricula and assessments and connect Baltimore City high school students with places of work and the community at-large.


Electronic Learning Community (ELC): A collaborative, Web-based tool designed for communication and knowledge management for education professionals. Approved for external licensing by JHU Office of Technology Transfer. Reference number Nunn1605, February 2002.

Digital Portfolio (DP): A template-driven, standards-based application, designed primarily for the education community, which facilitates the development of content-rich professional portfolios. Approved for external licensing by JHU Office of Technology Transfer. Reference number Nunn1752, July 2002.

Student Compass: A Web-based application for monitoring student performance in the following areas: state content standards, reading, homework completion, attendance, teamwork tasks, instructional strategies use, and behavior. Approved for external licensing by JHU Office of Technology Transfer. Reference number Nunn1750, July 2002.

Teacher Compass: A Web-based application for administrators to use when observing and evaluating teachers. Approved for external licensing by JHU Office of Technology Transfer. Reference number Nunn 1751, July 2002.

Project Builder: A Web-based application to help teachers create effective lesson plans and project-based learning units that maximize learning opportunities for all students. Approved for external licensing by JHU Office of Technology Transfer. Reference number Nunn1753, July 2002.


Lowry, A.E. (2009). Speaking personally: An interview with Don Knezek. The American Journal of Distance Education, 23: 104-115.

Lowry, A.E. (2007). Dissertation: Effects of online vs. face-to-face professional development with a team-based learning community approach on teachers’ application of a new instructional practice. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University.

Mainzer, L., Castellani, J., Lowry, B., & Nunn, J. (2006). GLOBE Tech: Using technology to maximize classroom performance with team-based instruction. Technology in Action, 2(1).

Nunn, J. A., Lowry, A. E., Peloff, D., & Pierrel, E. (2005). Communities and portfolios: Infusing Web-based tools into teacher preparation programs. In S. R. Rhine & M. Bailey (Eds.), Transforming Learning through Technology (pp. 79-92). Eugene, OR: ISTE.

Mainzer, L.H., Lowry, A.E., Mainzer, R.W., Baltzley, P.C., Nunn, J.A. (1997). Team research and learning.

Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University, Center for Technology in Education.

Mainzer, L.H., Lowry, A.E., Mainzer, R.W., Nunn, J.A., Baltzley, P.C. (1997). TeamView: A tool for building high performance teams. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University, Center for Technology in Education.

Mainzer, R.W., Mainzer, L.H., Lowry, A.E., Baltzley, P.A. (1996). The cooperative collaborative process.

Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University, Center for Technology in Education.

Mainzer, K.L., Mainzer, R.W., Lowry, A.E., & Slavin, R.E. (1993). What special education teachers should know about cooperative learning. Teacher Education and Special Education, 16(1), 42-50.


Lowry, B. (2009) Coordinator and Presenter for Higher Education Strand. GETEX-ISTE Global Forum on Technology and Innovation in Education, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Lowry, B., Carling, L. (2009) Building Powerful Online Courses with Deep Level Web 2.0 Applications. National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), Washington DC.

Lowry, B. (2008) Moderator for Distance Learning and Online Learning Community Strand. GETEX-ISTE Global Forum on Technology and Innovation in Education, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Lowry, B. (2008) Online Versus Face-to-Face Professional Development for Adult Learners: Learning from the Research. Research paper presented at the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), New Orleans, LA.

Nunn, J., Stein, S., Lowry, B., Choquette, B. (2008) Professional Development for Data-Driven Decision-Making: Turn Information into Transformation. Institute of Education Sciences Management Information Systems (MIS) Conference, San Francisco, CA.

Lowry, B., Carling, L. (2007) High Performance Teaming to Strengthen Online Professional Development. National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), Atlanta, GA.

May, K., Lowry, B. (2007) Digital Portfolios to Support Professional Development and Program Evaluation. National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), Atlanta, GA.

Carling, L., Lowry, B., Parlette, A. (2007) Supporting Instructors for High Quality Facilitation in Online Professional Development. National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), Atlanta, GA.

Lowry, B., Mainzer, L. (2007) The Matrix: Effective Integration of AT Accommodations in the General Education Class. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Louisville, KY.

Mainzer, L., Lowry, B. (2007) GLOBE Tech: Achieving in the World of Co-Teaching. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Louisville, KY.

Lowry, B., Mainzer, L. (2007) Application of a Team-Based Learning Community Approach to the Design of Online Professional Development: Research Study Results. Society for Applied Learning Technology (SALT), Orlando, FL.

Mainzer, L., Lowry, B. (2007) The MATRIX: Integrating Accommodations and AT in General Education Classes. Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA), Orlando, FL.

Lowry, B. (2006) Online Professional Development and Learning Communities: Research Results. Paper presented at the National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), San Diego, CA.

