St John the Baptist PS

Home Learning Timetable

St Columbkille’s Primary

Teacher: Miss Rutherford Room: 10 W/b: Monday 11.01.21

Before 9am: Wake up, wash, make breakfast (yourself!) and eat it.

Complete some morning exercise - go noodle, cosmic yoga or PE with Joe Wicks on YouTube (search it) are just some ideas online, you could also skip, play hopscotch or walk 10 laps around your house and count your own steps! You could record what you do each day in your jotter.

|9-9.15 |9.15 – 9.45 |9.45-10|20 min |11-11.45 |11.45-12.35 |

|Starter Task | |.40 | | | |


Handwriting Task Card – Leisure KS2 Poem |LITERACY Spelling

-Gr 1 & 2 choose a spelling strategy of your own to complete for your word list |LITERACY Reading

Red & Yellow – Read The Girl of Ink and Stars Chapter 1 – Complete Task 1 Metalinguistics

Green – Open and read Iggy Thinks PPT and complete Iggy Thinks Task 5 & 6 |A |NUMERACY All- 15/20 minutes Sumdog

Cuboids – Addition & Subtraction Task 1

Spheres & Prisms – Watch

- Decimals Mixed – complete 2 stars and 3 stars |Personal Project

Complete your personal project. Remember it is due on Monday! |C |RE

Open the links here –

Complete the task ‘RE Epiphany’ | |FRIDAY

Mental Maths – Times tables challenge website |NUMERACY

Cuboids –

Spheres & Prisms –

|LITERACY Spelling

-Speed spelling – how many times can you write each word correctly in 1 min?

-Dictation test - record yourself reading your words in a sentence, play and pause to write the words.

|K |LITERACY Reading

Red & Yellow – Re-read chapter 1 of The Girl of Ink and Stars – note down the main events in bullet points and use these to write a brief summary of the chapter. PROOF READ before submitting.

Green – Open and read Iggy Thinks PPT and complete Iggy Thinks Task 7 & 8 |RE

Complete the task in the resources from Mrs Lamont. |H |Spanish

Complete the tasks in your resources from Mrs Lamont.

| |Newsround website:

Maths starter of the day website:

Maths Times Table Challenge:

Handwriting Task Card: Open the PDF on Google Classroom and re-write the poem


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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