Grand Rapids Community College Program Review

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|Program Review |

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|Instructional Program: |

|Interiors & Furnishings |

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|Document Prepared By: |

|Sue Baglien |

|7/12/12 |

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|Year of Review: |

|2011 – 2012 |

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|The Program Profile |

|______________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|A. The Mission/Purpose |

| |

|The Mission/Statement of Purpose |

|Data/Information: Enter mission statement |

|The mission of this program is to provide a level of education where by students have the opportunity to develop their creative talents and |

|earn a degree that will successfully lead them into a design oriented career and the option for transferability for a 4 year degree. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| |


| |

|B. The Faculty & Staff |

|Full & Part Time Faculty | |

|List the names and credentials of your full and part time faculty: |

|Name |Highest Degree |PT/FT |

|Baglien, Susan |Master’s +10 |FT Faculty |

|Grand, Diane |Bachelors |Pt. |

|McKenzie,Kristin |Bachelors |Pt. |

|Fix Daniels, Yvonne |Bachelors |Pt. |

|Staff |

|List the names and credentials of your staff: |

|Name |Credentials PT/FT | |

|Jean Piccard |Masters Pt. | |

|Pat Buckley |Masters Pt. | |

|Marianne Bockheim |Masters Pt. | |

|Margie Erlandson |Masters Pt. | |

| |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|A BA degree and a membership in a professional organization is suggested. |


| |

|Accomplishments of Faculty |

|List/Describe the accomplishments of your faculty for the past year (awards, publications, curriculum development, etc): |

|Margie completed her Master’s degree and continues to take classes in the design field. She is teaching this summer in an overseas program. |

|Marianne has just been accepted in a Master’s program. Marianne and Sue completed several seminars on computer applications, Blackboard, and |

|ASL applications. All have been involved with volunteer work in the community through Salvation Army, displays for area businesses, floor sets|

|and sales assistance. |

|      |

|Faculty Professional Development |

|List/Describe the faculty professional development activities for the past year: |

|Two professors are ASL certified, I am attending the New York Furniture Market |

|Tours: Kindel Furniture, Scott Group, Public Museum, Art Museum, Art Prize, Windows 7 and Blackboard meetings, |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Faculty needs better understanding of the CAD, Photoshop, Rivet, programs that the students have access to. Faculty will get involved with |

|program learning in 2012-2013 through classes and one-on-one assistance with staff. |


| |

|Number of FT/PT Faculty & % contact hours taught by each |

|Enter data summary |

| |

|One full time faculty teaching 45 contact hours per calendar year, the rest taught by adjunct faculty. 40/60 ratio. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Too much of a work load for one full time person, outside of teaching. The program needs to be marketed and the students tracked while in the |

|program as well as contact after graduation. |

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|C. The Students |

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|Program Enrollment |

| |Fall 2009 |Fall 2010 |Fall 2011 |

| |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|To attract more students the program needs to be marketed not only to high school students but to adults wanting to come back to school and/or|

|wishing to start a new or second career. Some students are not in the right plan code, (122 for Interiors) and some do not ever intend to |

|graduate from any program. The use of the new video will be used in the future for spots, currently it is on our web site and GRCC today. |


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|Numbers of Graduates |

| |2006-2007 |2007-2008 |2008-2009 |2009-2010|2010-2011 | |

| |4 |9 |8 |10 |9 | |

| | | | | | | |

|Graduation Rate |

| |Starters |Grads by 2010 |# Yr Grad Rate | |

| |43 |10 |23% | |

| |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Many students are not changing their code to 122 until the semester they are graduating in so they have not been counted as a 122 student for |

|the time that they have been attending classes. Many have no intention of graduating they are just taking classes for general interest. |

|Others are transferring before completing the associate’s degree and that was their plan. They may have been counted as a 122 student but |

|never intending to graduate. |

|Working with students one on one, to get the right code and to counsel with them regarding the program, graduation, and transfer options. |

|      |

|      |


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|Demographic Profile |

|Enter data summary All Intro. class students surveyed starting FALL 2012 |

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|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| |


|Program Content |

|______________________________________________________________________________ |

| |

|A. Admissions/Target Population |

|Target Student Population |

|Describe for whom this program is intended |

|High school students and adults going for their first or second career. Day and evening courses are offered. |

|Informaion gathered through student surveys. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| Need to market to adult learners.      |


