Spring 2009

Group Members' Names:

|Criteria |Unsatisfactory |Basic |Proficient |

| |1 |2 |3 |

|1. GREETING | | | |

|1a. Handout |The handout has more than 3 grammatical or|The handout has 1-3 grammatical or |The handout is free of errors, and |

| |punctuation errors and/or does not |punctuation errors and/or only vaguely |completely and clearly describes how to|

| |describe how to carry out the greeting |describes how to carry out the greeting |carry out the greeting with young |

| |with young learners. |with young learners. |learners. |

| | | | |

|1b. Effectiveness of Implementation |The greeting strategy is unclear and group|The greeting is positive and carried out |The greeting is positive, smooth, and |

| |members seem unprepared to implement the |somewhat smoothly. Group members seem |authentic in its implementation. Group |

| |strategy. |somewhat unclear with regard to how to |members carry out the greeting |

| | |implement the strategy and/or teacher |confidently, allowing teacher education|

| | |education candidates are introduced more |candidates to authentically experience |

| | |to a description of the strategy than an |the activity. |

| | |actual immersion in the strategy. | |

|1c. Appropriateness to the Grade |The greeting is inappropriate for the |The greeting is appropriate for the grade |The greeting is appropriate for the |

|Level/Week of School |grade level designated and/or the week of |level designated and the week of school |grade level designated and the week of |

| |school represented. |represented, but group members do not |school represented. Group members |

| | |clearly justify their choice of greeting |clearly justify their choice of |

| | |based on grade level and week of school. |greeting strategy based on grade level |

| | | |and week of school. |

| | | | |

|2. SHARING | | | |

|2a. Handout |The handout has more than 3 grammatical or|The handout has 1-3 grammatical or |The handout is free of errors, and |

| |punctuation errors and/or does not |punctuation errors and/or only vaguely |completely and clearly describes how to|

| |describe how to carry out the sharing |describes how to carry out the sharing |carry out the sharing activity with |

| |activity with young learners. |activity with young learners. |young learners. |

| | | | |

|2b. Effectiveness of Implementation |The sharing activity strategy is unclear |The sharing activity strategy is positive |The sharing activity is positive, |

| |and group members seem unprepared to |and carried out somewhat smoothly. Group |smooth, and authentic in its |

| |implement the strategy. |members seem somewhat unclear with regard |implementation. Group members carry out|

| | |to how to implement the strategy and/or |the sharing activity confidently, |

| | |teacher education candidates are |allowing teacher education candidates |

| | |introduced more to a description of the |to authentically experience the |

| | |strategy than an actual immersion in the |activity. |

| | |strategy. | |

|2c. Appropriateness to the Grade |The sharing activity is inappropriate for |The sharing activity is appropriate for |The sharing activity is appropriate for|

|Level/Week of School |the grade level designated and/or the week|the grade level designated and the week of|the grade level designated and the week|

| |of school represented. |school represented, but group members do |of school represented. Group members |

| | |not clearly justify their choice of |clearly justify their choice of sharing|

| | |sharing activity based on grade level and |activity strategy based on grade level |

| | |week of school. |and week of school. |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|3. GROUP ACTIVITY | | | |

|3a. Handout |The handout has more than 3 grammatical or|The handout has 1-3 grammatical or |The handout is free of errors, and |

| |punctuation errors and/or does not |punctuation errors and/or only vaguely |completely and clearly describes how to|

| |describe how to carry out the group |describes how to carry out the group |carry out the group activity with young|

| |activity with young learners. |activity with young learners. |learners. |

| | | | |

|3b. Effectiveness of Implementation |The group activity strategy is unclear and|The group activity strategy is positive |The group activity is positive, smooth,|

| |group members seem unprepared to implement|and carried out somewhat smoothly. Group |and authentic in its implementation. |

| |the strategy. |members seem somewhat unclear with regard |Group members carry out the group |

| | |to how to implement the strategy and/or |activity confidently, allowing teacher |

| | |teacher education candidates are |education candidates to authentically |

| | |introduced more to a description of the |experience the activity. |

| | |strategy than an actual immersion in the | |

| | |strategy. | |

|3c. Appropriateness to the Grade |The group activity is inappropriate for |The group activity is appropriate for the |The group activity is appropriate for |

|Level/Week of School |the grade level designated and/or the week|grade level designated and the week of |the grade level designated and the week|

| |of school represented. |school represented, but group members do |of school represented. Group members |

| | |not clearly justify their choice of group |clearly justify their choice of group |

| | |activity based on grade level and week of |activity strategy based on grade level |

| | |school. |and week of school. |


|4a. Handout |The handout has more than 3 grammatical or|The handout has 1-3 grammatical or |The handout is free of errors, and |

| |punctuation errors and/or does not |punctuation errors and/or only vaguely |completely and clearly describes the |

| |describe the News and Announcements |describes the News and Announcements that |News and Announcements that accompany |

| |suggested by the group for this Morning |accompany this Morning Meeting. |this Morning Meeting. |

| |Meeting. | | |

| | | | |

| | |(1-2 points) |(3-5 points) |

|4b. Effectiveness of Implementation |The News and Announcements to accompany |The News and Announcements to accompany |The News and Announcements to accompany|

| |this Morning Meeting are unclear and group|this Morning Meeting are positive and |this Morning Meeting are positive and |

| |members seem unprepared to share their |implemented smoothly. Group members seem |implemented smoothly. Group members |

| |implementation. |somewhat unclear with regard to how to |implement the News and Announcements |

| | |implement the News and Announcements into |into the Morning Meeting confidently, |

| | |the Morning Meeting and/or teacher |allowing teacher education candidates |

| | |education candidates are introduced more |to authentically experience the |

| | |to a description of the strategy than an |activity. |

| | |actual immersion in the strategy. | |

| | | | |

|4c. Appropriateness to the Grade |The News and Announcements are |The News and Announcements are appropriate|The News and Announcements are |

|Level/Week of School |inappropriate for the grade level |for the grade level designated and the |appropriate for the grade level |

| |designated and/or the week of school |week of school represented, but group |designated and the week of school |

| |represented. |members do not clearly justify their |represented. Group members clearly |

| | |choice of News and Announcements based on |justify their choice of News and |

| | |grade level and week of school. |Announcements based on grade level and |

| | | |week of school. |

| | | | |


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