Letter-Writing : Letter - from one character to another

Letter-Writing : Letter - from one character to another


Student Name:     ________________________________________

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Creative Ideas |Ideas were expressed in|Ideas were expressed in a |Ideas were somewhat |The letter seemed to be a |

| |a clear and organized |pretty clear manner, but |organized, but were not |collection of unrelated |

| |fashion. It was easy to|the organziation could |very clear. It took more |sentences. It was very |

| |figure out what the |have been better. |than one reading to figure|difficult to figure out what |

| |letter was about. | |out what the letter was |the letter was about. |

| | | |about. | |

|Content Accuracy |The letter contains at |The letter contains 3-4 |The letter contains 1-2 |The letter contains no |

| |least 5 accurate facts |accurate facts about the |accurate facts about the |accurate facts about the |

| |about the topic, and |topic, and evidences |topic. |topic, and no acurate |

| |evidences specific |general knowledge of the | |knowledge of the text. |

| |knowledge of the text. |text.. | | |

|Length |The letter is 4 |The letter is 3 paragraphs|The letter is 2 paragraphs|The letter is less than 2 |

| |paragraphs of 5-7 |of 5-7 sentence length |of 5-7 sentence length |paragraphs of 5-7 sentence |

| |sentence length each. |each. |each. |length each. |

|Capitalization and |Writer makes no errors |Writer makes 1-2 errors in|Writer makes 3-4 errors in|Writer makes more than 4 |

|Punctuation |in capitalization and |capitalization and |capitalization and |errors in capitalization and |

| |punctuation. |punctuation. |punctuation. |punctuation. |

|Grammar & spelling |Writer makes no errors |Writer makes 1-2 errors in|Writer makes 3-4 errors in|Writer makes more than 4 |

|(conventions) |in grammar or spelling.|grammar and/or spelling. |grammar and/or spelling |errors in grammar and/or |

| | | | |spelling. |

|Salutation and |Salutation and closing |Salutation and closing |Salutation and closing |Salutation and/or closing are|

|Closing |have no errors in |have 1-2 errors in |have 3 or more errors in |missing. |

| |capitalization and |capitalization and |capitalization and | |

| |punctuation. |punctuation. |punctuation. | |

|Neatness |Letter is typed, clean,|Letter is neatly |Letter is typed and is |Letter is typed and looks |

| |not wrinkled, and is |hand-written, clean, not |crumpled or slightly |like it had been shoved in a |

| |easy to read with no |wrinkled, and is easy to |stained. It may have 1-2 |pocket or locker. It may have|

| |distracting error |read with no distracting |distracting error |several distracting error |

| |corrections. It was |error corrections. It was |corrections. It was done |corrections. It looks like it|

| |done with pride. |done with care. |with some care. |was done in a hurry or stored|

| | | | |improperly. |


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