Lowry, B. (2006) The MATRIX: Transforming Instructional Delivery in the General Education Class. National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), San Diego, CA.

Mainzer, K., Lowry, B., Ott, L. (2006) Final Frontier: Building Online Learning Communities to Support Professional Development. National Educational Computing Conference with the International Society for Technology in Education (NECC), San Diego, CA.

Mainzer, L., Lowry, B., Stein, S. (2006) Aggressive Treatment for Advancing the Achievement of Subgroup Populations. Council of Educational Administrative and Supervisory Organizations of Maryland (CEASOM). Towson, MD.

Lowry, B., Mainzer, K. (2005) Building and Sustaining Online Learning Communities to Enhance Professional Development. Pre-conference workshop. Joint CEC Teacher Education Division (TED) and Technology and Media Division (TAM) Conference, Portland, ME.

Lowry, B. (2005) Online or Face-to-Face Professional Development: Lessons Learned. North American Council for Online Learning (NACOL), Baltimore, MD.

Mainzer, L.., Lowry, B. (2005) Boundless Learning: Tools to Help Students Succeed in the General Education Curriculum. Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), Baltimore, MD.

Lowry, B. (2003) Supporting Diverse Teacher Education Programs with Online Learning Communities. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Albuquerque, NM.

Peloff, D., Lowry, B. (2003) Electronic Portfolios in Teacher Preparation: Lessons Learned From Building and Implementing a Dynamic, Web-Based EP System. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), New Orleans, LA.

Lowry, B. (2002) Building Online Learning Communities to Strengthen Teacher Education. National Education Computing Conference (NECC), San Antonio, TX.

Lowry, B., and Simard, D. (2002) Building a National PT3 Online Learning Community. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN.

Lowry, B., Peloff, D., and Hansen, R. (2002) Collect, Select, and Reflect: Using the Electronic Portfolio in Teacher Preparation. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), Nashville, TN.

Lowry, B. (2002) Improving Teacher Performance with Online Community. Coordinator and Presenter of Strand: Maryland Instructional Computer Coordinators Association (MICCA), Baltimore, MD.

Kirstein, R., Lowry, B., and Urbanski, E. (2001) Lessons Learned in the Application of a National Online Reporting System to Strengthen Pre-k – 12 Technology-Based Program Evaluation. American Evaluation Association (AEA), St. Louis, MO.

Lowry, B., Adamson, L. (2001) A Standards-Based Doctoral Program: Preparing Teacher Educators for the 21st Century. Association of Teacher Educators (ATE), New Orleans, LA, February 2001.

Adamson, L., Lowry, B. (2001) Preparing the Next Generation of Professor/Practitioners: Aligning Doctoral Programs with the ATE Standards for Teacher Educators. American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE), Dallas, TX.

Peloff, D., Lowry, B., and Walsh, P. (2000) Electronic Learning Communities: Engaging Online Learners.

TeleCon East Conference and Expo, Washington, D.C.

Lowry, B., and Peloff, D. (1999) The Rise and Fall of Electronic Learning Communities. National Education Computing Conference (NECC), Atlantic City, NJ.

Mainzer, L., Lowry, B., and Peloff, D. (1999) The TeamTech Learning System: An Electronic Learning Community. Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC), Orlando, FL.

Lowry, B., and Peloff, D. (1998) Unlocking the Power of the Web for Collaboration: A Case Study. ISTE Tel-Ed 1998, New Orleans, LA.

Mainzer, L., and Lowry, B. (1997) TeamTech for Success: Integrating Technology Effectively into the Classroom. Council of Educational Administrative & Supervisory Organizations of Maryland (CEASOM) Invitational Leadership Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Nunn, J., and Lowry, B. (1997) Project and Program Evaluation. Session Facilitator: Fall Conference of the Technology Innovation Challenge Grant Program, Alexandria, VA.

Packer, A., and Lowry, B. Associate Degree for Manufacturing Technicians/A National Science Foundation Grant. Presenter/Consultant: Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies. Faculty Development Meetings, Baltimore, MD, May 1996; Northern Essex Community College, MA, August 1996; South Seattle Community College, WA, November 1996; New Hampshire Technical Institute, NH, June 1997.

Nunn, J., Mainzer, L., and Lowry, B. (1997) Tools for School-to-Work Transition. Paper presented at the Educational Technology Conference & Expo ‘97, Atlanta, GA.

Mainzer, L., and Lowry, B. (1997) Team Research and Learning. Presenter: Center for Technology in Education Summer Seminar Series, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

Mainzer, L., Mainzer, R., and Lowry, B. (1997) TeamView: Structuring the Classroom for Success. The International Council for Exceptional Children Conference (CEC), Salt Lake City, UT, April 1997.


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