This Water Meter Replacement Agreement (the “Agreement ...

This Water Meter Replacement Agreement (the “Agreement” and also sometimes referred to as “Contract”) is made and entered into as of the ____day of ______, 2009, by and between the CITY OF HUBER HEIGHTS, an Ohio municipal corporation, whose address is 6131 Taylorsville Road, Huber Heights, Ohio (“Owner”), and the UNITED WATER NACO LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, with an address at 5555 Glenwood Hills Parkway, SE, Suite 300, Grand Rapids Michigan, 49512 (“Company”).WHEREAS, the Owner owns and operates a water and wastewater system (the “System”) as described in Appendix A, which is attached hereto and made a part hereof; andWHEREAS, the Owner is responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations, maintenance and management of the System; andWHEREAS, since 1995, Company (or its predecessor in interest) has operated, maintained and managed the System under contract with City of Huber Heights; andWHEREAS, the Owner and Company have recently re-negotiated certain terms and conditions relative to the operation, maintenance and management of the System; andWHEREAS, City desires that Company manage the conversion of all existing City water meters to new radio read water meters;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the agreements, terms and conditions stated herein, the parties agree as follows:1.Term. The term of this Agreement shall be determined per the financing option pany will substantially complete the replacement of the water meters within the City’s water system within nine (9) months of the execution of this Agreement. Substantial completion shall mean that weather permitting at least 90% of all the water meters in the City have been converted.2.Scope of Services.(a)Water Meter Replacement. The complete Scope of Services is included in Appendix A. The Company shall provide volume discount, purchase, installation and financing for the services as detailed in Appendix B.(b)Inventory. The Owner will receive the inventory of retired meters obtained from the meter installation contractor for salvage purposes. United Water will provide salvage activities for the City, if so desired, for 10% (ten percent) of the salvage funds received.(c) Installation of Meter Pits in Huber East. Company will be compensated by the Owner for each new meter pit installed for existing customers of owner in the area known as Huber East, as designated in City of Huber Heights Ordinance 96-O-858, on a unit price of $1,000 per installation.3. Capital Improvements/Legal Documents.(a)Capital Improvements. Company’s obligations under this Agreement are solely related to completing required Capital Expenditures under this agreement, being the conversion of certain existing water meters that are part of the Owner’s Water System. (b)Legal Documents. The Owner shall be provided with the warranties and associated meter manufacturer’s information within 30 days of the execution date of this Agreement. Copies of all routine reports, including those deemed to be time sensitive, such accident reports, and others submitted by the Company to federal, state, and/or local agencies, or insurance companies shall be provided to the City Manager or designee within 10 days of the event given rise to such report.4.Personnel.(a)Adequate Staffing. The Company shall ensure adequate staffing to complete the project is completed within the installation schedule set forth in this agreement. The Company shall designate a local manager to be the primary contact person with the City. The Company shall, in the performance of the Contract, obey, and shall require all employees and agents to obey, all applicable Laws. To the extent permitted by law, the Company shall not permit a convicted sex offender or individual convicted of an offense of violence as defined at Ohio Revised Code section 2901.01(A)(9)(a) to perform services under this contract that involve personal contact with Citizens of Huber Heights Ohio (excluding other employees of Company) at their homes or places of business.pensation and Payment.(a)Compensation. The Company shall be compensated by the Owner for each new meter installed by Company or its agent on a unit price as set forth in Appendix B. In addition, Owner shall pay $42,180 for the purchase of Mobile Meter Reading Equipment. In addition, Owner shall pay $1,000 for each new meter pit installed for existing customers of owner in the area known as Huber East, as designated in City of Huber Heights Ordinance 96-O-858. (b)Payment. The Company shall invoice the Owner on a monthly basis for the meters installed during the previous month in accordance with the unit prices as set forth in Appendix B, less a 10% retainage amount held by the Owner. Company shall be paid the 10% retainage the month following the date that each meter is determined to be fully functional. A meter will be determined fully functional when a successful radio read is obtained for monthly billing purposes. Any payment based on the assumption that a meter is deemed fully functional shall not in any way affect the warranty for such meter should it subsequently fail during an applicable warranty period. The Company shall invoice the Owner for the purchase of the Mobile Meter Reading Equipment with the first monthly billing (retainage does not apply).6.Changes in Scope of Services.