

Graduate Research Grants (SUMMER 2021 OR ACADEMIC YEAR 2021-22)

Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society, is pleased to announce its graduate research grant program for summer 2021 and academic year 2021-22. An eligible graduate student who is an active member of Sigma Delta Pi may apply for one grant of up to $2000 to support travel ABROAD to Spain, Spanish America or another region outside the U.S. where Spanish is spoken, and for the sole purpose of research related to Hispanic Studies. No more than five total grants may be awarded in 2021 based upon the quality and depth of the pool of applications.


CRITERIA. To be eligible to receive one of the research grants, a graduate student must (minimal requirements):

1) request support for research involving learning or teaching of Spanish language, linguistics, and/or Hispanic literature, culture, film or media.

2) be an active (elected) member of Sigma Delta Pi.

3) have a superior academic record.

4) be enrolled on March 1, 2021 as a full-time graduate student.

5) have earned grades in at least 6 semester or 9 quarter hours of graduate Spanish courses.

6) be nominated in writing by the chapter adviser(s) of an active chapter of the institution where the applicant is currently enrolled.

7) send the completed official application form and all required documentation via e-mail by the stipulated deadline.


(1) Undergraduate students.

(2) Previous winners, regardless of whether they accepted or declined a graduate research grant.

(3) Proposals to travel to a country that is listed as Level 4 by the U.S. Department of State (click here). Level 3 may be permitted depending upon the warnings issued for the specific region/city proposed. The applicant must address these levels in their “Work Plan” of the “Research Proposal” of this application.

(4) Applicants whose transcripts do NOT reflect the national requirements for membership will be automatically disqualified.

OFFICIAL APPLICATION FORM. Applicants must use the official 2021 research grant application form included with this announcement. The faculty advisers of chapters with more than one applicant must complete one (1) "Chapter Adviser Ranking Form" (found at ) and send it via e-mail to

DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS. All applications must be e-mailed no later than MIDNIGHT Eastern Standard Time (EST), March 1, 2021. Those received after this date will not be considered.

JUDGING APPLICATIONS. A committee of three judges will be appointed by Professor Comfort Pratt, Chair of the Sigma Delta Pi Research Grant Competition, for the 2020-21 academic year. Working independently and with a given set of criteria, the judges will select the grant recipients. Their decision will be final.

ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARDS. Winners will be notified around April 15, 2021.

USE OF RESEARCH GRANTS. Sigma Delta Pi research grants MUST be used solely for the purposes stated in the awardee’s original application (e.g., for research ABROAD in Spain, Spanish America or another region outside the U.S. where Spanish is spoken, exact location[s], length of time specified, etc.) and for research purposes only. Permission will not be granted to alter the originally proposed research plan. Sigma Delta Pi’s research grants are non-transferable. Each awardee will receive half of the amount of his/her grant prior to his/her research trip, and the remaining half at the completion of his/her trip and after his/her photo and essay have been submitted (see below).

RESPONSIBILITIES OF WINNERS. Within two weeks after the completion of the period of his/her research trip, each grant recipient must send a passport-type photograph (.jpg or .gif file) and an essay (Word format) of approximately 200 words in Spanish reporting on his/her research trip and the related work completed. Instructions regarding format and submission are found at . The photo and essay will be published in the subsequent issue of Sigma Delta Pi’s annual journal, Entre Nosotros.

Awardees unable to undertake the research made possible by the grant must inform the Executive Director ( immediately and return any funding already received.

If a Chair of the Graduate Research Grant Competition and/or a judging committee member is also a chapter adviser, then their chapter is eligible for no more than one (1) graduate research grant. An exception may be made if 1) the number of applicants is less than the number of available awards and/or 2) the Executive Director, in consultation with the President, concludes that the quality of the applicant pool is deficient.