| |

|Admissions Criteria |

|Describe criteria for admissions and waitlist trends for the program (if any) |

|No admissions criteria. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|      |


| |

|B. Curriculum History |

|Program/Curriculum Changes |

|Document the following for the last 8 years. If something does not apply, indicate N/A: |

|New Courses- Floral Design, Office Design, Lighting Fundamentals, Drawing Techniques, Visual Presentation, Kitchen Design, Sewing for |

|Interiors Fashion Design, Fashion Designers, Sewing for Fashion, Fashion Show Production, Portfolio Review in progress, Wedding |

|Consultant/Planner in progress |

|New Programs-NA |

|New Certificates-NA |

|New Degrees-NA |

|Significant modifications of any of the above History of Furniture was adjusted to include Interiors for NASD accreditation and is now called |

|History of Fashion and Interiors. Changed from 2 credits to 3 credits. No further changes required at this time. Space Planning was also |

|adjusted to include additional drawings |

|Closure of any of the above NA |

|Remediation of courses or programs as a result of Core Indicator or industry related requirements. |

| |

|Working on articulation agreements has added new material to some courses and text book changes. |

|The Advisory Committee has suggested new courses that have been developed and introduced into the program. Those are listed above. |

|Curricular history may also include any partnership, grant, or other efforts that have significantly impacted curriculum and how. |

| |

|National Association of Schools of Art and Design accreditation changed the History of Furniture course to the History of Furniture and |

|Interiors, 2 credits to 3 credits. |

| |

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|External Accreditation |

|Document the following related to external accreditation: |

| |

|Name/address of the accrediting agency; NASAD |

|Date of the most recent site visit 2009 |

|Date for the next re-accreditation 2013 |

|Number of years in the accreditation cycle 4 years |

|Distance education offerings and use of technology |

|Document the following related to distance education offerings: |

|Courses within the program that are offered online or in hybrid format: pending approval, will be offering Wedding Consultant/Planner as an |

|elective course, online by 2013, pending approval. |

| |

|Names of faculty certified to teach in the distance education and hybrid formats: |

|Marianne Bockheim will be training this year. |

| |

| |

|Experiential Learning Opportunities |

|Document the following related to experiential learning opportunities |

|ASL courses offered within the program Yes with Visual Display and Fashion Show Production |

|Honors courses offered within the program NA |

|Study Away course offered- New York and Chicago Seminar courses. |

|Co-ops/Internships/Practical/Clinical courses offered IF Co-op 1 IF Co-op 2 |

|New course, Portfolio Presentation offered as an elective course |

|Names of faculty certified to do ASL: |

|Baglien, Sue |

|Bockheim, Marianne |

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| |

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|C. Curriculum Planning |

|Professional Standards |

|Enter professional standards with which the program is or should be aligned |

|External professional standards and expectations come from the Advisory Committee. NASAD will also do a program review in 3 years. Standards |

|were changed with adjustments to the Furniture and Interiors course content and it went to 3 contact hours. No further changes required. 2 |

|new elective courses, pending approval, will be introduced. |

|Evaluation |

|Evaluations are done through various courses in a variety of ways on an on-going basis. This is based on accreditation and transfer agreements|

|along with Advisory Committee input. This is accomplished through Student Surveys in al FM 105 courses and with the second and third semester|

|students in all classes to advise with each student for course planning, graduation, and transfer options. |


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|Institutional Learning Outcomes |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|      |


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|General Education |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Basic Gen. Ed. Courses already offered with in the program for the degree seeking and transfer students. Changes will be made based on |

|completion of transfer requirements. |


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|Experiential Learning |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|ASL components, Co-op’s, FAD Club, Chicago and New York Seminars, Fashion Show Production, Michigan Design Center Student Career Day |


| |

|Distance Education Offerings |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Most core design courses do not lend themselves to distance or online application. |


| |

|Program Student Learning Outcomes |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Reviewed as needed each semester |


| |

|Course Sequences |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Course sequence as outlined in the brochure and catalog is optimum sequence. |


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Program Goals 2012-2013

Goals are contingent upon approval of our funding requests.

