Template for Proposing a New Graduate Certificate

Template for Proposing a New Graduate CertificateThe template starts on page 2. Text in black is part of the template. Anything in green is text you need to supply, or contains the instructions or commentary. Please supply your text in black and delete all green text before submitting your proposal, with the exception of the Senate Proposal number, which is supplied by the Senate.For a flow chart of the entire approval process, please see the Provost’s web page. Please note that the process is subject to change at the discretion of the deans.The University Senate of Michigan Technological UniversityProposal XX-YYEstablishment of a New Graduate Certificate in Title of your certificate hereSubmitted by: Hosting Unit/CommitteeProposal DateProposing Contacts and Departments Insert name, department, and email address of contacts for the proposed certificate.Sponsor Department Approvals Attach at end of document. This item is only required for interdisciplinary certificates. General Description and Characteristics of Certificate [Please do not exceed ~ 500 words.]Provide a concise description of the certificate. Include the competencies that students will demonstrate upon completion. Include any restrictions not covered by Michigan Tech’s policy on Graduate Certificates.Provide catalog description to be used for the certificate. Rationale for the Certificate Provide a rationale for offering this certificate. Please do not exceed ~ 500 words. Questions to answer might include: What benefits does it offer? Will it attract new students? What will it enable students to do that other University programs do not?Related Programs Provide a concise description of comparable programs within the university, state, and nation. (Include international programs, if appropriate.) Please limit this to no more than 1 page. Related programs are an aspect of market research (see item 7) used to project student enrollment.Projected Enrollments Provide projected enrollment numbers and a basis for them. Market research and a student recruitment plan should be included here. This aspect of a new certificate proposal is especially important for those that will have an online component.Scheduling Plans If there are proposed or required changes to scheduling of classes, etc…, describe them here.Curriculum Design Describe required and elective (if any) courses. If new courses are required, clearly show that. For online courses, please indicate the date they passed (or will have passed) the online course peer review process and are certified as meeting current Michigan Tech standards for online course quality.Course Descriptions Provide catalog course descriptions for all courses in the certificate.Model Schedule Demonstrating Completion Time Show a model schedule for completion of the certificate. Library and other Learning Resources If new resources from the library or other learning resources are required, describe them here.Faculty Resumes Attach at the end of the document, or provide links to the faculty CVs/resumes (links preferred). If any portion of the certificate is offered online, CVs should indicate credentials for online teaching certification or the plan to ensure that faculty are certified before delivering online courses.Equipment If new equipment is required, describe it here.Program Costs Provide an estimate of the cost of the certificate to the University. Costs associated with marketing should be included here. (This is especially important for certificates which will be offered online.)Space If new space is required, describe it here along with a rationale for why new space is needed and warranted.Policies, Regulations, and Rules Refer to Senate policy on Graduate Certificates. If there are other policies, regulations, or rules, describe them here.Accreditation Requirements. If the certificate requires professional or specialized accreditation, specify the accrediting organization and describe the timeline for completing the accreditation process. If you will not be seeking accreditation AND there is an organization that could accredit the program, provide a rationale for not seeking accreditation.Planned Implementation DateAssessment Provide an overview of the Learning Objectives for the certificate. This does not have to be a full-fledged Assessment Plan at the proposal stage, though all certificates must be assessed and will need Assessment Plans upon approval.END OF TEMPLATE ................

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