(a)General. In the event the Owner requests Company to perform additional services related to the meter conversion beyond the scope of this Agreement, Company shall be entitled to costs plus ten percent 10% representing overhead and profit. (b)Written Agreement. In cases where services beyond the scope of this agreement may be required or desirable, Company and the Owner will reduce to writing an agreement of the additional scope and costs. Company shall prepare an Additional Services Authorization (“ASA”) form that shall include a detailed estimate of personnel hours and materials needed to perform the services. Except in an emergency, no services shall be performed prior to receipt of a City Purchase Order Number or the execution of the ASA by authorized representatives of the Owner and Company. The Owner shall not be responsible for any costs incurred by Company in performing additional services prior to the receipt of the Owner’s written approval, emergency response assistance excepted.7.Termination/Default.Breach or Default. Owner or Company may terminate this Agreement prior to the expiration of its terms, provided:(i) the other party has materially breached the Agreement; and(ii)the party claimed to have committed the breach is given written notice specifically detailing the nature of the alleged breach; and(iii)the party that is claimed to have breached the Agreement shall have failed to undertake the necessary steps to cure the breach within a reasonable time which in no event shall be more than thirty (30) days from the receipt of notice.8.Insurance and Indemnification.(a)Insurance. Insurance is to be provided by the meter replacement subcontractor with liability limits of at least $1 million including coverage for completed operations. Company shall obtain copies of the vendor’s insurance coverage’s and bonds. Such insurance must be acceptable to Owner and name the Owner as an additional insured and provide it cannot be canceled or changed without at least 30 days advance written notice to Owner or 10 days for nonpayment of premium.(b)Indemnification by the Company and meter replacement contractor. Company shall indemnify, defend and hold the Owner and its officials, employees, and agents (collectively, the “Owner Indemnified Parties”) harmless from and against any and all liabilities, losses, fines, penalties, damages, costs, actions, expenses, claims, demands, liens, encumbrances, judgments, administrative proceedings or suits, arising out of or as a result of injury or damage to persons or property and including reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, imposed or asserted against or incurred by any of them arising out of (i) a breach of any of the representations, warranties or covenants contained in this Agreement by Company, (ii) an Environmental Claim arising due to the Company’s and meter replacement contractor’s negligence or willful misconduct; (iii) , any discharge, dispersal, release, or escape from the System, any flow into or upon land, the atmosphere or any water course or body of water arising due to the Company’s and meter replacement contractor’s negligence or willful misconduct; (iv) any violation by the Company and meter replacement contractor of any Applicable Law, or (v) the willful misconduct or negligent act or omission of Company and meter replacement contractor’s its agents, employees, and/or subcontractors in any way relating to the operation, maintenance and/or management of the System, or any part thereof during the term of this Agreement; Company shall require in its agreement with any meter replacement contractor or supplier that such party also provide similar indemnity to Owner. (Provided, however, that Company shall not be liable to the Owner indemnified Parties to the extent that any such liabilities, losses, damages, costs, actions, expenses, claims, demands, liens, encumbrances, judgments or suits result from the negligence or willful misconduct or breach of this Agreement by the Owner Indemnified Parties.(c)Consequential Damages. Neither party shall be liable for any special, consequential, indirect or incidental damages relating in any way to this Agreement or the System, loss of actual or anticipated profits or revenue or cost of claims of customers.9. Reports(a)Project Records. Company shall keep and maintain the records relating to this project in accordance with sound business practice. The records shall be kept on site. The Company is aware that these records may be public records in accordance with Ohio Revised Code. Company understands that Owner is subject to the Ohio Public Records Act. Documents used in the course of this Agreement may be subject to the Ohio Public Records law and Retention Requirements. To the extent such documents are subject to said law, Company shall make such documents available during the course of this Agreement and copies of same shall be turned over to the Owner at the conclusion of this Agreement.(b)Project Status Report. Company shall prepare and provide to Owner within 20 days after the conclusion of each calendar month a Project Status Report covering a summary of the progress to date.