10th Grade English Language Arts Syllabus

9th Grade English Syllabus Teacher: Mr. Steve Morey, Room 307

2011-2012 School Year, Freshman Academy, Oxford High School


Students at each level (Honors, College Prep, and Advanced English) will be challenged daily according to the Alabama 9th Grade Course of Study Assessments in these areas: Reading, Literature, Writing and Language, Research and Inquiry, and Oral and Visual Communication. Teachers in the Academy will use a variety of teaching strategies including “Makes Sense Strategies,” “Seamless Instruction,” and “Reciprocal Teaching” to provide the daily material in a disciplined environment. Our goal is to prepare students academically and socially to move onto the 10th grade and beyond.


1. Write phrases, sentences, paragraphs, essays, letters, poems, speeches, and journal entries--emphasizing proper grammar and writing skills to prepare for the Alabama Direct Assessment of Writing in the 10th Grade.

2. Develop an understanding of basic literature themes and forms through reading and interpretation.

3. Use critical thinking, identification, application, evaluation, demonstration, and critiquing skills.

4. Define and correctly use new vocabulary, and know the origins of words and phrases.

5. Speak grammatically correct using Standard English during class discussions and oral readings.

6. Work individually and in small groups while stressing teamwork and proper socialization skills.

Textbooks, Resources, and Technology

Glencoe Literature, The Reader's Choice, Course 4; Glencoe Writer’s Choice, Grade 9, and its related grammar workbook; Vocabulary for Achievement workbook; supplementary novels, plays, and other reading material; LCD projector; Qomo Wireless Tablet; DVDs, CDs and computer software programs, including Power Point; video and audio tapes; and worksheets and handouts.

EVERY day you must bring to class your three-ring Academy Notebook, loose leaf/notebook paper, and a blue/black pen. You may use a pencil when composing most daily work, rough drafts of writing assignments, and tests/quizzes; however, final drafts of major assignments/essays must be written in blue/black ink or typed. Carefully follow the teacher's instructions for each assignment given.

Literature Literary selections will be from the following genres/areas: short stories; fiction (including To Kill a Mockingbird and The Pigman); nonfiction; poetry; drama (Romeo and Juliet; Marty); and mythology (The Odyssey). Emphasis will be on worldwide literary works.

Grading Evaluation in the classroom includes teacher, peer, and self-assessment. Students can earn 1,000 points (approximate total) each nine weeks—weighted in the following manner:

30% Major Tests (a minimum of three each nine weeks)

20% Daily writing (student-created essays, poems, narratives, etc.)

20% Projects (individual and group)

20% Daily work (homework, class work, notebook checks, bell ringers, and class participation)

10% Quizzes

*** The only changes that can be made within this grading procedure are through a written modification plan on an individual-student basis. Parents/guardians can monitor their children’s progress via the STI I-NOW web-based system.

Official Attendance Policy

Any combination of absences, either excused or unexcused, that total more than eight (8) in the school year will result in non-promotion. Consult the Student Handbook and/or Student Code of Conduct for more attendance policy information.

Academic Dishonesty Policy

Students who are found guilty of cheating (receiving or providing information, talking during a test, aiding in any form, and/or not following a teacher’s specific instructions), or plagiarism after due process will receive a “0” on the material or test. Consult the Student Handbook and/or Student Code of Conduct for details. The Academy takes plagiarism VERY seriously!

Class Participation/Attendance/Make-up Work

You are expected to arrive on time for and participate in each scheduled class. If you miss a class due to illness or family emergency, YOU must within three (3) days arrange with Mr. Morey to make up any homework, class work, or tests that you missed. EXCUSED absences allow you to make up missed work with no penalty; UNEXCUSED absences result in a maximum of “50%” possible on make-up work for those days.

IMPORTANT: Any student having difficulty in this class is STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to see Mr. Morey for help as soon as possible. Reasonable accommodations will be given to students in accordance with Section 504 and The American with Disabilities Act.


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