My History Story

Due Friday August 30

(Along with the family tree worksheet)


1. Interview a grandparent (if possible) or a parent(s).

2. Write up a strong 3-5 paragraph narrative from your interview and your Family Tree worksheet.

➢ Best effort! Attention to grammar, sentence structure and writing style is expected.

➢ Use the attached paper to take notes and organize your questions for the interview and writing.

➢ Required format: 1 ½ spaced typed. Times New Roman (This type is Times New Roman) Font 12 (This is font 12)

3. The rubric on the back details the grading parameters.

4. Let me know if you have any questions.

Paragraph 1-2: Your family story

(Based in part of your family tree worksheet)

• What country did your family immigrate from? What year?

• Why did your family immigrate to America at that time?

• How many generations have lived in America?

• What general type of work did your family do when they first came to America, if known? (Laborers, trades, skilled trades, farmers, business/professional etc.)

• Any interesting family characters and/or stories?

• Were any family member(s) in the military (not just the U.S. military)? Any war heroes, past or present? (Again, not just the American wars?)

Paragraph 3-4: The Interview

Suggested questions to guide the interview and your writing:

• What does history mean to you? / Do you think it’s important to study history? Why?

• What history subject/time period would you like to know more about? Why?

• What U.S. or world historical event(s) are the most significant to you or left the biggest impression on you? Why?

• What U.S. or world event(s) had the most impact on you while you were growing up?

• Who is your favorite or most important U.S. President of all time? …during your lifetime? Why?

• What political subject or geographic area would you like to see my class gain a deeper understanding of? Why?

Paragraph 4 or 5: Conclusion

• Some type of concluding summary and/or reflection.

My History Story

Essay Rubric

A+/A: Followed the directions perfectly

• Exceptional work, beyond the call of duty!

• Obvious care and effort!

• Family picture

• Strong 4-5+ narrative paragraphs

• Minimal to no formatting and/or grammar issues

• Solid writing: good flow, not choppy. An enjoyable read.

• Solid concluding summary and/or reflection


• Proper length

• Nice overall recounting of family story.

• Too many formatting and/or grammar issues

• 1-2 spelling issues that should have been caught

• Little to no concluding summary or reflection.


• Short in length

• Little to no flow. Hard to read at times, sloppy. More of a list than a story

• Too many formatting and/or grammar issues. Very distracting.

• Too many spelling errors that should have been caught

• Little effort or care. Seemed too rushed.

• Several days late


• Same as B/B-plus more

Writing pitfalls to avoid:

• MLA Format: Times New Roman – Font 12 only

• Too many spaces between paragraphs

• Not using spell check or proofing your work. No text spelling “U” for ‘YOU”

• Using the same word over and over again: (Then…and)

• Don’t tell me what you are going to tell me, just tell me

❖ “Hi my name is Mr. Hill and I was given the task to …….

❖ “For my interview that I was assigned for this report I decided to….

❖ “My first question, my second question, my……”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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