Daily Grammar Practice Think Sheet

Daily Grammar Practice

This is going to be our grammar practice each day at the very beginning of class. I will have a sentence on the board, and you will work with the same sentence ALL week Mon-Thurs figuring out the parts of speech, sentence parts, and sentence types. You will have occasionally take a quiz on Fridays so keep your notes. Each day you will label a different thing on the sentence.

Monday-label parts of speech

Tuesday-Label sentence parts

Wednesday-Label sentence types

Thursday-Talk about the capitalization and punctuation and review what we have done for the week


The quiz on Friday will consist of a completely new sentence that is in the same format as the sentence we have worked with all week. You will have to label EVERYTHING on this sentence. [pic]

Daily Grammar Practice Notes

Monday: Parts of Speech

|Noun |A person, place, or thing |-Common noun: begins with a lower case letter |

|n or N | |-Proper noun: gives a name of a specific person, place, or thing |

| | |The dog is friendly. |

|Pronoun |Takes the place of a noun |-1st person: I, we |

|pron | |-2nd person: you |

| | |-3rd person: she, he, it, they |

| | |I brought the friendly dog home. |

|Adverb |Describes verbs and adjectives and other |-normally end in –ly |

|adv |adverbs |-not is always an adverb |

| | |-tells how, when, where, to what extent |

| | |The friendly dog is quickly wagging his tail. |

|Adjective |Describes nouns and pronouns |-tells which one, how many, what kind |

|adj | |The friendly dog barked. |

|Articles |Are a type of adjective |-only 3 articles: a, an, the |

|art | |The friendly dog barked. |

|Preposition |Shows relationships between a noun or pronoun |Across, after, against, around, at, before, to, for, by, near, under, |

|prep |and another word in the sentence |until, etc. |

| | | |

| | |Lots of times tells the location of something |

| | |The dog ran around the tree. |

|Conjunction |Joins words, phrases, and clauses |-Coordinating conjunctions: |

|cc or sc | |For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So |

| | |-Subordinating conjunctions: start dependent clauses. After, since, |

| | |before, even though, until, unless (NOTE: Many prepositions can be |

| | |subordinating clauses.) |

| | |Since I can’t have a dog in my apartment, I went to the pet store and |

| | |the humane society just to look at them. |

|Verb |Shows action or helps make a statement |-Action: shows action |

|av or lv or hv | |-Linking: links the subject to a word it is equal to later in the |

| | |sentence. Is, be, am, are, was, were, become, feel, grow, look, smell,|

| | |etc. |

| | |-Helping: “helps” a linking or helping verb do the action |

| | |The dog barked. |

Tuesday Notes: Parts of a Sentence

|Prepositional Phrase |Group of words beginning with the preposition |-Look for this first to help eliminate words that |

|prep ph |and ending with a noun or pronoun |can’t be the subject or direct object |

| | |The dog ran around the tree. |

|Object of the Preposition |Ends prepositional phrases |--To find it, fill in the blanks… |

|op | |_________ what? |

| | |Preposition |

| | |The dog ran around the tree. |

|Subject |Who or what the sentence is talking about |-must be a noun, pronoun, gerund |

|Simple subject- only the subject | |-There and here are never subjects |

|SS | |-Can be an “understood you” when in a command. |

|Complete subject-the subject and | |The dog barked. SS |

|everything about it | |The dog barked. CS |

|CS | | |

|Predicate |What the subject is doing(verb) |-can be action or linking(don’t forget about helping |

|Simple predicate-only the verb | |verbs) |

|SP | |The dog barked loudly. SP |

|Complete predicate-the verb and | |The dog barked loudly. CP |

|everything about it | | |

|CP | | |

Wednesday Notes: Clauses and Sentence Types

|Independent Clause |-Every complete sentence has at least one independent clause. |

|ind cl |-Has at least one subject and one verb |

| |-Doesn’t need any other information to make sense |

| |The dog is my best friend. |

|Dependent Clause |-Cannot stand alone |

|dep cl |-Needs other clauses in order to make sense |

| |-Can start with a subordinate conjunction |

| |Since the dog is my best friend |

|Simple Sentence |-Has only one independent clause |

|ss |The dog is my best friend. |

|Compound Sentence |-Has two or more independent clauses |

|cd |The dog is my best friend, and I like to play with him. |

|Complex Sentence |-Has a combination of independent and dependent clauses |

|cx |Since the dog is my best friend, I like to play with him. |

Thursday: Sentence Correction



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