The First Lesson


Stepping Stones 2 vwo



Activity Book A 3

Theme one: Back in time 3

Theme two: Games and gadgets 11

Herhaling/Verrijking Themes one and two 19

Herhaling theme one 19

Herhaling theme two 21

Verrijking themes one and two 23

Theme three: All about heroes 25

Theme four: Ready, set, go! 32

Herhaling/Verrijking Themes three and four 41

Herhaling theme three 41

Herhaling theme four 43

Verrijking themes three and four 46

Bridging the Gap: Year 1 Brug klas 1 naar klas 2 47

Activity Book B 65

Theme five: Shop till you drop 65

Theme six: Stars and stripes 72

Herhaling/Verrijking Themes five and six 80

Herhaling theme five 80

Herhaling theme six 83

Verrijking themes five and six 85

Theme seven: What's up? 86

Theme eight: Going places 94

Herhaling/Verrijking Themes seven and eight 102

Herhaling theme seven 102

Herhaling theme eight 104

Verrijking themes seven and eight 106

Bridging the Gap: Year 3 Brug van klas 2 naar klas 3 107

Herhaling 107

Verrijking 111

Activity Book A

Theme 1 Back in time


1 Key:

1 William

2 23 April 1564

3 Stratford-upon-Avon

4 children

5 Anne Hathaway

6 7

7 plays

8 154

2 Key:

De juiste volgorde is:

1 1.6

2 1.2

3 1.7

4 1.4

5 1.3

6 1.5


3 Key:

1 past

2 empire

3 century

4 monarch

5 conquered

6 era

7 reigned

4 Key:

| | | | | | |

|1 |beautiful |beautifully |9 |easy |easily |

|2 |good |well |10 |careful |carefully |

|3 |nice |nicely |11 |happy |happily |

|4 |angry |angrily |12 |fair |fairly |

|5 |sad |sadly |13 |automatic |automatically |

|6 |firm |firmly |14 |low |low |

|7 |fast |fast |15 |bad |badly |

|8 |kind |kindly |16 |long |long |

15 Key:

1 really

2 silly / strange

3 old

4 incredible

5 modern

6 absolutely

7 happy

8 easily

9 fantastic

10 careful


16 Key:

Bo tries to do it herself instead of reading the manuals

Maxime tries to use the manual, but isn’t very technical

Sebastian explains how a game works

Archie uses the iPad for things like games and more serious things

Paige knows there are unused apps on the phone

George stays in touch with people every day

Bo uses the phone for basic things like calling and texting

17 Example key:

|Advantages |Disadvantages |

|It's less work to do. |It might be hard to get it working. |

| |It could be expensive. |

|It saves time. | |

| |It might cause damage if it is programmed wrong. |

|It takes up less storage space. | |

| |Components could be expensive. |

|You can clean without being home. | |

18 Key:

1 A

2 B

3 A

4 A

5 B

6 A

7 A

8 A


19 Example key:

1 C

2 How you can host a video game tournament yourself.

3 Malik + / Dre - / Shania +

4 -

20 Key:

the first thing you'll have to do is to find a location

pick a game people like to play

if you don't have the right materials, ask your friends

when everything has been arranged, set a date and time

before the tournament decide on what the main goal is

Dre had a disappointing tournament

Shania got good ideas from the article

Malik thinks professional gaming is top sport

21 Key:


2 clue

4 proper

6 set

8 measure

9 pick

10 remark


1 access

3 collect

5 objective

7 host


22 Key:

1 These new laptops aren't as bad as the old ones.

2 This is / It's the best tablet there is.

3 His smartphone is more expensive than my sister's.

4 This game resembles / reminds me of / looks exactly like the game we played last night.

5 Compared to other tablets, this new model is rather big.

6 Professional gaming is / It's a lot like training for the Olympics.

23 Key:

1 This is the best (RC helicopter) there is / ever.

2 This helicopter / It isn't much better than my brother's.

3 It's more expensive than your brother's.

4 Compared to other helicopters this new model is extremely small.

5 resembles a professional helicopter.

6 looks exactly like Jonathan's cheaper model.

7 This helicopter is not at all like what I expected.

8 helicopter is much better than all the others.

24 Example key:

Hi Ahmed,

How are you? I've bought a great new gadget: the Spy Bug. Have you heard about it? It's a remote controlled bug with a built-in camera. You can control it with an app on your smartphone. You can move your Spy Bug to the desired position and press the record button. It sends the images directly to your phone.

It's a great gadget and much better than all those other small digital video cameras. First of all, it's really a lot smaller. It's the size of a real bug, so you can imagine how small it is. It also has a much higher resolution than any other camera. And, last but not least, it has a wireless connection with my computer, so I can download my films very fast.

Why don't you come over this weekend so you can see for yourself? I'll give you a call tomorrow, OK?




25 Key:

1 A lot of

2 a little

3 much

4 a few

5 little

6 Few

7 lots of

8 many; lots of

26 Key:

1 a few

2 a lot

3 a lot of / lots of / many

4 a lot of / lots of / a few of

5 many / a lot of

6 lots of / a lot of / many

7 a lot

8 a little

9 a few

10 little

27 Key:

1 a few

2 a few

3 very

4 many / a lot of / lots of

5 so

6 little

7 such

8 too

9 really

10 much / a lot of

11 a few


28 Key:

code-breakers crack secret messages.

29 Key:

1 false

2 false

3 true

4 true

5 true

6 false

Test Yourself

1 Key:

1 beat

2 firmly

3 objective

4 reduce

5 stuck

6 worth it

7 space

8 newbie

9 mark

10 highway

2 Key:

1 curly

2 specifically

3 wonderful

4 daily

5 basically

6 probably

7 good

8 loud

9 politely

10 early

3 Key:

1 really

2 too

3 such

4 too

5 really / very

6 really

7 too

8 so / really / very

4 Key:

1 many

2 a little

3 much

4 much

5 few

6 many

7 little

8 a few

9 many

10 a little

5 Key:

1 To make the character jump, firmly press the 'up' arrow.

2 This new online strategy game is not at all like what I expected.

3 It resembles a really good game my brother used to play.

4 I'm sorry, but I don't understand what that expression means.

5 Can you explain to me what I need to do?

6 Then you start the game by pressing any key.

7 Do you mean there are different versions of this game?

8 Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.

