Correction Code for Marking Errors in compositions

Correction Code Definition

Your instructor will return your compositions having underlined words/phrases/sentences that need to be corrected. Under each underlined section there will be a symbol from the list below, which will indicate to you how to revise that portion of the composition.


|??? |Confusing or difficult to understand the sentence or paragraph. Makes no sense in Spanish. |

|[ . . . ] |Completely rewrite the section enclosed by [brackets] because it is not understood or incorrectly expressed in Spanish. |

|^ |Insert the indicated element. |

|+ |This symbol will be written among symbols when a word has more than one error. Ej: s/e + o |

|a |Missing or misplaced accent mark: dia (día). |

|a-p |Personal “a” is/is not required. |

|Aps |Missing, misplaced or Incorrect use of possessive adjectives: nos historia (nuestra historia). |

|art |An indefinte article is used instead of a definite article: Un libro Conexiones (el libro Conexiones. The contraction is not made (a+el=al, |

| |de+el=del). The article is not used when necessary: Historia interesante (una/la historia interesante) or another word is used instead: Una |

| |carrera de espacio (una carrera al espacio). |

|c |Agreement: María estudian (estudia); el libro es blanca (el libros es blanco);  la coche azul (el coche azul). |

|cv |Verb Conjugation. Check the subject of this action. |

|f/i |Problems with style. Is it formal or informal? |

|fv |Incorrect verb form selection (gerund, past participle, infinitive). |

|g |Any other Grammatical Error. |

|gvs |Problems with the verb “gustar” and similar verbs. |

|i/s |Indicative vs. Subjunctive. |

|ing |English Word/s, structure or English parameters affected your sentence: un otro amigo (another friend) = otro amigo. |

|o |Spelling. |

|p |Preposition (A preposition is needed or the wrong preposition has been used) |

|p/i |Prederite vs. Imperfect. |

|p/p |Confusion between POR and PARA. |

|pod |Problems with the Direct Object Pronoun. Missing, misplaced or Incorrect. |

|Poi |Problems with the Indirect Object Pronoun. Missing, misplaced or Incorrect. |

|Ppr |Problems with the preposition. Missing, misplaced or Incorrect. |

|pr |Missing or Incorrect Relative Pronoun (Que, quien, quienes, el/la/lo cual, los/las cuales, el /la/lo/los/las que, cuyo, cuya, cuyos, cuyas). |

|pron |Missing or wrong use of a Pronoun. A Direct Object Pronoun (me te lo la) or an Indirect Object Pronoun (me te le), Prepositional Pronoun (mi ti |

| |…) in place of a Subject Pronoun (yo tú él…) or of a Possessive Pronoun(mi tu su) or vice versa. |

|Rflx p |Problems with Reflexive Pronouns: Missing, misplaced or Incorrect. |

|S/C |Problem with selection of the verbs SABER/CONOCER and/or their conjugations. |

|s/e |Ser v. estar. |

|s/e/h |Ser / estar / haber problema. |

|Stmvp |Problems with the conjugation of this verb because the verb stem change was not applied. |

|tv |Incorrect verb tense selection. |

|v |Vocabulary/Incorrect dictionary usage: estoy miedo (tengo), En miércoles (el/los). |

|wo |Incorrect Word Order. |

|wv |Grammatically incorrect version of a word has been used. (noun, verb, adjective). |

|X |Omit. |

|xv/w |There is a verb or an extra word affecting the meaning of this idea. |


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