• Improve graduation rate for IF program

• Improve enrollment for IF program

• Pursue articulation/course for course agreements with other colleges

• Increase networking with other high schools and GRCC counseling office

• Encourage students to complete their degree and transfer

|Program Data |

|_____________________________________________________________________________ |

|Perkins Core Indicators |

| |

| |2011 Performance Levels |

| |State Performance Level |GRCC Program Performance |Standard Met? |

| |Expected | | |

|1P1: % of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments that are|91.50% |N/A |N/A |

|aligned with industry-recognized standards | | | |

|2P1: % of CTE concentrators who received an industry-recognized credential,|33.85% |32% |NO |

|a certificate, or a degree during the reporting year. | | | |

|3P1: % of CTE concentrators who remained enrolled in their original |65.55% |74.7% |YES |

|postsecondary institution or transferred to another 2- or 4-year | | | |

|postsecondary institution during the reporting year and who were enrolled in| | | |

|postsecondary education in the fall of the previous reporting year. | | | |

|4P1: % of CTE concentrators who were placed or retained in employment, or |62.27% |100% |YES |

|placed in military service or apprenticeship programs in the 2nd quarter | | | |

|following the program year in which they left postsecondary education | | | |

|5P1: % of CTE participants from underrepresented gender groups who |23.60% |N/A |N/A |

|participated in a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields | | | |

|during the reporting year. | | | |

|5P2: % of CTE concentrators from underrepresented gender groups who |20.60% |N/A |N/A |

|completed a program that leads to employment in nontraditional fields during| | | |

|the reporting year. | | | |

| |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|Advising students twice a year. Through one on one meetings with students, all professors are recording information and directing students toward means to |

|graduate from this program. This should increase the graduation rate. |


| |

|Transfer Student Success Rates (if data available) |

|Enter Transfer Success Data |

|No data available. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|      |


| |

|Licensure/Certification Pass Rates |

|Enter Pass Rate Data for the last three years |

|      |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|      |


|Program Outcomes Assessment |

|________________________________________________________________________ |

|Assessment History |

|Program Outcomes |

|Transfer successfully to 4 year programs in design or business |

|Obtain employment in the retail or wholesale areas of design in sales, design, and/or management areas of interior decorating and design |

|fields |

| |

|Program Outcome(s) Assessed |

|Identify the Program Student Outcome(s) that was assessed |

|Met with most students in the program and recorded their status and intended progress. |

|Assessment Methods |

|Describe the method of assessment used (Include who was assessed, what criteria were used, who participated in the assessment – students and |

|faculty) |

|One on one meeting with each student sharing the audit process, transfer possibilities, and scheduling information. |

|Assessment Results |

|Describe the results of the assessment. Were the objectives for the outcomes met? (Include standards against which the results were evaluated|

|and to whom the results were communicated) |

|The results indicated that some students were in the wrong plan code, some did not intend to graduate, some intended to transfer, others |

|needed help and encouragement to continue with their educational plan. Based on these meetings, graduation numbers should be up for winter |

|2013. |

|      |

|Changes (implemented and/or planned) |

|Describe the changes were made or will be made based on the assessment findings. |

|Meetings with students will be addressed in October and February by all professors. |

|Results of Changes |

|Describe the result of the changes (if known at this time) |

|       |

|Program Learning Outcomes Assessment |

|________________________________________________________________________ |

|Assessment History |

|Program Learning Outcomes |

|Apply principles of interior design and construction. ( Communication ILO) |

|Manage design projects. ( Critical Thinking ILO) |

|Solve design problems. ( Critical Thinking ILO) |

| Prepare and present a project proposal to a customer (Communication) |

| Demonstrate professional work habits, attitudes, and dress. ( Personal Skills) |

| Apply mathematical skills to estimating and merchandising. (Critical Thinking) |

|Program Learning Outcome(s) Assessed |

|Identify the Program Student Learning Outcome(s) that was assessed |

|Prepare and present a project proposal to a customer ( Communications ILO) |

|Assessment Methods |

|Describe the method of assessment used (Include who was assessed, what criteria were used, who participated in the assessment – students and |

|faculty) |

| |

|The students were accessed on the presentation of the product and the composition of the project components. A 4 week schedule was used and |

|the professor met 4 times with each student to review the project progress. A grading rubric was used and a grading sheet was developed and |

|given to the students. |

|Assessment Results |

|Describe the results of the assessment. Were the objectives for the outcomes met? (Include standards against which the results were evaluated|

|and to whom the results were communicated) |

|The grades in the final project for FM105 have shown that students were not mastering presentation skills or product development skills on a |

|professional level. The class grade average for this project last year was a C+ with 2 incompletes, this semester it was a B+ with no |

|incompletes. By working with the student’s one on one and giving them attainable 4 week goals, the students greatly improved on the |