9 It's the worst gadget ever.

10 The expansion pack is very similar to the previous one.



1 The others have no idea how the game works, because every aspect of the game is completely new to them.

2 Eigen antwoord.

3 People have no idea how any aspect of the game works, because the game is completely new. If you teach people new things before they understand the basics, the game will be difficult to understand.

4 Eigen antwoord.

5 Eigen antwoord.

6 Eigen antwoord.



Eigen antwoord.


There is no key for this step.

Herhaling Theme 1

1 Key:

1 accident

2 dark chocolate

3 factory

4 false teeth

5 surprised

6 jewellery box

7 alarm clock

8 surfing camp

9 musician

10 king/monarch

2 Key:

1 memorable

2 plenty

3 save up

4 steam machine

5 catalogue

6 receive

7 passion

8 nervous

9 shopping centre

10 operate

11 spin

12 expose

3 Key:

1 was

2 were

3 Were - was

4 were

5 were - was

6 was

7 Were

8 was

4 Key:

1 on - at

2 in

3 at

4 on

5 in

6 on - in

7 in

8 in

5 Key:

1 told

2 bought

3 was

4 didn't have

5 didn't tell

6 got

7 didn't

8 did you buy

9 ordered

10 was

11 went

12 had

6 Key:

Was he already famous in the 1990s? Was hij al beroemd in de jaren 90?

I wasn't at Riya's party, beause I was ill. Ik was niet op Riya's feestje, omdat ik ziek was.

Were you at an adventure camp in France Ben jij op een avonturenkamp geweest in

this summer? Frankrijk deze zomer?

My alarm clock didn't go off. Mijn wekker ging niet af.

They were my dad's favourite musicians Zij waren mijn vaders favoriete muzikanten

in the nineties. in de jaren 90.

Shakespeare was a well-known English Shakespeare was een bekende Engelse

playwright and poet. toneelschrijver en dichter.

Shakespeare was een bekende Engelse

acteur en dichter.

Heb jij deze zomer avonturen beleefd in Frankrijk?

7 Key:

1 Today is the twenty-second of June / June the twenty-second.

2 I left Scotland on the eighteenth of October / October the eighteenth, two thousand and nine.

3 The event took place in nineteen ninety-five.

4 Samira finished school on the twenty-fourth of December / December the twenty-fourth, two thousand and fourteen.

5 The cinema closed on the first of January / January the first, two thousand and seven.

6 They lost the final on the eleventh of July / July the eleventh, two thousand and ten.

8 Key:

1 What did you do on Saturday?

2 Did you do anything special this weekend?

3 Yesterday, I went to the station with my brother.

4 We received tickets to a film premiere in London.

5 my brother found a wallet near the entrance.

6 We were very surprised at first, but it didn't contain any money.

7 I entered a skate contest.

8 I didn't win any prizes, unfortunately.

Herhaling Theme 2

9 Key:

3 firmly

5 access

9 chase

10 enter

1 press

2 plug

4 newbie

6 clue

7 method

8 mark

10 Key:

1 not at all

2 pick

3 nightmare

4 quest

5 proper

6 ornament

7 outstanding

8 manage

9 objective

10 queue

11 Key:

| |Adjective |Adverb | |Adjective |Adverb |

|1 |angry |angrily |9 |good |well |

|2 |awful |awfully |10 |great |greatly |

|3 |bad |badly |11 |happy |happily |

|4 |beautiful |beautifully |12 |long |long |

|5 |brief |briefly |13 |optimistic |optimistically |

|6 |easy |easily |14 |possible |possibly |

|7 |fantastic |fantastically |15 |quiet |quietly |

|8 |fast |fast |16 |strong |strongly |

12 Key:

1 a lot of

2 a little

3 a lot of

4 little

5 Many

6 a few

7 a lot of

8 many

13 Key:

1 so

2 such

3 too

4 really

5 such

6 very

7 too

8 really

14 Key:

1 Could you tell me how this new game console works?

2 Can you show me what I need to do?

3 If you want to duck, press the blue button.

4 First, you start the game by pressing any key.

5 To make the character jump, firmly press the 'up' arrow.

6 Finally, you select your saved game to continue.

15 Key:

1 Sorry, I don't know what you are talking about.

2 Could you repeat that, please?

3 Can you give me some more information, please?

4 Can you spell that word for me, please?

5 Do you mean there are different versions of this smartphone?

6 Could you give me a couple of examples, please?

16 Key:

1 This is the best tablet there is. / Dit is de beste tablet die er is.

2 These game consoles aren't as cool as those. / Deze spelcomputers zijn niet zo gaaf als die.

3 That app looks exactly like the game we played last night. / Die app lijkt precies op het spel dat we gisteravond hebben gespeeld.

4 It's the worst gadget ever. / Het is het slechtste gadget ooit.

5 This e-reader is more expensive than Brad's / than my sister's. / Deze e-reader is duurder die van Brad / mijn zus.

6 His smartphone isn't much better than my sister's / than Brad's. / Zijn smartphone is niet veel beter dan die van mijn zus / Brad.

7 Compared to the other ones, this one is small. / Vergeleken met de andere is deze klein.

8 It resembles a really good film I know. / Het lijkt op een hele goede film die ik ken.

Verrijking Theme 1 & 2

1 Key:

Stonehenge is found in southern England.

Archaeologists investigate how people lived in the past.

Stonehenge was built at the same time as the Egyptian pyramids.

Durrington Wall is a man-made circular earthwork.

The people who built Stonehenge made tools of deer antlers and stone.

Pigs were shot before they were prepared.

Dead bodies were left in the river to float downstream to Stonehenge.

The wooden circle was a symbol of life.

The village and the stone circle were part of an ancient temple.

Nowadays many people come to Stonehenge on June 21st.

