University of Innsbruck - Universität Innsbruck

University of Innsbruck |Winter term 2007/2008 | |

|VL English Grammar: An Introduction |PD Dr. I. Mindt |

Exercise: Adverbial clauses

1. Please identify all adverbial clauses in the following examples. State whether they are adjuncts, subjuncts, disjuncts, or conjuncts!

a) The most exciting part was when we had to jump into the water from a 12ft high board.

b) Speaking of the wind, it was getting stronger and I was getting colder.

c) So far as the seamen were concerned, the impossible had been achieved.

d) For instance, you could choose a cushion, chair seat or bell pull, though you may wish to make something relatively simple and uncomplicated on your first attempt.

e) Before you go put everything that you will need downstairs.

f) To return to my Degas quote: many of the writers seem to be appropriating what they see as ‘feminist tools of socio-political deconstruction’ by examining details of Degas' work according to a binary opposition of woman as object/man as Baudelairean flaneur .

g) When we rode into London, I began to feel afraid.

2. Please state whether the adjuncts in the following examples are predication adjuncts or sentence adjuncts. For predication adjuncts also determine whether they are obligatory or optional!

a) He handled the meeting as if nothing were to change.

b) She had lived there for some time although it is not known where she lived before coming to Darlington.

c) To get there they had to cross the mud.

d) When he came back, she had gone.

3. Determine the semantic role of each adverbial clause!

a) She had rung off before he could say another word.

b) Satisfied, she retraces her steps until she comes to a Ladies' cloakroom.

c) Chris and Pauline met while being treated at the same psychiatric unit of a local hospital.

d) Be punctual so as to reduce waiting time.

e) Although we found some firewood in the woods behind the hut, it was bitterly cold.

f) While in hospital, my company made me redundant.

g) We shall never be able to help them unless we get power.

h) Have a saucer ready to catch the yolk and white of the egg.

i) While in hospital, my company made me redundant.

j) Well, you're suffering from, if I may put it that crudely, of a well-known British disease of a lack of self-regard in a sense.

k) But while the present Federal Republic would remain firmly anchored in Nato, East Germany would remain within the Warsaw Pact.

l) The fat was still warm in the pan so that it soaked into the bread like water into a sponge.

m) Stephanie made coffee while Peter talked.

n) Since she didn't seem willing to read the translation, Robert took on the job himself.

o) He always put his answering machine on if he didn't want to talk.

p) While not exactly threatening, her demeanour was hard and off-putting.

q) The sailors all laughed at me because I walked and neighed like a horse.

r) If you keep on drinking, you'll be dead in six month.


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