WHERE TO SEND COMPLETED APPLICATIONS. The completed application and required documentation must be e-mailed by MIDNIGHT EST, March 1, 2021 to Dr. Comfort Pratt of Texas Tech University at





Application for Sigma Delta Pi

Graduate Research Grant

NOTICE: This completed and typed application form, a digital copy of the transcript(s), the endorsement from your chapter adviser, and the letters of recommendation MUST all be sent via e-mail before MIDNIGHT Eastern Standard Time (EST), March 1, 2021 to Dr. Comfort Pratt of Texas Tech University at

The completed and typed application and all required materials MUST BE RECEIVED BY MIDNIGHT EST,

March 1, 2021 or the application will be disqualified.

X_______________________________________________ NAME OF APPLICANT

The typing of my name above is considered my official signature and certifies that:

a. I have read and completely understand “Form 1-B” included with this application form.

b. I am a graduate student whose area of study involves learning or teaching Spanish language, linguistics

and/or Hispanic literature, culture, film or media.

c. I am an active (elected) member of Sigma Delta Pi.

d. I am enrolled as a full-time graduate student on March 1, 2021.


1. Full name:

2. Present (school) address:

Cell phone (include area code):

Permanent e-mail:

Until what date will you be at the above address?:

3. Permanent (home) address:

Telephone (include area code):

When will you be at this address?:

If your address changes, please notify us immediately and confirm your cell phone number.

4. The name and school address of my current Sigma Delta Pi chapter adviser(s) is/are (list ALL advisers; “current” adviser pertains to your current institution, which must have an active chapter of Sigma Delta Pi for your membership to be considered “active”):

Adviser's(s') e-mail(s):

Adviser's(s') telephone numbers (include area code):

Date and chapter of your Sigma Delta Pi membership initiation:


TRANSCRIPTS: Include with your application a digital copy of your updated transcript from your current graduate program. Please do not ask your Registrar to forward a copy since it MUST be e-mailed together electronically with your application packet.

1. Number of ___ semester or ___ quarter (check one) hours of graduate Spanish courses completed: _______

2. Grade point average in all graduate Spanish courses completed: ________ on a base of ________

3. Other academic honors (grants, scholarships, awards, etc.):


List below your extracurricular activities. Please make special mention of your participation in the activities of your Sigma Delta Pi chapter.


One letter from your Sigma Delta Pi chapter adviser(s) stating that your chapter recommends you for a Sigma Delta Pi research grant. If your chapter has multiple advisers, ALL must sign the single endorsement letter that must focus on your participation in the chapter’s activities and highlight specific contributions you have made to the chapter. Your adviser(s) MUST send this letter by March 1, 2021 via e-mail to


Letters from two of your professors from your current graduate program who can attest to your scholastic achievements and ability to conduct research. These professors MUST send their letters by March 1, 2021 via e-mail to


Have you been granted funding for this project from one or more sources?

If yes, please specify amount(s) awarded and source(s):


Please include below your research proposal, which may be written in English or Spanish and must not exceed two (2) single-spaced pages. This proposal must include the following sections:

1. Abstract

2. Introduction to the project and rationale

3. Methodology

4. Significance

5. Details of Work Plan (to include proposed location and dates, and confirm the “Level” for the proposed destination as categorized by the U.S. Department of State (click here), and discuss perceived safety risks)

6. References (bibliography)

7. How a Sigma Delta Pi research grant will help complete the project

If the research proposal exceeds the two-page limit,

there will be a 10-point penalty applied during the judging process.


Please itemize—include all related details to include departure and destination points for travel, location and name of lodging host, and description and rationale for supplies—your estimated expenses below for each category. Beneath each estimate, please describe the basis for each cost estimate and the source (, AAA travel agency, etc.).


Air fare: $_____________

Misc.: $______________

Departure and destination points, basis & source:

Lodging: $_______________

Location(s), name of hosts (hotel, Airbnb, etc.) basis & source:

Meals: $_______________

Basis & source:

Supplies: $ _______________

Description, basis & source:

Total amount requested: $ ____________ (can not exceed $2,000)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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