2 Key:

1 C liked roasting their pork.

2 B huge dyke which surrounds the village.

3 D transported their dead via the river Avon to Stonehenge.

4 B Only statement II is true.

5 B People still celebrate the coming of winter or summer at Stonehenge.

6 D solstice = zonnewende

3 Key:

voordelen - benefits

aandacht - attention

beslissing - decision

bevolking - population

emotioneel - emotional

zicht - vision

gezondheid - health

uitdagingen - challenges

onderzoeker - researcher

ervaring - experience

ziekte - disease

zwaarmoedig - depressed

lichamelijk - physical

| |e |

|which sport? |cricket |

|first match |1882 |

|competing nations |Australia and England |

|how often do they meet? |roughly every two years |

|number of viewers |more than 1 million |


8 Example key:

1 Wat is er gebeurd? / What has happened?

2 Waarom hebben zij de race verloren? / Why have they lost the race?

3 Heeft Ronaldo nog een doelpunt gescoord? / Has Ronaldo scored another goal?

4 Michelle zit in de kwartfinale. Die zanglessen hebben hun waarde bewezen. / Michelle is in the quarter-final. Those singing lessons have really paid off.

5 Is Michelle door naar de volgende ronde? / Has Michelle gone through to the next round?

6 Dave is terug in de wedstrijd! Hij heeft deze ronde al vijf punten gescoord. / Dave is back in the game! He has already scored five points in this round.

9 Key:

1 Has he scored another goal? / He has practised really hard, so he's well prepared for the match.

2 Why has he lost the race? / He hasn't won the race as he has taken too many risks near the end.

3 Has she gone through to the final? / She's in the final! Those dancing lessons have really paid off!

10 Key:

1 They usually have classes from nine to four o'clock.

2 Jocelyn used to compete at a high level in gymnastics but she quit.

3 I often get up at 7am and go to bed at 10pm.

4 My sisters normally exercise at the gym on Wednesday.

5 Anita and Josh used to participate in talent shows every weekend.

6 I always win when we do a cross-country race.

11 Key:

1 I normally have classes from eight to two o'clock on Friday.

2 I usually get up at half past five.

3 I always go to bed at 10pm.

4 My team often practises / exercises in the gym at our school on Friday.

5 He used to play basketball at a high level, but he quit.

6 He used to play matches every weekend.

12 Example key:

Hi Carey,

How are you? I was wondering how your tennis match went. Have you gone through to the next round? And how was your game? Have you scored many nice points?

My match is on Saturday at 9am. I have already played three matches and won them. I normally go to bed at 11pm on Friday and get up at around 10am on Saturday. I think I'd better go to bed early this Friday.

I've trained really hard, so I'm well prepared for the match. There was something strange though. I usually practise on the court in front of the school. I couldn't now, because of the rain. I practised in the gym instead.

I will phone you this weekend to let you know how the match went. Even better, why don't you come to the match on Saturday and watch? Then you can also tell me all about your match!



13 Example key:

This weekend I'm going to a football tournament. Our local football team The Kickers are taking part in it. They have trained hard, so they are well prepared for the tournament. They have already won all their matches since the beginning of the season, so I think they have a good chance to win the tournament. They have a very good goal keeper. Their opponents haven't been able to score a goal yet.

I normally get up quite late in the weekends. I have to get up early now, because the first match of the tournament starts at 9am. I used to play football at a high level myself, but I quit. I got injured during a match and I never reached my old level again.


14 Key:

1 has known

2 have attended

3 has put

4 Have … travelled

5 hasn't passed

6 have … visited

7 have won

8 has eaten

15 Example key:

1 My sister used to clean the rabbit's cage every week, but now she often walks the dog.

2 Our football team used to lose a lot of matches, but now we often win.

3 We used to cycle to school, but now we take the bus.

4 I used to go to bed at half past eight, but now I often stay up late.

5 Sandra used to play the piano, but now she's a singer in a band.

16 Key:

1 have got

2 have you practised

3 I have practised for three years now. I used to have a skateboard, and I liked kiting.

4 Have you trained

5 Last year, I used to train every afternoon, but since last month I have trained twice a day

6 Last year's winner used to be very good. He can't participate now because he has turned 17.

7 I used to buy everything myself, but my sponsor has paid for everything for the last six months.

8 It has helped me so much!

9 Has the sponsor also influenced your sport?

10 I've done all I can.


17 Example key:

1 warm clothes

2 matches

3 wood

4 canned food

5 a dog sled

6 dogs

7 a tent

8 a warm sleeping bag

9 a fishing line

10 a means of communication (radio?)

18 Key:

1 Antarctica

2 the first

3 Terra Nova

4 all those years

5 Norwegian

6 two (long, hard) months

7 1912, fourteen


19 Key:

Topics discussed:

Popular sports tournaments, favourite teams, game rules, a radio competition.


[0] PE lessons at school = gymlessen (op school)

[0] popular sports tournaments = populaire sporttoernooien

[0] talented athletes = getalenteerde atleten

[0] favourite sports teams = favoriete sportteams

[0] unusual sports at schools = aparte sporten op school

[0] game rules = spelregels

[0] a radio competition = een radiowedstrijd / wedstrijd op de radio

[0] live sports commentary = live sportcommentaar

20 Example key:

| |Quote: |Feeling: |Betekenis: |

|1 |Sadly, they've just not been playing as well |sad |Ze is teleurgesteld in haar team. |

| |as they usually do. | | |

|2 |I'd love to! If I'm good enough… |excited |Ze heeft er zin in, maar is zich er wel van bewust |

| | | |dat ze hard moet werken. |

|3 |I am crazy about tennis. |happy / enthusiastic |Hij is gek op tennis. |

|4 |Some people say it isn't a sport, but it |defensive |Hij beschouwt darts als een echte sport en vindt het |

| |actually is. | |vervelend dat er mensen zijn die zeggen dat het geen |

| | | |echte sport is. |

|5 |I'm definitely going to watch darts at a |determined / excited |Hij weet zeker dat hij de wedstrijd gaat bekijken! |

| |friend's house. | | |

|6 |You've all been good sports! |pleased |Iedereen heeft mee gedaan en daardoor is het erg leuk|

| | | |geweest. |


21 Example key:

Robot: technology, computers, AI, Wall-E, sci-fi, no emotions, metal, future, etc.