(c)Report Regarding Complaints. Company will prepare on a monthly basis (or earlier should it relate to an emergency) a report of any and all complaints, problems, fines, citations, and inquiries relating to the project undertaken in this Agreement. Company’s responses to such complaints, problems, fines, citations, and inquiries shall be computerized in a database structure and reduced to writing. The copy of these reports and any requested Company responses both of which shall be in a format approved by Owner, shall be kept in sequential order, and shall be provided to the Owner in the Project Status Report.(d)Time for Responses. All written requests of the Owner shall be responded to by Company in writing within five (5) days, except for emergency requests which require a more timely response as set forth herein. Owner shall make reasonable efforts to respond to Company’s requests for information within the same time frame.10.Miscellaneous.(a)Assignment. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, neither party shall assign its rights, nor secure the assumption of its obligations under this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the other party. The Owner shall have the right to withhold consent if it has reasonable grounds to believe that the assignee will not be able to fulfill the scope of services requirements. This Agreement shall enure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and permitted assigns.(b)Waiver. The failure of either party to enforce any of the terms of this Agreement on one or more occasions shall not constitute a waiver of the right to enforce such term on any other occasion or of the right of either party to enforce each and every term of this Agreement.(c)Uncontrollable Circumstances. Except for payment of compensation, a party’s performance under this Agreement shall be excused if, and to the extent that, the party is unable to perform because of Uncontrollable Circumstances, defined as causes beyond its reasonable control and reasonable anticipation. In the event of any such Uncontrollable Circumstance, the party claiming relief from performance shall promptly notify the other party of the existence of same, shall perform those services under the Agreement that are not affected, and shall be required to resume performance of its obligations under this Agreement upon the termination of the Uncontrollable Circumstance. The compensation to Company shall be equitably adjusted for any increase or decrease in the scope of services due to Uncontrollable Circumstances. Uncontrollable Circumstances do not include (i) strikes or labor disputes involving the Company as the primary employer, (ii) the bankruptcy or other reorganization of the Company pursuant to the Bankruptcy Code, or (iii) any other circumstances which could have been reasonably anticipated and avoided by the Company with reasonable care and diligence. Company acknowledges that part of its duties under this Agreement is to keep the water system of the City of Huber Heights operational to the extent possible. Company shall have reasonable contingency plans and crisis plans in place (and shall provide a copy of same to the City for review and approval) to reasonably address such matters as power outages, flood, lightning and other weather calamity.(d)Notices. All notices shall be in writing and shall be delivered, in person or transmitted by certified mail, return receipt requested, or national courier service providing proof of receipt, to the parties listed below. Either party may update such addresses on written notice to the other party. Notices shall be effective upon receipt.To the Company:United Water NACO LLC555 Glenwood Hills Parkway SE, Suite 300Grand Rapids, Ml 49512Attention: William J. Reedy, Vice Presidentand copy to:United Water NACO LLC200 Old Hook RoadHarrington Park, N.J. 07640-1799Attention: Legal DepartmentTo the Owner:City ManagerCity of Huber Heights6131 Taylorsville RoadHuber Heights, Ohio 45424Attention of the City Manager(e)Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws (and not the rules governing the conflict of laws) of the State of Ohio.(f)Relationship of the Parties. Beneficiaries. This Agreement reflects an arms-length transaction. Nothing in this Agreement creates a fiduciary, partnership, joint venture or employment or other agency relationship between the parties. This Agreement is not entered into for the benefit of, nor are any rights granted to, any third party except as expressly provided herein.(g)Entire Agreement; Modifications; Schedules. The provisions of this Agreement (except captions), including the Appendices annexed hereto shall (a) constitute the entire agreement between the parties, superseding all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, understandings or agreements and (b) not be modified in any respect except by express written agreement executed by the parties. The Appendices attached hereto are specifically made a part of this Agreement.(h)Severability. If any provision of this Agreement shall be determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect, provided the consideration for the Agreement can be reasonably determined. In such event, the parties shall make good faith efforts to modify this Agreement to implement the intent of the parties embodied in this Agreement. Any resulting modification and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law.(i)Survival. The sections of this Agreement pertaining to indemnification, and payment shall be deemed to survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.