|presentations and the product development of the assignment. |

|Changes (implemented and/or planned) |

|Describe the changes were made or will be made based on the assessment findings. |

| |

|The hand out materials were tweaked a bit as they were used. |

|Results of Changes |

| Describe the result of the changes (if known at this time) |

| Students overall grades greatly improved in both presentation and product development. |

| |

| |

|Assessment Planning |

|Program Learning Outcomes Review |

| Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| All the PLO’s were met or exceeded. |

|Identification of Direct & Indirect Measures of Student Learning |

| Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| The projects overall were successful and students noted great satisfaction in their accomplishments. Also noted that the 4 week |

|schedule was a huge help in keeping them on track. Two semesters ago, grades were as follows: 1/3 fell under #1/A, 1/3 under #2/B, 1/3 under |

|#3/C. Last semester grades were: 2/3 under #1/A, 1/3 under #2/B, and no grades under #3/C. This indicated to me that the students needed |

|organization of the project and expected component completion deadlines to keep them on track along with discussions on how to upgrade their |

|skills in all areas. |

|Using assessment findings to drive curricular improvement |

| Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| Due to the success in this one class, the process and evaluation sheets developed will be used in all the FM105 classes in the fall. |

|All classes will be accessed yearly to track students’ success with this format for this project.       |

|Planning for the Future |

|Goals are contingent upon approval of our funding requests. |

|Curriculum/Employment Alignment |

|Enter Data Highlights from EMSI data |

|“US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that employment for the interior decorators and designers was expected to grow 19% between 2008 and |

|2018. Interior decorators were expected to be in increasing demand by home owners, the hospitality industry and the healthcare industry. |

|“Retail sales held about 4.5 million jobs in 2008. The largest employers were building material and supply houses, general merchandise |

|stores. About 156,500 retail salespersons were self-employed. (gov/oco.ocos) Despite the GRCC winter enrollment being down 3.8%, our course |

|enrollment remained stable. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| |


| |

|Preparation for Change |

|Enter Data |

|Working with other schools and their requirements. The Baker transfer course agreement has been completed. CMU, Kendall, Northwood, are still|

|in the meeting phase of the process. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

| |


| |

|Competitors/Peers |

|Data |

| |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|      |


| |

|Collaborative Ventures |

|Description of Collaborative ventures |

|Transfer agreements, Fashion Show with Salvation Army, Festival of Trees for Special Olympics, and marketing video with GRCC. |

|Evaluation (using criteria & tactics): |

|All on going events at this time. |


| |

|Budget/Resources |

|Describe the adequacy of the budget and resources to meet the needs of the program over the next four years. Identify resources needed to |

|support proposed program /curriculum changes. |

|Dollars will be needed to promote the program outside the college avenues. Literature, posters, radio and/or TV spots, etc. $1,000.00 for |

|printing costs.      |


| |

|Facilities & Equipment |

|Describe the adequacy of the budget and resources to meet the needs of the program over the next four years. Highlight facilities needs or |

|changes that will be necessary to support proposed program/curriculum changes. |

|Classroom, Resource Room, Sewing Lab, and equipment are continually upgraded. 6 new sewing machines, 2 cutting tables, and computer upgrades |

|were added this year. |


|Challenges & Barrier to Meeting Last Year’s Goals |

|Describe challenges and barriers to meeting last year’s goals. |

|Short on time and people to work through all the areas of concern. |


|GRCC Program Review Follow-Up Action Checklist |

| |Action Needed? |Brief Action Statement |Resources Needed |Academic Year for |

| | | | |Work |

|The Program Profile |YES |NO | | | |

|MISSION/PURPOSE | | | | | |

|Program purpose/mission | |x | | | |

|statement | | | | | |

|Program/course catalog | |x | | | |

|descriptions | | | | | |

|Web Pages |x | |Working on this along with video, GRCC Today, |GRCC |2012-2013 |

| | | |GRCC/Business Website | | |

| | | | | | |

|FACULTY/STAFF | | | | | |

|Faculty credentialing | |x | | | |

|Faculty workload | |x | | | |

|Staff credentialing | |x | | | |

|Professional Development |x | |Design markets and classes |$2,000.00 |2012-2013 |

| | | |Gain working knowledge of various CAD programs| | |

|FT/Adjunct Faculty Ratios |x | |Hiring freeze | | |

| | | | | | |

|THE STUDENTS | | | | | |

|Program enrollment |x | |Will continue with plan: |GRCC/Release Time |2012-2013 |