22 Key:

1 Eigen antwoord.

2 which country the text is about Richmond, Virginia

what the robots are used for they are used in a game (Aerial Assist)

who use the robots students

where you can play football -

what competition is held FIRST Tech Challenge

how you can be the best -

if it's something for girls it's for boys and girls

3 That nerds / geeks compete against each other.

23 Key:

1 B

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 B

6 B


24 Key:

1 What are you going to do this weekend?

2 I'm going to buy new protective gear and trainers on Saturday.

3 I think our school will win the cup this year.

4 We're going to train outdoors all week, because the gym is occupied.

5 The winning team will compete in the national championships

6 (they will) win a gold medal and a cash prize.

25 Key:

1 Are you going to watch that baseball match? No, I'm going to watch a tennis match.

2 What are you going to wear to the party? I'm going to wear a dress to the party.

3 What are you going to do tomorrow? We are going to the cinema tomorrow.

4 What are you going to do tonight? I'm going to watch a football match at Tom's house tonight.

5 Where will the Olympic Games be in 2026? In 2026 the Winter Olympic Games will be in Boston.

6 What do you predict? I predict that the English national team / England will win the FIFA World Cup in 2022.

26 Example key:

On Saturday I'm going to play a basketball match.

On Saturday I'm going to visit my grandparents.

On Saturday I'm going to meet up with friends.

On Sunday I will probably sleep late.

On Sunday I'm going to London.

On Sunday I'm going to do my homework.


27 Key:

1 is going to

2 isn't going to

3 Shall

4 will probably

5 will, won't

6 is going to

7 will

8 is going to

9 Are you going to

10 Will you

28 Key:

1 is going to

2 will / 'll

3 is going to be

4 are going to

5 shall

6 are going to

7 will

8 are going to

9 will

10 will


29 Key:

1 creative, office job

2 acting

3 Chelsea

4 30, 38

5 Storage Hunters

6 Made in Chelsea

Test Yourself

1 Key:

dominate -= beheersen

joke - grap

upcoming - aanstaande

niche - specialiteit

pay off - iets opleveren

regain - herwinnen

pride - trots

quit - stoppen

header - kopbal

pretend - doen alsof

2 Key:

1 have you been

2 have tried

3 Have you already done

4 have worked

5 have finished

6 have you been

7 have supported

8 have never watched

3 Key:

1 John used to watch the news every day.

2 People used to come to this museum all the time.

3 There used to be a cinema around the corner.

4 My mother used to work on Sundays.

5 She used to be the tallest girl in our class.

6 I used to visit my friend every weekend.

7 This restaurant used to have lots of customers.

8 Ava used to practise the guitar every day.

4 Key:

1 I will call you tomorrow.

2 I'm going to watch the match tomorrow.

3 Are you going to clean up the kitchen tomorrow?

4 Arsenal will win the match tonight.

5 It is going to rain today.

6 Will the train leave in time?

7 Marc is going to visit a friend tonight.

8 I won't be on time.

5 Key:

1 Why have they lost the race?

Waarom hebben zij de race verloren?

2 Are you going to see the football match?

Ga jij naar de voetbalwedstrijd kijken?

3 My brother is going to play indoors today. The weather is just awful.

Mijn broer gaat vandaag binnen spelen. Het weer is gewoonweg vreselijk.

4 Eve's exercised a lot, that's why she looks so exhausted.

Eve heeft veel geoefend, daarom ziet ze er zo uitgeput uit.

5 What's happened? Has Ronaldo scored another goal?

Wat is er gebeurd? Heeft Ronaldo nog een doelpunt gescoord?

6 Jocelyn used to compete at a high level in gymnastics but she quit.

Jocelyn deed vroeger aan gymnastiek op een hoog niveau, maar ze is gestopt.

7 We believe Chelsea will tie against Liverpool.

Wij denken dat Chelsea gelijk gaat spelen tegen Liverpool.

8 The visitors won the match because we've never practised together.

Het uitspelende team won de wedstrijd omdat we nooit met elkaar geoefend hebben.



1 a (the Ashes) cricket contest, a singing competition (Teenstar), a DJ contest.

2 Eigen antwoord.

3 Eigen antwoord.



Eigen antwoord.

Evaluation There is no key for this step.

Herhaling Theme 3

1 Key:

1 arrest

2 criminal

3 businessman

4 nurse

5 flexible

6 tuxedo

7 slope

8 heroine

9 marriage

10 medal

2 Key:

1 businessman

2 call

3 arrive

4 has a knack for

5 important

6 concerned

7 danger

8 get in trouble

9 fear

10 face

11 glad

12 incredible / dreamy

3 Key:

1 am able to

2 can

3 isn't able to

4 is unable to

5 are able to

6 Can

7 am not able to

8 can

4 Key:

1 were doing

2 were having

3 was staying

4 were celebrating

5 were dating

6 were having

7 were sitting

8 was playing

5 Key:

2 Didn't you call in sick?

3 Didn't the brothers James invent the first airplane?

4 Didn't Susan get into trouble with the police in France?

5 Doesn't Carlos like playing computer games?

6 Don't you like sleeping late?

6 Key:

1 I think Wonder Woman is great because she fights dangerous criminals.

2 I admire Arnie because he accomplished a lot in his life.

3 Our teacher rescued a student, using first aid.

4 My mother has a positive attitude and a great sense of humour.

5 What special powers does he have?

6 She is an outstanding entertainer and a great musician.

7 Key:

What was he doing when the fire alarm rang? Wat was hij aan het doen toen het brandalarm afging?

What was she doing when her beeper went off? Wat was ze aan het doen toen haar pieper afging?

We were doing household chores when it happened. We waren huishoudelijke klusjes aan het doen toen het gebeurde.

They were watching television when he called. Ze waren tv aan het kijken toen hij belde.

What were you doing while they were gone? Wat was jij aan het doen terwijl zij weg waren?

What were they doing at the police station? Wat deden zij op het politiebureau?

I was attending a party at a neighbouring house. Ik was op een feest bij een huis in de buurt.

He was waiting for my train to come in. Hij was aan het wachten op het binnenkomen van mijn trein.

