St. Johns County School District

APES = Advanced Placement English Students!Weekly Schedule for Week of November 16 – 20, 2015Week’s Focus Points: Grammar: Phrases –Appositives; review all phrase typesVocabulary: Sadlier Oxford Level F Unit 2Analysis: Practice prompts and timed write; writing resourcesRhetorical Terms: Review + New/AdditionalEVENTS: Next week: Tackling the AP Lang and Comp MC test!Day of WeekMonday, November 16Tuesday, November 17Wednesday, November 18Thursday, November 19Friday, November 20In-ClassSee below for links for Unit 2 Vocabulary words for study. DUE: Appositive Phrases work (Exercises 1 and 2 in packet; Exercise 4 written on own paper.)Assignment: Phrases review In-class Vocabulary ReviewDUE: Outliers Project Check #3 (written; BEST entry so far and aim for at least ? way through the project work)QUIZ Vocabulary Unit 2After quiz, you can work on the phrases review. In-class: Continue discussion of “America Needs its Nerds” Analysis Prompt (4th mostly finished; other classes need time)+ Additional Analysis Prompt – annotate and discussAdditional Analysis focus and preparation for Friday’s timed write(Note: work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday is in class, so that you have outside of class time to work on your project!)Timed Write Analysis Essay (Note: work Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday is in class, so that you have outside of class time to work on your project!)Assigned WorkOutliers Project: Check Point 3: 11/17Due Date: 11/24 Final to this date (one document)Ongoing: Outliers projectCurrent: Vocabulary Study Unit 2 – Quiz next Tuesday, 11/17REMINDER: All project requirements(and feedback from check 2) are on Edmodo and the website. Ongoing: Outliers projectCurrent and ongoing: Be reviewing the writing of the analysis essayCurrent and ongoing: Be studying rhetorical termsOngoing: Outliers projectCurrent and ongoing: Be reviewing the writing of the analysis essayCurrent and ongoing: Be studying rhetorical termsOngoing: Outliers projectCurrent and ongoing: Be reviewing the writing of the analysis essayCurrent and ongoing: Be studying rhetorical termsOngoing: Outliers projectCurrent and ongoing: Be reviewing the writing of the analysis essayCurrent and ongoing: Be studying rhetorical termsLink to Unit 2 Vocabulary on Quizlet: (Words also listed below.) to Sadlier Oxford main site: (Includes word lists, pronunciation, and games) = Advanced Placement English Students!Weekly Schedule for Week of November23-27, 2015Week’s Focus Points: Tackling the AP MC TestAdditional Rhetorical TermsEvents: No School Thursday and Friday; Happy ThanksgivingDay of WeekMonday, November 23Tuesday, November 24Wednesday, November 25Thursday, November 26Friday, November 27 In ClassAnalysis Essays from Friday will be returned Monday – Wednesday of this week. Examples and commentary will be posted to Edmodo for review.Full AP MC Test Monday - TuesdayFull AP MC Test Monday – TuesdayDUE by end of day today to = Outliers final project (as all one document)Analyzing the DiagnosticFull AP MC Test -- What the scores meanCategories of ?sTerms need to knowGoals for progressHappy ThanksgivingNo SchoolHappy HolidaysNo SchoolAssigned WorkOutliers Project: Due Date: 11/24 Final to this date (one document)Outliers projectREMINDER: All project requirements are on Edmodo and the website. Feedback from Check point 2 on Edmodo. Ongoing: Be studying newest terms listOngoing: Be studying newest terms listOngoing: Be studying newest terms listOngoing: Be studying newest terms listCONTINUE TO REVIEW AND KNOW THESE!!! CONTINUE TO REVIEW AND KNOW THESE!!! CONTINUE TO REVIEW AND KNOW THESE!!!RHETORICAL TERMS (full list from Oct 13 review test)Appeals: Ethos, Logos, PathosRhetoricRhetorical TriangleDiscourseAnalysisSOAPSMODES: Descriptive, Narrative, Expository, ArgumentationSTRATEGIES: Definition, Example/Exemplification, Cause/Effect, Comparison/Contrast, Classification, Analysis/Division, ProcessDiction:DenotationConnotationMoodToneActive VoicePassive VoiceConcreteAbstractFigurative Language:Simile MetaphorPersonificationUnderstatementSymbolSound Elements:OnomatopeiaAlliterationAssonanceConsonanceEuphonyCacophonyWord Play:OxymoronParadoxJuxtapositionIrony – Situational, Verbal, DramaticRepetitionMotifAnalogyEuphemismOther: AnecdoteAllusionSyntax:ParallelismPolysyndetonSentence Types *See notes on posted Syntax chartVOCABULARY Unit 1 approbationassuagecoalitiondecadenceelicitexpostulatehackneyedhiatusinnuendointercedejadedluridmeritoriouspetulantprerogativeprovincialsimulatetranscendumbrageunctuousVOCABULARY Unit 2 (Quiz will be Tuesday, 11/17)ameliorateaplombbombasticcallowdrivelepitomeexhortex officioinfringeingratiateinterloperintrinsicinveighlassitudemillenniumoccultpermeateprecipitatestringentsurmiseTONE WORDS List 1abashedardentblithecondescendingacquiescentaudaciousbrusquecoydenunciatoryacerbicbanteringcandidcontemptuousdevil-may-careeulogisticaghastbemusedcausticcurtdidacticfacetiousallusivebenevolentcavaliercynicaldisdainfullarchhaughtyhypercriticalindifferentindignantironiclanguorouslanguidflippantdisparagingdefamatory------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TONE WORDS for Tuesday, October 20th TONE TEST (Test #2 on Tone words):laudatorymelancholyna?venostalgicobjectivepessimisticpoignantpragmaticreminiscingreproachfulresignedreticentruefulsarcasticsardonicsatiricalsentimentalsmugsolemnsombersternstentorianstridentsubduedswaggeringtrenchantvexedwarywhimsicalwitheringwryzealous--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------GRAMMATICAL and WRITINGSix Traits of writing to excel in: Ideas and Content (supporting ideas); Organization; Voice; Word Choice (Diction); Sentence Fluency (Syntax choices); ConventionsActive vs. Passive VoiceActive VerbsShowing vs. TellingParallelismTitle PunctuationPhrases and Phrase Types: Appositives; Prepositional (Adverbial and Adjectival); Verbals (Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives)Sentence Types by Structure: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-ComplexSentence Types by Function: Declarative, Interrogative, Exclamatory, ImperativePolysyndeton (vs. Asyndeton)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW Rhetorical Terms on 11/13 ................

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