TABLE OF CONTENTS / U.S. Department of …

CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1-1PURPOSE ….1-11-2OBJECTIVES….1-11-3 APPLICABILITY….1-11-4AUDIENCE...1-31-5 APPROACH TO MONITORING….1-31-6DEFINITIONS…1-31-7 HANDBOOK ORGANIZATION…1-5 CHAPTER 2MANAGEMENT OF MONITORING ACTIVITIES 2-1 APPLICABILITY2-1 2-2 THE MONITORING FRAMEWORK….2-12-3 USE OF RISK ANALYSIS……2-12-4 THE MANAGEMENT PLAN AND FIELD OFFICE WORK PLANS….2-12-5 PREPARING FOR MONITORING……2-22-6 COORDINATION….2-32-7 CONDUCTING THE MONITORING….2-32-8 MONITORING CONCLUSIONS….2-62-9 SANCTIONS….2-72-10THE MONITORING LETTER….2-82-11 REQUIRED CONCURRENCES….2-92-12 CLOSING FINDINGS….2-102-13 BUILDING AN ADMINISTRATIVE RECORD……2-122-14 DOCUMENTATION2-14EXHIBIT 2-1CPD Monitoring Summary FormEXHIBIT 2-2Program and Technical Area Sanction References for Noncompliance Remedies CHAPTER 3COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) ENTITLEMENT, SMALL CITIES, NON-ENTITLEMENT CDBG GRANTS IN HAWAII, AND INSULAR AREAS PROGRAMS 3-1APPLICABILITY…3-13-2 PURPOSES3-23-3 ELIGIBILITY AND NATIONAL OBJECTIVE COMPLIANCE CRITERIA3-23-4 DOCUMENTATION3-33-5 FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING3-33-6 USING THE MONITORING EXHIBITS3-3EXHIBIT 3-1 Guide for Review of Eligibility EXHIBIT 3-2 Guide for Review of National Objective of Low- and Moderate-Income Area Benefit EXHIBIT 3-3 Guide for Review of National Objective of Low- and Moderate Income Limited Clientele EXHIBIT 3-4 Guide for Review of National Objective of Low- and Moderate-Income Housing EXHIBIT 3-5 Guide for Review of National Objective of Low- and Moderate-Income Job Creation/Retention Activities EXHIBIT 3-6 Guide for Review of National Objective of Area Slums or BlightEXHIBIT 3-7 Guide for Review of National Objective of Spot Slums or Blight EXHIBIT 3-8 Guide for Review of National Objective of Slums or Blight for an Activity In An Urban Renewal Plan EXHIBIT 3-9 Guide for Review of National Objective for Urgent Needs EXHIBIT 3-10 Guide for Review of CDBG-Funded Rehabilitation Program Management EXHIBIT 3-11 Guide for Review of Individual CDBG-Funded Rehabilitation Activities EXHIBIT 3-12 Guide for Review of Individual Economic Development Activities EXHIBIT 3-13 Guide for Review of Economic Development Public Benefit Individual and Aggregate Standards EXHIBIT 3-14 Guide for Review of CDBG Float-Funded Activities EXHIBIT 3-15 Guide for Review of a HUD-Approved Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) EXHIBIT 3-16 Guide for Review of Subrecipient/Community-Based Development Organization (CBDO) ManagementEXHIBIT 3-17 Guide for Review of Overall Management Systems EXHIBIT 3-18 Guide for Review of Financial ManagementEXHIBIT 3-19 Guide for Review of Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 3-20 Guide for Review of Procurement EXHIBIT 3-21 Guide for Review of Equipment Management and Equipment DispositionEXHIBIT 3-22Guide for Review of CDBG-Funded Homeownership Assistance – Program Management & Individual Activities EXHIBIT 3-23Guide for Review of Compliance with Code Enforcement RequirementsEXHIBIT 3-24Guide for Review of Compliance with the Public Services and Planning and Administration CapsEXHIBIT 3-25Guide for Review of CDBG-Funded Public Facilities/ImprovementsCHAPTER 4STATE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM 4-1APPLICABILITY…. 4-14-2REVIEW OBJECTIVES.4-14-3REVIEW OF STATE VERSUS REVIEW OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS4-14-4 APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS4-14-5OTHER MONITORING EXHIBITS….4-34-6FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING4-4EXHIBIT 4-1 Guide for Review of Eligibility and National Objective EXHIBIT 4-2 Guide for Review of Eligibility and National Objectives: Economic Development Supplement EXHIBIT 4-3 Guide for Review of the Overall Benefit Test EXHIBIT 4-4 Guide for Review of the Method of Distribution & Local Government Citizen Participation EXHIBIT 4-5 Guide for Review of Timely Distribution EXHIBIT 4-6 Guide for State Review of Grant Recipients and Performance Reporting EXHIBIT 4-7 Guide for Review of Program Administration EXHIBIT 4-8 Guide for Review of Closeout SystemEXHIBIT 4-9Guide for Review of Colonias Set-Aside CHAPTER 5SECTION 108 LOAN GUARANTEES, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (EDI), AND BROWNFIELDS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (BEDI) 5-1APPLICABILITY.5-1 5-2 CURRENT STATUS OF EDI AND BEDI PROGRAMS……………………….........5-15-3NOTICES OF FUNDING AVAILABILITY (NOFAs).