40 Questions for Kids to Ask Their Grandparents

40 Questions for Kids to Ask Their Grandparents

What is your full name?

Where was your wedding?

Does your name have a special meaning?

Who was your maid of honor/best man?

Did you have any nicknames when you were What do you remember about the day that my

growing up?

mom/dad was born?

Where were you born?

What is your favorite food?

Where did you grow up?

What is your favorite hobby?

What is your earliest memory?

What makes you happy?

What kinds of things did you do for fun when What are your favorite holiday traditions?

you were a child?

How do you handle stress?

What was your favorite subject in school?

Do you practice a religion?

What was your favorite toy?

How do your religious beliefs impact your life?

What sorts of clothes and activities were popular when you were a teenager?

What has been your favorite age?

What did you want to be when you grew up?

Which family members, friends, and public figures do you admire the most?

What sorts of things got you in trouble when you were a kid?

What's the most difficult thing you've had to overcome?

How does growing up today differ from growing up when you were a child?

Looking back on your life, what is your favorite accomplishment?

How were holidays celebrated in your family when you were a kid?

What is one significant mistake you've made and what did you learn from it?

In what places have you lived?

What skills do you think I need to learn in or-

What do you know about the origins of our

der to be successful in life?


What things should I consider as I choose

What is the most important thing you learned

what to do with my life?

from your parents?

If you could give me one piece of advice, what

What was your first job?

would it be?

Where's the most interesting place you've traveled?

What is your favorite thing about being a grandparent?

How did you meet Grandma/Grandpa?

What would I be surprised to learn about you?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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