Sample Kindergarten Tri-Area Curriculum Map (Houghton …

1st Grade French DLI Curriculum Map April 2017

| |****First 10 Days Lesson Plans**** |

| |French Literacy |Math |Interconnections |

| |Taoki |French enVision MATH 2.0 |Science / Social Studies |

| |(Refer to “Progression”) |NEW EDITION 2016 | |

|Aug |Semaines 1, 2 & 3 |There are 15 Topics in |Unit 1: Explore My School |

| |Couleurs (Ours brun), salutations, mots |enVision Math 2.0 |Essential Question 1: |

| |transparents (cognates), nombres jusque 10,| |How are things both similar and different at school? |

| |lieux de l’école, questions de classe, |VOLUME 1 |First Grade Rules Day 1 |

| |alphabet, date (jours, mois, anniversaire) |Topic 1 Solve Addition and Subtraction to 10 |First Grade Rules Day 2 |

| | |Topic 2 Fluently Add and Subtract Within 10 |First Grade Rules Day 3 |

| | |Topic 3 Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies | |

| | |Topic 4 Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies | |

| | |Topic 5 Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations | |

| | |Topic 6 Represent and Interpret Data | |

| | |Topic 7 Extend the Counting Sequence | |

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| | |VOLUME 2 | |

| | |Topic 8 Understand Place Value | |

| | |Topic 9 Compare Two-Digit Numbers | |

| | |Topic 10 Use Models and Strategies to | |

| | |Add Tens and Ones | |

| | |Topic 11 Use Models and Strategies to Subtract Tens | |

| | |Topic 12 Measure Lengths | |

| | |Topic 13 Time | |

| | |Topic 14 Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes | |

| | |Topic 15 Equal Shares of Circles and Rectangles | |

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| | |Every Day Counts Calendar Math | |

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| | |Math Vocabulary Cards | |

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| | |….. …. …. …. …. …. | |

| | |….. …. …. …. …. …. | |

|Sept |Semaine 4 | |My School Community – part 1 |

| |Son [a] | |My School Community – part 2 |

| |Thème: Famille | |Class Schedule |

| |Bonjour facteur | |Changes at School |

| | | |People: Same Different |

| |Semaine 5 | | |

| |Sons [i, y] | | |

| |Thème: Mes goûts: couleur, sport, animal, | | |

| |loisirs, nourriture, matière | | |

|Oct |Semaine 6 | |Essential Question 2: |

| |Son [r] | |How do living things meet their needs at school? |

| |Thème : La météo/calendrier (les saisons) | |My School Community – part 3 |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 7 | |Essential Question 3: |

| |Son [l] | |How do we explore the natural world at school? |

| |Thème: Le corps humain | |Water – part 1 |

| | | |Earth’s Water – part 2 |

| |Semaine 8 | |Seasons |

| |Son [o] | |Types of Weather |

| |Thème : Le visage | | |

| |La grenouille qui avait une grande bouche | | |

|Nov |Semaine 9 | |Rocks and Soil – part 1 |

| |Son [é] | |Rocks and Soil – part 2 |

| |Thème : Halloween | |Practicing School Rules |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 10 | | |

| |Révisions | | |

| |Thème : Les aliments | | |

| |La chenille qui fait des trous | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 11 | | |

| |Son : [s] | | |

| |Thème : Action de Grâce | | |

|Dec |Semaine 12 | | |

| |Son [u] | | |

| |Thème: Action de Grâce | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 13 | | |

| |Son [f] | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaines 14 et 15 | | |

| |Sons [e, m] | | |

| |Thème : Noël | | |

|Jan |Semaine 16 | |Unit 2: My Neighborhood |

| |Son : [ch] | |Essential Question 1: |

| |Thème : Galette des Rois | |How are things both similar and different in my |

| |Roule Galette | |neighborhood? |

| | | |Families in our Neighborhood – part 1 |

| |Semaines 17 et 18 | |Families in our Neighborhood – part 2 |

| |Sons [n, è, ê] | |Exploring What Is in the Sky |

| |Thème : Au marché | | |

| |Emilie va au marché | | |

|Feb |Semaine 19 | |Essential Question 2: |

| |Son [v] | |How do living things meet their needs in my |

| |Thème : St Valentin | |neighborhood? |

| | | |Exploring Pumpkins 1 |

| |Semaine 20 | |Exploring Pumpkins 2 |

| |Révisions | |Exploring Pumpkins 3 |

| | | |Plant Cycle: Grass Man |

| |Semaine 21 | |People at Work in My Neighborhood |

| |Son [ou] | |Making Choices with Money |

| |Thème: Les émotions | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 22 | | |

| |Son [z] | | |

| |Thème: Mardi Gras | | |

|Mar |Semaine 23 | |Exploring the Life Cycles of Butterflies – part 1 |

| |Son [p] | |Exploring the Life Cycles of Butterflies – part 2 |

| |Thème : Les prépositions de lieu | |Exploring the Life Cycles of Frogs – part 3 |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 24 | |Essential Question 3: |

| |Son [c] | |How do we explore the natural world in my |

| |Thème : La maison | |neighborhood? |

| | | |North and South Pole |

| |Semaine 25 | |Map Symbols |

| |Son [b] | |Mapping My Neighborhood |

| |Thème : Plantes | | |

| |Dix petites graines | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 26 | | |

| |Révisions | | |

| |Le Secret | | |

|Apr |Semaine 27 | |Exploring Matter 1 |

| |Son [j] | |Exploring Matter 2 |

| |Thème: Les instruments de musique | |Exploring Matter 3 |

| |Pierre et le loup | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 28 | | |

| |Son [g] | | |

| |Thème: Les vêtements | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 29 | | |

| |Son [d] | | |

| |Thème : Les papillons | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 30 | | |

| |Sons [an,en] | | |

|May |Semaine 31 | |Blowing Objects Move – part 1 |

| |Son [t] | |Rolling/Sliding Objects Move – part 2 |

| |Thème : Le sport | |Sorting Objects – Attributes |

| | | |Sorting Objects – Sink or Float |

| |Semaine 32 | | |

| |Son [h] | | |

| |Thème: Les animaux | | |

| |Ours qui lit* | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaine 33 | | |

| |Révisions | | |

| |Le machin | | |

| | | | |

| |Semaines 34-36 | | |

| |Sons [br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr + voyelle | | |

| |simple) | | |

| |Thème: Les contes traditionnels | | |

| |(intertextualité) | | |

| |Le loup est revenu | | |

Supplementary math resources:


Hands-On Standards [Pre K-K] ISBN: 0-7406-1777-X

Hands-On Standards [Grades 1-2] ISBN: 0-7406-1778-8 800-445-5985

Kathy Richardson

Developing Number Concepts Book 1: Counting, Comparing, and Pattern ISBN: 978-0769000589

Developing Number Concepts Book 2: Addition and Subtraction ISBN: 978-0769000596

Core Academy Utah State University

Utah Education Network

Search the website for Core Standards and lesson plans by subject and grade level.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Van de Walle, John. (2007). Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally. Pearson Education

Burns, Marilyn, (2000). About teaching mathematics: A K-8 resource Sausalito, CA: Math Solutions Publications


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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