| | | |Attend Career Days | | |

| | | |Send out video to high schools | | |

| | | |Contact high schools personally | | |

|Graduation |x | |Will continue with plan |GRCC/Release Time |2012-2013 |

| | | |Work with Bruce to contact students that have | | |

| | | |not completed program | | |

| | | |Advise with current students | | |

| | | |Provide direction for graduating students | | |

| | | |Discuss transfer options with students | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Program Content | | | | | |


|Admissions/Waitlist Criteria | |x | | | |

|Admissions/Waitlist Process | |x | | | |

|Curricular structure |x | |Confer with the Advisory Committee on the | | |

| | | |following items: | | |

| | | |Program name change | | |

| | | |CIP code alignment | | |

| | | |Review/ assess Merchandising Math course | | |

| | | |Consider adding Art history 104-105 | | |

| | | |Address any curriculum changes | | |

|Curriculum/Course Revision |x | |Changes will be made based on transfer |GRCC |2012-2013 |

| | | |agreements | | |

|Distance Learning Education |x | |When course is approved for online |GRCC |2012-2013 |

|Offerings | | | | | |

|Distance Learning Faculty |x | |When course has been approved, then this will |GRCC |2013-2014 |

|Certification | | |happen | | |

| | | |Marianne will be going through this process | | |


June 15, 2012

Listed below are the people I have met with, consulted with, received assistance from, and have contributed to discussions and decisions regarding this report.

Glenn Gelderloos, Felix Pereiro-dept. information, guidance, review

Bruce Morrison-statistics, student information

Patti Trepkowski, Katie Daniels, Sarah Krajewski-documents, reports, directions, review, assessment, calcification, approval

Advisory Committee-program direction, changes, improvements, new courses, employment

Students-survey information, personal counseling, input

Noah DeSmit, Derek DeVries-video consultation, graduate interviews, production

Keeling & Asc. (Rich, Dustin, Kyle)-report review

FM105 Professors-review, implementation, assessments, adjustments for the “Project Assignment”

Debbie DeQWent-CIP codes and alternatives

Fiona Hert, Amy Koning-report reviews

Presentation of a Line

You are responsible to develop your line and present it to a group of “buyers” (students). You have approximately 5 to 8 minutes to introduce yourself and your company, walk us through your line, and provide an order process for the buyers.

Required components:

-Company name/logo card. (This is the card that will be on your table during your product presentation)

-A business card (have several)

-A hang tag (have one)

-One sample of your project if possible.

-Order sheet (name, logo, contact info should be on the sheet)

-Show “your line” in a catalog type format. (Keep to a max of 8 ½ X 11 size. A longer size can be used as long as it can be folded to 8 ½ X 11 size.)

(All of the above needs to look like it’s coming from the same company. Printing style, design, logo, colors, etc., all must look like a complete package.

Your line items must have:

-Fabric/color selections with numbers or names for each option

-Detailed description

-Sizes available


-Options if available

Intro to Fashion and Interiors Final Project

Week 1: Date

• develop your company/ business name

• type out your company/ business history

• create thumbnails for your business card

• sketch out your business card selection in the appropriate size and include specific information

• create thumbnails of your product items (things you are thinking about)

Week 2: Date

• fine tune your business card

• create your tent card

• create your hang tag

• fine tune your product items

• begin to develop your catalog pages layout and information

• Company info. (inside catalog)

Week 3: Date

• finished typed company/ business history

• finished business card

• finished tent card

• finished hang card

• finished catalog pages layout and information

• create your order form rough draft

• work on presentation information

• presentation information

Week 4: Date

• finished presentation information

• finished catalog pages

• finished order form

• prepared to present

Introduction to Fashion and Interiors



dressed for success 4 3 2 1

organized and well prepared 4 3 2 1

good speaking voice, opening, body, closing 4 3 2 1



neat and professional looking 4 3 2 1

max. of 6 samples shown 4 3 2 1

tent card with company name 4 3 2 1

hang tag 4 3 2 1

business card 4 3 2 1

catalog/pages 4 3 2 1

order form 4 3 2 1

thumbnails 4 3 2 1


Presentation grade:

Project grade:

Intro. To Fashion & Interiors

Day/Night Section

Student Name

Company Name

Cat. Co.








Line Item


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Catalog Page





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