TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONALRECORD OF REGULAR MEETING OF CABOT TOASTMASTERS CLUB NO. 9168Meeting Date: Name of Minute Taker: _______________________________ Assigned Duties Performed By:Chair: _______________________ Thought/Toast: ___________________ Joke Master: ___________________ Word Master: __________________ Table Topics: ____________________ Educational Tip: _________________ Toastmaster: __________________ General Evaluator: ________________ Timer: ________________________ Ah/Vote Counter: _______________ Grammarian: ____________________ Parliamentarian: _________________ Fines Master: __________________Chief Judge (for contests only): ________________________ Judge (for contests only): _____________________Judge (for contests only): ____________________________ SPEAKERS EVALUATORS1. ______________________________________ 1. ________________________________________2. ______________________________________ 2. ________________________________________3. ______________________________________ 3. ________________________________________4. ______________________________________ 4. ________________________________________5. ______________________________________ 5. ________________________________________ AwardsGuestsBest Table Topics: Best Speaker: Best Evaluator: Additional Attendees (NOT MENTIONED ABOVE)MEETING MINUTES from the Business Session(Refer to the Meeting Agenda for additional information.)Establishing a Quorum1. Number of "Total Paid Members in Club" as of today's date, (according to the Club Roster on ): ________________2. Number of club members required for a quorum (a simple majority), based on the number above: _______________ 3. This meeting ______________ (did/didn't) have a quorum.New Member Inductions4. The following new members were inducted into the club: ________________________________________________.(If no members were inducted leave blank, or write "N/A" for "not applicable.") Reading (and Approving) Minutes from Previous Meetings5. The minutes from the previous club meeting on _____________________ (date), were READ and APPROVED (either "AS READ" -- OR -- "AS AMENDED"). (Circle the appropriate choice. If no minutes from previous dates were read aloud during this current meeting, leave this blank.)6. If minutes from a previous meeting were read and approved, was there any New Business arising from those minutes?Describe this New Business (if applicable -- if not, leave blank): __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Reports from Club Officers7. Reports were provided by the following members of the Executive: ___________________ _________________________________________ _________________________ _____________________ ___________________________Discussion of Old and New Business (Motions, etc.)8. Motions. _____________________ (name of member) moved that ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________(Ensure that THE EXACT WORDING of the motion is recorded above. Attempt to get the "mover" to write out the exact wording of the motion, to assist you. Make additional notes in the space below if necessary.)The above motion __________________________________________ ("was seconded and adopted" -- OR -- "failed"). 9. Notice of Motion (Notice of a future motion)___________________________ (name of member) gave notice that at our next meeting on _____________________, a motion would be made to __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Announcements10.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Additional Notes for the Business Session (add an extra sheet of paper, if necessary)11. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signed: _______________________________ (Secretary or other minute taker)Date: _______________________________Instructions for handling these Meeting Minutes:1. Sign and Date as above.2. If you are not the Secretary, complete the whole form (including the "TOYA" portion below), and immediately provide these minutes to a member of the Executive (on the evening of the meeting, if possible).3. If you are the Secretary, complete the form in full. Retain the hard copy. Then, distribute these minutes in PDF via email to all club members. This is to give members an opportunity to review the minutes and see if any corrections should be made at the next meeting. Note that at this stage, these minutes are NOT APPROVED, and are not the official record of our meeting. (Approval only happens when the minutes are read aloud during a Business Session -- ideally at the next meeting -- and formally approved after any necessary corrections.) At the next club meeting, bring the hard copy of the previous meeting's minutes with you and ensure that they are read, amended if necessary, and approved. Once approved, fill in the blanks at the very top of the first page, and FILE this whole form in the appropriate folder in "The Meeting Box." (If you can't make it to a meeting, but you have the hard copy of the last meeting's minutes in your possession, do your best to send them to another member of the Executive who will be at the meeting.) 4. Executive members: If a member of the club provides you with meeting minutes, forward them to the club Secretary asap. If the Secretary won't be available for an extended period, make arrangements to handle these minutes yourself as per #3, immediately above. * * * * * * *(Please complete the "TOYA" information below, but DO NOT read it aloud in a Business Session.)TOASTMASTER of the YEAR AWARD ("TOYA")(It's recommended that the Secretary keep a running point tally in the form of a spreadsheet, or similar, to reduce the work required at the end of the year.) TOYA Point System: 7 points for participation in a contest 5 points for a speech 3 points for chair, toastmaster, general evaluator 2 points for table topics master, evaluator and chief judge 1 point for all other roles 1 point for attendance Tally of TOYA Points earned by members during this meeting:Name of Member in attendance on this date1 point for attendance5 points for a speech(if applicable)Number of points for meeting role (if applicable) -- points vary as per above7 points for being a contestant in a club contest (if applicable)TOTAL POINTSfor this member on this date ................

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