
Year 4 English Planning—WB 18th January 2021

Weekly Focus: Dialogue in stories

| |Activity |

|Monday |Reading Comprehension Activity |

| |Read the Extract The Man who Bought a Mountain and answer the questions in full sentences |

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| |Don’t forget to check your answers when you are finished and try to work how to avoid any errors next time. |

|Tuesday |Spelling - Words with the c sound spelt ch |

| |(Greek-in-origin) Complete the segment tiles activity for from the website |

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|Wednesday |Grammar |

| |Log in to Teams, watch the video about Speech punctuation and complete the activity to write as many sentences as you can, putting the reporting clause before and after the spoken words. |

|Thursday |For your long writing, you are going to write a new chapter for Romans on the Rampage. The chariot race has happened a few days ago and Perilous is visiting Madasbananas, where the mad |

| |inventor shows Perilous his new invention. But remember, Madasbananas’ inventions, although brilliant, are too far ahead of their time. You can use your invention from last week and |

| |describe how it fails to work. |

|Friday |Spelling Quiz -Recap your spelling and test yourself |

| |(Greek-in-origin) |

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Reading – Spend a minimum of 15 minutes each day on Reading Plus.





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