(j)Time is of the Essence. The parties recognize and agree that time is of the essence in all matters related to this Agreement.(k)Encumbrances Prohibited. To the extent that the underlying facts and circumstances are or were within its control, the Company shall not permit or suffer or allow its subcontractors to permit or suffer to exist any liens, claims, security interest, or encumbrances on the Facilities, (As defined in the Operations Agreement between City of Huber Heights and United Water NACO) which do not already exist as of the commencement of the initial term of operation.(l)Independent Contractor. The Company and the meter replacement contractor shall perform their services as independent contractors and not as employees or against of the Owner. Neither the Company, meter replacement contractor nor any of its employees shall be entitled to any benefits made available to employees of the Owner. The Company and meter replacement contractor shall not have the authority to bind the Owner to any contract or obligation of any kind or nature.(m) Nonappropriation. City represents and warrants that it has appropriated and budgeted the funds to make all payments for the remainder of the fiscal year in which the Contract commences and that it currently intends to make payments for the full term of the Contract if funds are appropriated for the payments in each succeeding fiscal year. Without contractually committing itself to do so, the City reasonably believes that moneys in an amount sufficient to make all payments can, and will lawfully be, appropriated therefor. The City directs the person in charge of its budget requests to include the payments payable during each fiscal year in the budget request presented to the City’s governing body for such fiscal year; provided, that the City’s governing body retains authority to approve or reject any such budget request. All payments shall be payable out of the water fund or out of other legally appropriated funds. If the City’s governing body fails to appropriate sufficient funds in any fiscal year for payments or other amounts due hereunder and if other funds are not legally appropriated for such payments, a “Non-Appropriation Event” will be deemed to have occurred. If a Non-Appropriation Event occurs, then: (i) the City shall give Contractor immediate notice of such Non-Appropriation Event; and (ii) the Contract shall terminate on the Return Date without penalty to the City, provided, that the City shall pay all payments and other amounts payable under the Contract for which funds shall have been appropriated. “Return Date” means the last day of the fiscal year for which appropriations were made for the payments due hereunder.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have signed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above.CITY OF HUBER HEIGHTS (OWNER)By:_____________________UNITED WATER NACO LLC (COMPANY)By:___________________________Thomas P. Brown, PresidentAPPENDIX ASCOPE OF SERVICESA.PROGRAMS FOR WATER METER REPLACEMENTCompany shall provide the necessary subcontractors sufficient to complete the water meter replacement project within the associated schedule for installation. To that end, Company shall provide and install new radio read meters (Neptune Meters) in place of all existing water meters within the City’s Water System.?Further, Company will provide to City all necessary equipment to read the new meters and institute a policy/procedure to begin monthly reads of these new meters. Company, as operator of the City’s water system will take all reasonable and necessary steps to integrate radio read meters into the standard operating procedures of the City’s water system.?Meter-reading, Billing and Collection of Customer Accounts. Company shall provide for meter-reading and customer billing and collection, related to the Owner’s water, sanitary sewer, and storm sewer systems pursuant to applicable Owner ordinances, through in an uninterrupted manner throughout the water meter replacement project. Company shall provide for appropriate meter reading, as required, and monthly actual billing based on an actual meter read, to all customers that have received a new water meter based on the replacement program. Company will continue to shut off service for non-payment and as provided for by Owner ordinance and other agreements with Owner.Manufacturers Warranties. Company shall transmit and assign all warranty documentation received by Company to the Owner, along with the Company’s report on the cost of obtaining extended warranties and recommendation on whether to extend such warranties. The City may check selected new water meter units installed by the Company and notify the Company of any faulty installations. Company will not be liable for damages or injury to others that may arise from the inspection process initiated by the City. Company will either reinstall or require its meter replacement vendor to reinstall the meter within five (5) business days after receiving notice of faulty installation. Company will warrant and/or guarantee each meter for a minimum of one year from date of installation for defects in material and pany will notify the City of any problems in the pits which prevent the Company from doing an installation, such as leaks in water lines, meter boxes or resident's water lines. Problems will be