8 Key:

1 How did you feel when you were fighting the fire?

2 I am still shaking like a leaf.

3 Words cannot describe how I feel.

4 Didn't you feel thrilled when you saved those people?

5 I was (very) relieved when the ambulance arrived.

6 I felt glad when I heard the sirens.

Herhaling Theme 4

9 Key:

1 battle

2 burn

3 coalition

4 crawl

5 crowd

6 dominate

7 goggles

8 gravel

9 gym

10 hope

11 jiggle

12 location

|B |U |

|We read many beautiful English poems. |8 |

|There's enough time to finish homework. |10 |

|I spend a lot of time on my homework. |9 |

|My classmates are also my friends. |3 |

|We can buy many healthy snacks. |2 |

|Everyone is always very friendly. |4 |

|Our class visited London. |6 |

3 Body talk


1 Key:

Linkerrij, van boven naar beneden:

brain, muscles, throat, chest, knee, toe

Rechterrij, van boven naar beneden:

tooth (teeth), jaw, shoulder, wrist, stomach, ankle

2 Key:

1 fever – koorts

2 stuffy nose – verstopte neus

3 rash – uitslag

4 inhale – inademen

5 recovery – herstel

6 contagious – besmettelijk

7 bruise – blauwe plek

8 breathe – ademen

9 cough – hoest

10 scrape – korstje

11 headache – hoofdpijn

12 scratch – krabben


3 Key:

Your son has got the flu. Uw zoon heeft de griep.

Jason isn't feeling well. Jason voelt zich niet goed.

I feel worse today, unfortunately. Ik voel me vandaag slechter jammer genoeg.

He hasn't got a good memory. Hij heeft geen goed geheugen.

He's got the most terrible headache ever. Hij heeft nog nooit zo'n erge hoofdpijn gehad.


4 Key:

1 Does Wilma have a stuffy nose? do

2 Is he lovesick? does

3 Could it be the flu? do

4 Could you give me some advice? are

5 Does his shoulder hurt? be

6 Do your parents feel ill today? does

7 Are we upset about the news? do

8 Can you give me some medicine, please? do

9 Am I fit to run a marathon? be

10 Do you feel pain when you get up? are

5 Key:

1 Does Petro have a painful throat?

2 Are you in bed with a fever?

3 Does Demi's ankle ache a lot?

4 Are Marcello and Gloria doctors at the hospital?

5 Do you have a nasty headache?

6 Could he give you an aspirin?

7 Do you often scratch your knee?

8 Can they take me to the doctor?

9 Is it just a bruise?

10 Does her heart beat fast?


6 Key: heart, breathe, chest, stomach, lovesick, headache, muscles, aches

4 Out and about


1 Key:

1 dolphin 2 creepy, 3 bravely, 4 species, 5 impressive, 6 mountain, 7 desert, 8 elephant, 9 wildlife, 10 parrot, 11 island, 12 jungle

| | |

|Tecos Sesos |cow brains |

|crunchy bugs |grasshoppers, crickets, scorpions, spiders, worms |

|black pudding |blood |

|bird nest soup |nest, saliva |

|hákarl |organs of a shark |

8 The time of your life


1 Key:

1 To hike, want de andere twee duiden vrije tijd aan en dit is een activiteit die je in je vrije tijd doet.

2 Equipment, want de andere twee gaan over het meenemen van bagage voor op reis.

3 Outdoors, want de andere twee hebben met landschappen te maken.

4 Laze about, want de andere twee hebben met activiteiten te maken.

5 To keep your balance, want de andere twee hebben te maken met sportief gedrag en het willen winnen van jezelf of van een ander.

2 Key:

1 destination 6 reclaim

2 abroad 7 paining

3 supplies 8 journey

4 opposing team 9 stuff

5 compete against

| | |

|The break-out |4 |

|Failed by many |3 |

|Waiting patiently |1 |

|Caught in the act | |

|Did they make it? |6 |

|Preparations |2 |

|Almost free |5 |

17 Key:

1 Voorbeeldantwoorden:

It's located in the chilly waters of California's San Francisco Bay.

It held some of the most difficult and dangerous criminals from 1934 to 1963.

It is said to be the prison no-one ever escaped from.

2 That it was possible to escape from Alcatraz.

3 They chipped away the concrete of the walls of their cells and made holes big enough to crawl through. They climbed up the ventilation shafts behind their cells and set up a secret workshop. They made dummy heads, life preservers and a raft.

4 He was an armed robber. He had escaped from other prisons before.

5 That the men had drowned.

6 That the men managed to get away and that they are still alive.

18 Key:

[4] prepares his escape for months by making holes in his cell walls

[5] lies awake waiting for the right moment while others try to sleep

[7] disappears forever

[1] is arrested for armed robbery

[6] gets out of his cell, leaving one man behind

[3] makes plans to escape from Alcatraz

[2] escapes from several prisons


19 Example key:

1 What are you looking forward to in the near future?

2 What do you hope to do on holiday in Ohio?

3 We are keen on skydiving in New Zealand.

4 I'd go to a concert every day if I could.

5 If dreams could come true, I would travel all the fifty states of the USA.

6 I've always dreamt of exploring exotic faraway places.

20 Key:

1 What do you hope to do on holiday in Australia?

2 I'm keen on surfing.

3 I would go surfing every day if it were up to me.

4 If I didn't have to go to school, I would do that too.

5 I've always dreamt of exotic faraway places.

6 If dreams could come true, I would do the same.

21 Key:


3 fun

6 check out

7 delicious

9 trip


1 bring

2 suggest

3 figure out

4 recommend

5 advice

8 tips

Example key:

1 What can you recommend?

2 Is the city any fun?

3 What should we check out when we're in New York?

4 Why don't you ask Noel for tips?

5 What do you suggest we do first?

6 Why don't you buy a travel guide to figure out where to stay?

22 Key:

1 What can you recommend? Is the London tour any fun?

2 What do you suggest we do when we're in London?

3 Why don't you ask your brother for tips? He's already been to London.

4 We must take a day-trip to Wembley Stadium.

5 Why don't we buy a travel guide to figure out what to do?

6 You/We have to bring an umbrella.

23 Example key:

We could go to Long Island. They have lots of attractions there!

We have to go to the cinema.

I'd go to a baseball game every day of the week if I had the chance.

We should try Perfect Pizza. It's delicious.

