Grade 7: Rubric for an Advertisement (for a New Food Product)

Grade 7: Rubric for A Short Story

|Categories |Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Reasoning |The student: |

|complexity and connection of|expresses only a few simple |expresses a variety of |expresses many |expresses thoroughly |

|ideas |ideas |simple ideas |well-developed ideas |well-developed ideas that |

| | | | |advance the story line |

|connecting ideas to the |connects few ideas to the |connects some supporting |connects many supporting |connects almost all supporting |

|story |story |details to the story |details to the story |details meaningfully and |

| | | | |consistently to the story |

|number and relevance of | includes few supporting |includes some supporting |includes supporting details |includes supporting details |

|supporting details |details and some ideas that |details and some ideas that |that are relevant to the |that are clearly relevant to |

| |are not important or |are important or relevant to|story |the story and further develop |

| |relevant to the story |the story | |the story line |

|Communication |In the student’s story: |

|purpose (to create a short |the purpose is unclear |the purpose is somewhat |the purpose is clear and |the purpose is clear, |

|story) | |clear |effective |effective, and engaging |

|voice |writer’s voice not evident |some evidence of the |clear evidence of the |strong writer’s voice maintains|

| | |writer’s voice |writer’s voice |the reader’s interest |

|word use and vocabulary |the vocabulary is not |there is some effective |much of the vocabulary is |almost all the words are used |

| |effective |vocabulary |used effectively |effectively |

|sentence variety (structure,|there is little sentence |there is some variety in the|a variety of sentences are |a variety of sentences are used|

|type, length) |variety |sentences used |used |effectively |

|Organization |The student’s story: |

|overall structure |has no clear overall |shows some evidence of a |A clear beginning, middle, |Has a beginning, followed by |

|(beginning, middle, end) |structure |beginning, middle, and end |and end |rising action, then the climax |

| | | | |and a resolution |

|paragraph structure |contains little division |contains simple paragraphs |contains well-developed |contains well-developed |

| |into paragraphs | |paragraphs |paragraphs that are closely |

| | | | |linked to each other |

|Conventions |In the student’s story: |

|grammar, spelling, and |there are several major |there are several minor |there are only a few minor |there are practically no errors|

|punctuation |errors or omissions |omissions |omissions | |

|visual presentation (e.g., |presentation seriously |presentation impedes reading|presentation of the text |the visual presentation is |

|indentations, spacing, |impedes reading | |makes it easy to read |clear and enhances the reading |

|margins, font) | | | |of the story |

|Next Steps For Instruction: |

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Adapted for classroom use November 2009


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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