Minutes of Grand Isle Planning Commission –November 18, 2014

Town of Grand Isle

Minutes of Planning Commission

July 18, 2017

Board Members Present:

Dwight Bullis

David Graham

Shawn Mercy

Jeff Parizo

Melissa Boutin


Andy Paradee



A. Meeting is called to order at 7:08PM by Shawn Mercy, Chair.

B. Amend Agenda for Matters not listed (New): 1) Realtor Information 2) Future Meetings

C. Guest(s): None

D. Steering Committee Study: Shawn Mercy has not yet reviewed.

E. Update on Bylaws: #1 DRB Clerk Donna LeClair would like the number of copies changed from six (6) to eight (8). Sections of the Bylaws for this request are: 5.2.2, 7.11.1, 7.12.1, 7.13.2. Other proposed items: Section 2.4 explanation of certain terms or words, 2.6 Add language under ZAO, sections 2.12.5 and 2.13 to add applicant or 2.14 add sections under violations, section 4.5.2 change to plural and section 4.16 add language about previous approval by the DRB. Shawn Mercy would like to move on and accept these proposals to schedule a warned public hearing. A motion is made by Jeff Parizo to accept these proposals to the Grand Isle Zoning Bylaws and Subdivision Regulations. Dvid Graham seconded. Members vote. All are in favor. Motion carried. Melissa Boutin, Scribe will schedule the Planning Commission Public Hearing.

F. Update on Chittenden County Regional Planning: Jeff Parizo has not made any progress on this topic. Taylor Newton of NRPC would like a copy of the town bylaws – not sure for what reason and should already have a copy.

G. Other Items: Future meetings: #1) Jeff Parizo speaks of five Mondays in the month of July. The Selectboard will be holding a meeting 07/31/17 at 6:00PM for those that would like to attend. The Planning Commission should inform SB of the proposed bylaw changes and make sure they are aware of the PCPH date. As well, the SB will not meet the first Monday of August (08/07) but instead on 08/14 – topic of discussion is fire department/fire station MOU – in that MOU that was presented it talks about fire providing 5 year Capital Budget items – PC is already doing – there is a need for one document not multiple. Grand Isle Rescue will be included in the Capital Plan also. #2) David Graham recently had a meeting with a realtor – price range for new homes $275K and down – moderate income – off island workers – lots of older (not new) homes turning over – some of the local realtors may have more information on types of families purchasing in Grand Isle (working/retired/ with or without children). Most activity seems to be inland not so much lakeshore. Discussion ensued on Vermont’s population – where people are coming from or going to. #3) Brief mention of Jan Marinelli from the local Chamber pushing to get funds without having to get five (5) percent of the voters for a ballot item request. Spoke with Shawn Mercy at Auto Haven. #4) Site visits for future – Jeff Parizo and Brad Sheridan, Highway Foreman will be going to Swanton to look at their look building to get some ideas for a new town garage. The Annex building has been entered into a lease with The Learning Adventure. The lease is year to year only.

H. Review & Approve Minutes: 06/06/17 – Coming along – still working on filling in the blanks. 06/20/17 – A motion was made by David Graham to accept the minutes as written. Jeff seconded. Members vote. All are in favor. Motion carried.

I. Matters not on the Posted Agenda: Discussed above.

J. Agenda for next meeting on August 2, 2017:

Amend agenda for matters not listed


Steering Committee Report Review

Proposed Bylaws Public Hearing Date

Update on Chittenden County Regional Planning

Review and approve minutes 06/06/17 and 07/18/17

Tenative Annex building site visit

Update from any other meeting attendance

Other Items


The next meeting of the Commission is scheduled to be held 7PM on Tuesday, August 2, 2017 at the Town Office.

A motion is made by Jeff Parizo to adjourn. The motion is seconded by David Graham. Members vote. All are in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned by Shawn Mercy at 7:59 PM.

Respectfully Submitted: Melissa A. Boutin, Planning Commission, Scribe


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