reported the same day Company discovers such problems. Company will repair or replace any such water lines or system problems (other than those which are the responsibility of the property owner). Any such repairs or replacement shall be undertaken by Company and reimbursed by City at cost with no mark up for overhead or profit. Such repair or replacement shall not apply toward the maintenance budget of the existing operation and maintenance agreement between the parties. Landscaping/Damage. Company shall require its vendor to promptly repair any damage caused to landscape, lawn, sprinkler system, or other property of any residence. Repairs and replacement to any residential property damaged must be as good or better than prior to the damage. The Company or its vendor will provide to the City a written statement signed by the property owner that the repairs are to the property owner’s satisfaction. Shutoff Notices. If an instance should arise that requires an appointment due to the location of the water meter or the nature of the location, such as the water meter is located inside the owner’s building or a business, restaurant or industrial setting and will require an appointment to complete the installation, Company will work with the customer to coordinate the appointment. In order to expedite the entire installation project, Company will send notification to all Owner customers introducing the project and Neptune Equipment (the meter installation vendor). The notification will be provided in the comment section of the monthly water bill. Further project publicity, as needed, may be generated from bill stuffers, newspapers, news releases, neighborhood, meetings and public access television. After the introductory notice, Company will assure that Neptune Equipment makes a minimum of four attempts beyond the introduction notice to schedule an installation. A minimum of one written notification must be provided by Neptune Equipment to all customers who do not respond to the initial notification. All Appointments shall be made in a courteous and professional, manner during reasonable hours 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM; through door hangers, telephone calls, post cards, door to door solicitation or by additional letters. If locations are not accessible to the installers during normal working hours. Installers shall be available during evening hours and on weekends to accommodate customer’s reasonable requests for appointments. If Neptune Equipment informs Company that contact cannot be made, thus preventing the installation notice of same shall be timely provided to Owner and Company shall make necessary arrangements for installation. All installations that must be performed by Company will be deducted from the Neptune Equipment contract price and the funds will be redirected to Company to offset the expense. These activities will not result in additional cost to the Owner. Taxes. Company shall be responsible for any and all taxes associated with or arising from the performance of the services contemplated under this Agreement. Owner shall provide Company with any applicable certificates of exemption from sales tax. B.GENERAL RELATED SERVICESa)Cooperation with the Owner. Company shall serve as the Owner’s liaison and representative when requested to do so by the Owner in all matters related to the water meter replacement project, including matters related to regulatory agencies, local governments, and intergovernmental boards. Company shall cooperate with the Owner, its departments, Citizen Water and Sewer Advisory Board, its citizens, its agents, and those with whom the Owner reports and/or interacts. The City Manager shall designate, from time to time, an individual or individuals to act as liaison with the Company in connection with the performance of services by the Company under this Contract.b)Customer Relations - Company shall provide customer complaint services, including receiving and documenting the complaint and responding to the complaint in a timely manner.APPENDIX BCOMPENSATIONCity will replace all of its existing water meters, and install several meters where currently none exist in the Huber East Water District, the total number of new meters is estimated to?be 14,900 meters as set forth in the chart below. The prices for each meter shall be as set forth in said chart:SizeQtyR900iAntenna Meter TotalInstallationInstall TotalGrand Total5/8 x 3/4" R900i14,250 $ 143.79 $ 11.50 $ 2,212,882.50 $ 33.00 $ 470,250.00 $ 2,683,132.50 1" R900i 413 $ 208.32 $ 11.50 $ 90,787.64 $ 33.00 $ 13,629.00 $ 104,416.64 1 1/2" R900i T-1035 $ 386.08 $ 11.50 $ 13,915.31 $ 300.00 $ 10,500.00 $ 24,415.31 1 1/2" R900i HP Turbine82 $ 426.02 $ 11.50 $ 35,876.48 $ 300.00 $ 24,600.00 $ 60,476.48 2" R900i HP Turbine83 $ 479.94 $ 11.50 $ 40,789.67 $ 300.00 $ 24,900.00 $ 65,689.67 2" R900i TruFlo Compound16 $ 1,256.86 $ 11.50 $ 20,293.83 $ 300.00 $ 4,800.00 $ 25,093.83 3" R900i HP Turbine15 $ 693.84 $ 13.80 $ 10,614.58 $ 500.00 $ 7,500.00 $ 18,114.58 3" R900i TruFlo Compound3 $ 1,624.37 $ 13.80 $ 4,914.52 $ 825.00 $ 2,475.00 $ 7,389.52 4" R900i HP Turbine1 $ 1,148.91 $ 13.80 $ 1,162.71 $ 750.00 $ 750.00 $ 1,912.71 4" R900i TruFlo Compound2 $ 2,244.69 $ 13.80 $ 4,516.97 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 7,516.97 ................

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