How to effectively spend you Clean Communities money:

Have money to spend?

Ways to spend your Clean Communities Grant money

Clean Communities Grant money must be spent on effective litter abatement programs. Those programs should include the Cleanup of Litter on public lands, Enforcement of anti-litter laws, and Education of children and adults. When in doubt, refer to the Clean Communities guidelines which can be found on the Clean Communities web site, .

Litter cleanups

• Hire a summer litter patrol (college kids).

• Call your county/state correctional facility to see if their inmates will pick up litter for free or just for payment of a guard’s salary.

• Use community service workers (and use Clean Communities money to pay overtime for DPW workers/police/whomever to oversee).

• Offer mini-grants to scout groups, school groups or other non profits.

Graffiti Removal

• Use Clean Communities money for the removal of graffiti and associated supplies.

Cleanup equipment – purchase:

• gloves

• safety vest

• safety cones

• road signs that will be visible to passing motorists

• trash bags

• litter sticks

• EZ-reach trash grabbers

• Disposable cameras

• First-aid kits

These items can make your cleanups more efficient and safer.


❖ Assembly programs - Sponsor assembly programs for your schools, libraries, or summer camps. See the list of programs in the Best Practices Manual.

❖ Books - Purchase books about litter abatement for your libraries and schools. See the list of books in the Best Practices Manual.

❖ Print Clean Communities literature and flyers.


Purchase trash and recycling containers for your ball fields, parks and any other public places where litter is a problem, remember to “team up” your containers (a trash container next to one for bottles/cans so the bottles and cans can be recycled!).

Cigarette butt receptacles

Purchase cigarette butt receptacles for public places such as your municipal building, and recreation areas. Cigarette butts make up the largest percentage of litter in New Jersey!

Fishing line receptacles

Purchase receptacles that are specifically designed to keep fishing line out of the environment. These receptacles are great for lake, pond and shore areas that offer fishing. Birds and other wildlife can get tangled in fishing line and it can be fatal.

Promotional items

Purchase promotional items that will get the message and your contact information out to the public.

• Litter bags (car size) that can be used at an event to hold promotional give aways and then be used inside your car to prevent litter

• Tote bags (made with recycled content) that can be reused over and over

• Pens and pencils (made with recycled content)

• Stickers

• Activity books (remember to request recycled content paper!)


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