Budget Narrative – Organization A (Complete a separate ...

Budget Narrative – Organization A

(Complete a separate budget narrative for each organization requesting fund or providing in-kind funds. The details of the Budget Narrative must match exactly to the numbers entered in the Budget Summary for each organization involved in the project. Below is an example of how the budget narrative should be structured. You are encouraged to include supporting spreadsheets as an attachment, and the narrative text need not duplicate information that is clearly presented in spreadsheet form. Italicized text is provided as guidance and should be removed in your final budget narrative)


Principal investigator Patty Pendergast will dedicate 2 months of time during each of both years. Post doctoral fellow Peter Piper will be 100% dedicated to this project for the first year and 50% for the second year. Dr. Piper will be responsible for preparing data and metadata for submission to NPRB in Year 2. A 3% cost of living adjustment is included in Year 2. (Note that Year 1 is the first 12 months commencing at your proposed start date).

Personnel/Fringe Benefits:

A 34% fringe benefit rate applies to Dr. Pendergast, and a 30% fringe benefit rate applies to Dr. Piper.

Personnel Expense Details:

|Year |Title/Name |Time devoted to |Annual rate |Personnel cost |Fringe rate |Fringe cost |

| | |project | | | | |

|1 |PI P. Pendergast |2 mo |$75,000 |$12,500 |34% |$4,250 |

|1 |Postdoc P. Piper |12 mo |$45,000 |$45,000 |30% |$13,500 |

|Yr 1 Totals | | |$57,500 | |$17,750 |

|2 |PI P. Pendergast |2 mo |$77,250 |$12,875 |34% |$4,378 |

|2 |Postdoc P. Piper |6 mo |$46,350 |$23,175 |30% |$6,953 |

|Yr 2 Totals | | |$36,050 | |$11,331 |

Travel: (Separately detail domestic and foreign travel)


Year 1: January Science Symposium – Dr. Pendergast

Airfare Portland - Anchorage $700

Per diem 3 days Anchorage @ $180/day $540

Field work preparation with collaborators from Org B

Airfare Portland - Seattle $500

Per diem 7 days Seattle @ $188/day $1316

For a total travel request in Year 1 $3,056

Year 2: January Science Symposium – Dr. Pendergast

Airfare Portland - Anchorage $700

Per diem 3 days Anchorage @ $180/day $540

For a total travel request in Year 2 $1,240

International: No foreign travel is requested.


No equipment is requested in this proposal.


Year 1: Water sampling supplies $1,500

High volume strainers, 4 @ $1000 each $4,000

Calibration of equipment before field work $500

For a total supplies request in year 1 $6,000

Year 2: Water sampling supplies $1,200

Calibration of equipment before field work $500

For a total supplies request in year 2 $1,700

Contractual/Consultants: (All contracts must be specified here, including names of contractors if known. If the project is approved, the contractual documents will state that no work may be subcontracted without written consent of NPRB. Please note that collaborations with other organizations that would traditionally be included as a subaward should not be included here; these organizations should request direct funding from NPRB in a separate budget and budget narrative.)

We plan to have the water analysis conducted by DeepWater Analytical Laboratory ($5000/year for 500 samples).


A satellite telephone will be required for field work, and $500 is budgeted for each year.

Indirect Costs:

Organization A has a federally approved indirect rate of 27.50% on modified total direct costs (excluding equipment, subawards in excess of $25,000, and tuition).

Total Funds requested for this project is: $184,643

Other Support/In kind Contributions for Organization A:

(This can include Federal and non-Federal funding.)


Vessel time to collect water samples in Year 2 is being provided at no cost to this project. This in-kind support, valued at $25,000, is provided through a federal grant award to Organization A for a separate project that will be completing fish surveys in the same geographical area.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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