We should go to Rockefeller Center. You can go all the way to the top.

Why don't we go the park and buy a hot dog?

24 Example key:

Hi Kay,

How are you? I haven't seen you for a while, but is it okay if I come over this weekend? Or next week maybe? I would like to check out London for myself.

What can I do when I'm in London? I really need some advice. What would you do if you were me? And where would you go?

I've always dreamt of visiting the London Eye. You must have a great view over the city when you're in it. And I would like to attend a tennis match at Wimbledon if I had the chance.

Please, let me know if I can stay over at your house.




25 Key:

1 would visit

2 would go

3 would ask

4 would rent

5 had

6 would visit

7 won; eigen antwoord

8 would go; eigen antwoord

26 Key:

No key

27 Key:

1 must / should

2 have to

3 should

4 have to

5 should

6 have to

7 have to

8 should / must

28 Key:

1 must

2 have to / had to

3 were

4 would

5 have to

6 had to

7 would not

8 should


29 Key:

No key

30 Key:

2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 9

Test Yourself

1 Key:

1 drown

2 recommend

3 buzzing

4 escape

5 topic

6 discovery

7 mystery

8 stunning

9 suggest

10 mad / crazy

2 Key:

1 in

2 at / in

3 close to / near

4 within / in

5 on

6 Across / Down

7 outside

8 in

3 Key:

1 would stay

2 had

3 knew

4 would eat

5 would love

6 wasn't

7 would make

8 would do

4 Key:

1 should

2 has to

3 shouldn't / mustn't

4 have to

5 don't have to

6 must / have to

7 should

8 shouldn't

5 Key:

1 Rob is keen on water skiing in Australia.

2 My brother would like to learn to speak Spanish if he could.

3 What should I check out when I'm in Las Vegas?

4 My father has always dreamt of exploring New Zealand.

5 Brian would like to go to a Formula One race every day if it were up to him.

6 In California you can find lots of water sports opportunities.

7 You have to bring enough water.

8 What are the most spectacular sites in Texas?

Herhaling Theme 5

1 Key:

1 shopper

2 sign

3 try

4 witch

5 cardigan

6 gift

7 noise

8 wrong

9 smooth

10 wool

11 parcel

12 error

|G |G |

|Unwanted competition |x |

|Cohen's girlfriend |x |

|Reaction of the onlookers |3 |

|A difficult ending |5 |

|Start of the experiment |2 |

|Cohen's reaction |4 |

6 Key:

1 C

2 B

3 C

4 B

5 A

6 C

7 Key:

[6] receives a lot of attention

[4] starts walking towards Times Square

[2] creates rumours in the streets

[8] breaks off experiment in a hotel

[3] exits the New York TV studios

[1] hires a group of bodyguards and paparazzi

[7] flees away from the crowd

[5] is stopped by a group of onlookers


8 Example key:

1 What day is The Big Bang Theory on?

2 Do you know who directed this film?

3 Can you tell me who left the building accompanied by two bodyguards?

4 The series is about two friends meeting again after ten years.

5 Can you tell me who did the voice of the snake?

6 When is the season premiere on TV?

9 Key:

1 When is it on TV?

2 The football match is on at a quarter to nine.

3 Why don't you tell me about the film?

4 The film is about two friends who are going on holiday together.

5 The director of the film is Adam Sandler.

6 Isn't it about the mysterious disappearance of one of the friends?

10 Key:

No key


11 Key:

What was the name of the musical you went to?

Who was the main character in that film?

Why was the show cancelled?

Where were Shakespeare's plays staged?

Which of these plays was written by Bernard Shaw?

How many people were in the audience?

12 Example key:

1 Who gave a concert in the park?

2 Where did Joe Cool give a concert?

3 What did he sing? / What time did the concert take place?

4 When did the concert take place?

5 How did the audience react? / How many people went to the concert?


13 Key:

No key

14 Key:

[03] People noticed adverts more because life was a lot slower.

[05] The Peterkin’s custard advert shows a painting of a Dutch boy.

[01] People have written a lot of information about London.

[04] Unfortunately, The old adverts are slowly disappearing.

[02] You can find adverts from the late 19th century on the streets of London.


15 Key:

1 Recognition as the best school in England

Tickets to the Radio One Music Awards 2014

Transport to the awards

2 The school with the most votes wins. Everyone should vote online for their school.

3 For example; My school is the best because it has great teachers and students / has won many awards for sports/art/theatre.

16 Key:

1 C

2 A

3 C

4 A

5 B

6 B


17 Example key:

actress, special effects, make-up artists, thriller, horror, comedy, drama, awards, movie stars, etc.

18 Key:

|English word |What I think it means... |... and why |What the Vocabulary list/dictionary says |

|gather |- |1 / 2 / 3 |verzamelen |

|sought-after |- |1 / 2 / 3 |veelgevraagd |

|award |- |1 / 2 / 3 |award / prijs |

|independent |- |1 / 2 / 3 |onafhankelijke |

|charity |- |1 / 2 / 3 |goed doel |

|outstanding |- |1 / 2 / 3 |buitengewoon |

|previous |- |1 / 2 / 3 |vorige |

|vote |- |1 / 2 / 3 |stemmen |

|curious |- |1 / 2 / 3 |nieuwsgierig |

|single |- |1 / 2 / 3 |afzonderlijke |

19 Key:


1 That the actors have appeared in a film shown in cinemas.

2 No. Anyone involved in the process of making the film can get an Oscar or BAFTA.

3 To develop and celebrate film, television and games.

4 No. You can only win The Fellowship when you have had a long career in film.

5 Because every winner of an Oscar is asked to become a member of the academy.

6 It's rumoured that one of the members of the Academy thought the little statue looked like her uncle Oscar.

B Eigen antwoord


20 Key:

Which performer do you prefer? Welke artiest heeft jouw voorkeur?

What did you think of the plot? Wat vond je van het plot?

Which artist do you like least? Welke artiest vind jij het minst leuk?

The writing is magnificent. De schrijfstijl is prachtig.

What is your opinion on the special effects? Wat vind je van de special effects?

Why is it the best book ever? Waarom is het het beste boek ooit?

As far as I'm concerned, … Wat mij betreft, ...

