Daniel Duyst 09-30-1994 PSDiver Magazine

05-30-1994 Grand Rapids MI – Daniel Duyst – LEO Attempted Surface Rescue - Electrocuted 0266700Bio & Incident DetailsAge:?37Tour:?Not availableBadge #?Not availableCause:?Electrocuted Police OfficerDaniel Craig DuystGrand Rapids Police Department, MichiganEnd of Watch: Monday, May 30, 1994Officer Duyst was killed after being electrocuted when he jumped into water which had an electric charge in it. He was off duty on a family outing at Spring Lake when another man jumped off a pier into water which had an electric charge due to an electrical cord which had come in contact with the water. When Officer Duyst saw the man calling for help he dove off of his boat in an attempt to rescue the man but was also electrocuted.Officer Duyst was survived by his wife and two daughters.Public Safety Memorial 015557500Officer Daniel DuystOfficer Daniel C. Duyst was a nine-year veteran of the Grand?Rapids (MI) Police Department when he was electrocuted?on May?30, 1994. He was 37 years old. Officer Duyst was off duty at the time, and was in a boat on?Spring Lake (Michigan) when?he heard a woman calling for help for her husband, who was face down in the water. Officer?Duyst dove from the boat?in an attempt to rescue the man, not knowing that the?water was electrified by faulty wiring from a nearby dock. Officer?Duyst was killed instantly, as?was the man he was trying to save.Daniel Duyst graduated from the Michigan State University?School of Criminal Justice with a Bachelor of Arts degree in?1980. After graduating from MSU, he was hired?by the Mason (MI) Police Department as a police officer. He served?five years with the Mason Police Department before gaining employment with the Grand Rapids Police Department, where?he served?as a patrol officer until the time of his passing. Officer Duyst is survived by his wife,?Vicki, daughters, Heather and?Tiffany, and his parents, Peter and Jo.End of Watch – ?May 30, 1994 HYPERLINK "" ................

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