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2021 ALWD TEACHING GRANTSAPPLICATION FORMInstructions: This grant application has two parts: Part 1 (Proposal Description) Part 2 (Personal Information) Completed applications (both Part 1 and Part 2) must be sent via e-mail to the Chair, Jessica Gunder, at, by Monday, February 1, 2021, at 11:59 pm (MST). The subject line of the e-mail must read: ALWD Teaching Grants. Keep in mind that recipients of an ALWD teaching grant are ineligible to apply for three years after receiving a grant, and note that applicants working on a joint project must submit a single joint application. Applicants must not include any identifying information in Part 1. All proposals are evaluated without identifying information by the ALWD Teaching Grants Committee, which will receive only Part 1 of each application, and will rank the proposals based on the following criteria: Is the project intended for direct implementation in the classroom? ALWD teaching grants cannot be used to fund the scholarship of teaching and learning but are to be used to develop excellent teaching tools, materials, and curricula. Is the proposal innovative? Does it stand out in relation to other submissions? Does it contribute something new to our field that can be of direct benefit to other legal writing professors? How well thought-out is the proposal? Is the rationale for the development of the project included (teaching, ideas, new course, or course revision)? How significant is this project in relation to the curriculum and potential to enhance student learning? Is the proposed pedagogy consistent with best practices in higher education (i.e., active learning and engagement strategies and a variety of assessments, graded and ungraded)? Are the plans to conduct, document, and assess the work clear and reasonable? Here are some examples: The work is doable in the time allotted; The final products are outlined; and The plans to assess work make sense.Special consideration will be given to proposals that: Will likely have an especially high impact on student learning (at the grant recipient’s school or others); Include ideas that the legal writing community will be able to access, use, and benefit from;Contribute to improving diversity in the law school classroom or the legal profession, or assist ALWD in its commitment to contribute to a legal writing discipline that is equitable and inclusive; andContribute to the theme of “Working on Our Core: Wellbeing, Equity, and Inclusion” that the 2021 ALWD conference is dedicated to.PART 1: PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION Instructions: Please fill in each portion of the Proposal Description, making certain to not include any identifying information (i.e., name, school) in this portion of the application. The Proposal Description may not exceed four pages. Note that if you are awarded a teaching grant for this proposal, the Teaching Grants Committee may post to the ALWD website a copy of your Proposal Description, to assist future applicants as an example of a successful application. 1. Working Title of Teaching Idea 2.Short Description of Teaching Idea (limited to 300 words)3. Teaching Methods Describe your teaching idea, your rationale for it, and how it is significant to the curriculum. Also discuss its potential to enhance student learning and how you will implement it. 4. Best Practices How is the pedagogy of your teaching idea consistent with the best practices in higher education (e.g., active learning)? 5. TimelineWhat is your timeline to conduct, document, and assess your work? 6. Benefit to the Legal Writing Community How will faculty and students at other schools be able to access and use your idea? What impact will your idea have on students and faculty at these schools? How will your idea serve as a model and/or inspiration for others? 7.Diversity Please respond to one or both of the following questions: How will your proposed teaching idea contribute to improving diversity in the law school classroom or the legal profession?How will your receipt of this teaching grant assist ALWD in its commitment to contribute to a legal writing discipline that is equitable and inclusive? 8.Wellbeing, Equity & Inclusion The 2021 ALWD Conference is dedicated to discussion on the theme of: “Working on Our Core: Wellbeing, Equity, and Inclusion.” How does your teaching idea contribute to that discussion or advance those principles?9. InnovationHow is your idea innovative in our discipline? PART 2: PERSONAL INFORMATION SECTION A: CONTACT INFORMATION1.Name(s) 2.School(s) 3.Phone Number(s) 4.E-mail Address(es) 5.Mailing Address(es) SECTION B: PAST GRANTSIndicate all (1) ALWD teaching grants and (2) ALWD/LWI/LexisNexis scholarship grants you have received. Please keep in mind that ALWD teaching grant recipients are ineligible to apply for the three years following receipt of an ALWD teaching grant. Note the type of grant (1 or 2) and provide an explanation of the teaching idea or a synopsis of the article for every grant. Year1 2 3 456SECTION C: OTHER FUNDING SOURCES1. Are you eligible for funding for this teaching idea (e.g., teaching, research, or scholarship grant funding) from your school(s) or any external source? 2. If you are eligible, have you applied or will you apply for funding from your school(s) or any external source this academic year? If yes, when are you likely to know whether you have received funding?If no, why not? SECTION D: ACKNOWLEDGMENTSWith regard to the teaching idea that is the basis of your grant application, provide the name, school, and type of contribution of any person(s) you would like to acknowledge as: Having inspired the idea; Being a co-creator or contributor; Having conducted foundational work on the idea; and/or Having contributed in another way (please specify). Attach an additional page if more lines are required. NameSchoolType of Contribution (1, 2, 3, and/or 4)1 2 3 4 SECTION E: MISCELLANEOUS1. How would you use an ALWD teaching grant if you received one for summer 2021? (e.g., as compensation for your time, to pay for equipment or services needed for your project or both, etc.) 2. How and when do you intend to implement your teaching idea? 3. What, if any, assistance would you like from ALWD in developing and/or implementing your teaching idea? 4. After completing the work outlined in this application, would you be willing to present your idea at the next ALWD conference if consistent with conference programming needs? 5. How many years have you taught legal writing?6. Are you tenured, tenure track, or on contract? SECTION F: FUTURE USE OF TEACHING IDEABy my/our signature(s), I/we, hereby attest to the truthfulness of the contents of this application. Further, if I/we receive a teaching grant for the teaching idea proposed in this application, I/we authorize ALWD and others to use for educational purposes my/our teaching idea and all materials I/we develop in connection with the teaching idea, but request that I/we be acknowledged if my/our idea is used for financial gain. Print Name(s): Signature(s):Date: ................

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