It's mediocre. Het is middelmatig.

21 Key:

1 Who's your favourite artist of the past year?

2 which rapper do you prefer, Eminem or Jay-Z?

3 In my opinion rap is terrible.

4 I prefer Eminem as his music videos are more spectacular.

5 Why is it the best game ever?

6 the colours are magnificent.

7 in my opinion the story is thrilling.

8 it's very boring.

22 Key:

1 A

2 B

3 A

4 B

5 B

23 Example key:

1 This new programme probably won't appeal to women.

2 There's a good chance that the show will be discontinued.

3 I expect this series will get a twenty-fifth season. / It looks as if the ratings will go through the roof.

4 If you give him the lead, this series will become very successful.

24 Key:

1 There's a good chance that Beyoncé will perform during the break.

2 her performance the ratings will go through the roof.

3 will appeal to more people.

4 who is your favourite artist?

5 Which artist do you prefer, Lady Gaga or Katy Perry? / Who do you prefer, Lady Gaga or Katy Perry?

6 I expect she probably won't make a second album.

7 Her lyrics are terrible.

8 What's your opinion on the special effects in her videos?

25 Example key:

Hi Kim,

What are you going to do tonight? I'm not doing much. I think I'll just watch TV a little. What's your favourite programme on TV right now? I think mine is the weather forecast. Ha, ha. There aren't many interesting programmes on at the moment.

You went to that new film the other day, didn't you? Gone Wild. What did you think of the plot? I heard it is a bit disappointing.

I'd still like to see that film, because my favourite actor has the lead. He's also my favourite artist, because he's both an actor and the lead singer of the band Mood Swings. I think he should get a role in a soap series. The ratings would go through the roof then.

Please, let me know what you thought of the film. I'm very curious.




26 Key:

1 because

2 and

3 since

4 so

5 Even though

6 for

7 as

8 When

27 Key:

1 I download the app?

2 can I use the app straightaway?

3 can I install the app more than once?

4 If you go to the app store, you can download the app.

5 The app installs if you click (on) Start.

6 You can use the app if you complete the registration form.

7 You can install the app on more than one tablet if you want to.

28 Key:

1 will know the latest news

2 rains

3 will become ill / will fall ill

4 will miss the beginning of the show

5 will be angry / will get angry

6 will probably not do it / probably won’t do it

7 will be disappointed

8 won’t be able to do

29 Key:

1 and

2 if I join the LAN party, I won’t be fit for the football tournament on Saturday.

3 since/as

4 But

5 if you take it easy on Friday, you will be okay on Saturday.

6 but

7 because

8 Although / Though

9 I won’t sleep much if I go to his party

10 if you don’t sleep, you’ll get tired

11 since

12 so (that)

13 and

30 Key:

1 long distances

2 Snap Chat and Instagram

3 stay in touch

4 Fight Club, plot

5 Pretty Little Liars, Modern Family

6 TV series, released

7 TV episodes

8 conversation

Test Yourself

1 Key:

1 foreign language

2 independent

3 switch on

4 prize

5 end

6 bouncer

7 best-known

8 celebrity

9 chat

10 reply

2 Key:

1 Why / When / How did your family move to London?

2 Which way did Stephen go? Left or right?

3 How / Where / When / Why did you solve the puzzle?

4 When / Where was your sister born?

5 What did you do last weekend?

6 Where / When / Why / How did your family go on vacation last summer?

7 Who did the dishes yesterday?

8 How did your test go?

3 Key:

1 even though / although / though / but

2 and

3 but

4 so (that)

5 because / as / since

6 or

7 but

8 and / or

4 Key:

1 We'll go to the beach if the sun shines tomorrow.

2 If you don't study, you won't pass the test.

3 If we can find tickets, we'll go to the show tonight.

4 We can try again if you like.

5 You can borrow my laptop if you are careful.

6 We'll go to the park if we have enough time.

7 If I don't clean up the kitchen, my father will get angry.

8 You can't drive a car if you don't have a driving licence.

5 Key:

1 This series is about a group of colleagues moving in together.

2 What day is The Big Bang Theory on?

3 In my opinion, the plot is written very poorly.

4 It’s possible that his character will be written out of the series.

5 What’s-his-name played in this comedy a few years ago.

6 Do you know who did the voice of this cartoon character?

7 It looks as if the ratings will go through the roof.

8 I like Katy Perry best as her outfits are amazing.




1 Eigen antwoord.

2 United States. The text says: ‘…brought back to its New York origins…’

3 Eigen antwoord



Eigen antwoord


There is no key for this step.

Theme 8 Going places


1 Key:

1 Popcorn

2 June 10th

3 Tracey

4 Top Tracks Records

5 Limited edition collector’s CD.

2 Key:

1 A

2 B

3 B

4 B

5 B

6 B

7 B

8 A


3 Key:

1 to hitchhike

2 petrol station

3 customs

4 to board

5 departure

6 platform

4 Key:

1 lost and found

2 motion sickness

3 dodge a fare

4 single ticket

5 navigate

6 return ticket

7 travel light

8 travel agency

9 arrival

10 carry-on baggage


5 Example key:

1 Poem, advertisement, email, newspaper article, letter, forum, magazine article, interview, instructions ...

2 Not really. You can tell that this text is found on a website, but that doesn’t give you any idea about the purpose of text itself.

3 It is a text about a large model railroad.

4 In the last sentence: 'Northlandz is a magical place with a great sense of humour. It’s a day trip destination unlike any other!'

5 The purpose is to convince people that Northlandz is worth a visit. The article focuses on the positive aspects of the exhibition and concludes by saying that it is a trip destination that is 'unlike any other'.

6 Key:

1 false

Bruce Williams created Northlandz in the (mid-)1970s.

2 true

3 true

4 false

There are also trains from the Industrial Age on the track.

5 true

6 false

Northlandz is also accessible by trains

7 Key:

kelder basement spoorweg railway

landelijk rural geschiedenis history

hokje booth tentoonstelling exhibition

speels playfully gebouw building

uitgestrekt expansive bestemming destination

| | | |e | | | | |

|D |G |F |H |A |C |B |E |

3 Key:

1 He wrote the tragedy Romeo and Juliet in the mid-1590s.

2 Anita and Josh/They used to participate in talent shows every weekend.

3 My best friend used to play volleyball for the national team.

4 I usually/often/normally/always exercise at the gym on Wednesdays.

5 They used to stay over at their grandparents' when they were younger/every weekend.

6 Robbie and Will/They went to a surfing camp in Australia in the summer of 2011.

7 I was late this morning. My alarm clock didn't go off.

8 William Shakespeare lived from 1564 to 1616./Shakespeare was a well-known English playwright and poet.


4 Key:

1 saw

2 haven't seen

3 went

4 hasn't had

5 have always helped

6 has broken

7 played

8 have never seen

9 has practised

10 has walked

5 Key:

1 Chiara didn't go to her best friend's party last night.

2 He usually walks home straight after school. / He usually walks straight home after school.

3 They never travel by train at the weekend.

4 Was Denise at home when it happened?

5 Do you want an ice cream or a sorbet? / Do you want a sorbet or an ice cream?

6 We saw Charlie in town yesterday morning. / Yesterday morning we saw Charlie in town.

7 Sheila always goes to the gym on Mondays. / On Mondays Sheila always goes to the gym.

8 Did that dog bite our neighbour last night?

9 My brother and I aren't at home at the moment.

10 My friend didn't watch that interesting documentary.

6 Key:

1 aren't

2 are playing

3 has already seen

4 didn't see

5 Were we studying

6 are going

7 won't be

8 does

9 aren't having

10 was sleeping; got


7 Key:

jaarlijks annual

koopje bargain

eigendommen belongings

lijfwacht bodyguard

oplader charger

kil chilly

bladeren browse

medeleven compassion

roem fame

onbevreesd fearless

krantenkop headline

heldin heroine

snelweg motorway

berucht notorious

prestigieus prestigious

aankoop purchase

verdieping storey

verdwijnen vanish

draadloos wireless

dierentuin zoo

antwoorden reply

spoor track

terwijl while

fluiten whistle

heel blij thrilled

tien pond tenner

zich afvragen wonder

sensatiekrant tabloid

verenigen unite

vies disgusting

|A |W |I |R |

|2 ondanks |despite, in spite of |10 ook |also |

|3 net zoals |just as ... so |11 dus, zo |thus |

|4 daarom |therefore |12 echter |however |

|5 evenzo |similarly |13 hoewel, terwijl |whereas |

|6 omdat |because, for, since, as |14 terwijl |while |

|7 hoewel |although, even though, though |15 net als |just as |

|8 maar |but | | |

8 Key:

1 While

2 Whereas

3 However

4 even though

5 in spite of

6 On the other hand

7 but

8 In comparison to

9 for / because

10 because / for


9 Key:

uitdelen hand out ophalen pick up

doorgaan carry on afzetten, afgeven drop off

verkoopcijfers sales figures gaan liggen lie down

lijken op take after tegenkomen come across

uitproberen try out overheen komen get over

opzetten set up omstreden controversial

bijpraten catch up uitzetten turn off

passen op look after opschieten met get on with

uit elkaar gaan break up zoeken naar look for

afblazen call off vervolg sequel

regelen sort out opvrolijken cheer up

huurauto rental car doorstrepen cross out

genoegen nemen met put up with neerleggen put down

opvoeden bring up rekenen op count on

U |A |Z |G |P |H |A |N |D |O |U |T |A |L |C |A |R |R |Y |O |N |S | |N |T |B |E |O |B |S |A |L |E |S |F |I |G |U |R |E |S |C |W |O |E | |Y |T |J |T |A |K |E |A |F |T |E |R |J |S |C |T |R |Y |O |U |T |T | |G |R |L |O |O |K |A |F |T |E |R |B |R |E |A |K |U |P |C |K |X |U | |E |A |C |N |H |T |B |H |D |C |A |L |L |O |F |F |F |U |U |X |W |P | |T |C |A |W |L |Q |S |O |R |T |O |U |T |R |E |N |T |A |L |C |A |R | |O |T |T |I |O |P |U |T |U |P |W |I |T |H |P |B |R |I |N |G |U |P | |V |S |C |T |O |S |F |T |C |O |N |T |R |O |V |E |R |S |I |A |L |H | |E |E |H |H |K |L |P |I |C |K |U |P |D |R |D |R |O |P |O |F |F |T | |R |Q |U |N |F |F |L |S |T |L |I |E |D |O |W |N |Z |X |U |L |J |I | |C |U |P |C |O |M |E |A |C |R |O |S |S |Y |J |C |H |E |E |R |U |P | |Q |E |F |D |R |W |C |R |O |S |S |O |U |T |U |R |N |O |F |F |J |X | |A |L |C |O |U |N |T |O |N |E |O |N |T |P |U |T |D |O |W |N |Y |Z | |

Test Yourself

1 Key:

1 bring up

2 look after

3 cut off

4 turn up

5 set up

6 lie down

7 take after

8 rental car

9 come across

10 Sales figures

2 Key:

1 look it up

2 try out

3 cheer her up

4 drops by

5 go ahead

6 pick up

7 carry on

8 turn off

9 put up with

10 catch up with

3 Key:

1 was taken

2 Although

3 will be served

4 Just as, so

5 can be bought

6 since

7 must be cleaned

8 While

9 has been forbidden

10 In comparison to

4 Key:

1 Therefore

2 has been broken

3 haven't been answered / aren't answered

4 couldn't be repaired

5 because / as / for / since

6 was sent

7 in spite of / despite

8 On the other hand / However

9 In comparison to

5 Key:

1 The shuttle bus will take you there in ten minutes.

2 What is the best period / the best time of year to go hiking in Wales?

3 Our team / Those popular footballers / the Brazilian football team will win the World Cup.

4 That famous VJ is going to give an interview.

5 Yes, they have free Wi-Fi. You can access the internet any time you like. / Yes, the password is HAPPY77.

6 Where do we have to pick up our rental car / the car keys?

7 It is said that this mysterious detective will / won't break the last sales figures.

8 I'm convinced that the follow-up of this book will convey a clear message.

9 Where can we check in and get our boarding passes?

10 What is the cheapest option to travel to Copenhagen?


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