………………………………5-15-4 MONITORING MATERIALS….5-2EXHIBIT 5-1Guide for Review of Section 108 Loan Guarantees and BEDI/EDI Grants CHAPTER 6DISASTER RECOVERY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT SUPPLEMENTAL GRANTS 6-1APPLICABILITY 6-16-2 RULES AND NOTICES6-16-3DISASTER RECOVERY REQUIREMENTS6-16-4SANCTIONS6-16-5CLOSE-OUTS6-2Attachment 6-1 Disaster Recovery CDBG Supplemental Grants Document Reference Tool EXHIBIT 6-1 Guide for Review of Overall Management of CDBG Disaster Recovery GrantsEXHIBIT 6-2 Guide for Review of Flood Zone and Floodway Buyouts and Non-Buyout AcquisitionsEXHIBIT 6-3Guide for Review of New Construction of HousingEXHIBIT 6-4Guide for Review of InfrastructureEXHIBIT 6-5Guide for Review of Economic DevelopmentEXHIBIT 6-6Guide for Review of Housing Rehabilitation and ReconstructionEXHIBIT 6-7Guide for Review of Written AgreementsEXHIBIT 6-8Guide for Review of ProcurementEXHIBIT 6-9REMOVED EXHIBIT 6-10Addendum Guide for Review of CDBG-DR Pre-2011 DisastersEXHIBIT 6-11Addendum Guide for Review of CDBG-DR 2011 – 2013 DisastersEXHIBIT 6-12Addendum Guide for Review of CDBG-DR 2015 DisastersEXHIBIT 6-13Addendum Guide for Review of CDBG-DR 2016 DisastersEXHIBIT 6-14Addendum Guide for Review of CDBG-DR 2017 DisastersEXHIBIT 6-15Addendum Guide for Review of CDBG-Mitigation (MIT) Grantees CHAPTER 7HOME INVESTMENT PARTNERSHIPS PROGRAM (HOME) 7-1 APPLICABILITY.7-17-2 PREPARING FOR MONITORING……7-37-3 PRE-MONITORING CHECKLIST….7-47-4 FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING….7-4OPTIONAL ATTACHMENTS 7-0 (4) and EXHIBITS 7-1 through 7-23 REMOVEDEXHIBIT 7-24HOME Pre-Monitoring ChecklistEXHIBIT 7-25 Guide for Review of Program Oversight, Financial Management, and Cost AllowabilityEXHIBIT 7-26 Guide for Review of Homeowner Rehabilitation Projects and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-27 Guide for Review of Homebuyer Development and/or Rehabilitation Projects and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-28 Guide for Review of Homebuyer Downpayment Assistance Projects and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-29 Guide for Review of Rental Development or Rehabilitation Projects and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-30 Guide for Review of Rental Project Compliance and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-31 Guide for Review of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) Projects and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-32 Guide for Review of Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) Qualifications, Projects, and/or Policies & ProceduresEXHIBIT 7-33 Guide for Review of Match RequirementsEXHIBIT 7-34 Guide for Review of Contractor Written AgreementsEXHIBIT 7-35 Guide for Review of State Recipient Written Agreements and OversightEXHIBIT 7-36 Guide for Review of Subrecipient Written Agreements and OversightCHAPTER 8 ECONOMIC RECOVERY PROGRAMS8-1APPLICABILITY…………………………………………………………………....8-18-2REVIEW OBJECTIVES…………………………………………………………….8-18-3REMOVED8-4 MONITORING THE NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM 1 (NSP-1)……………………….………………………….…………………..............8-18-5MONITORING THE NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM 2 (NSP-2)…………………………………………………………………………........8-48-6MONITORING THE NEIGHBORHOOD STABILIZATION PROGRAM 3 (NSP-3)………………………………………………………………………………8-68-7MONITORING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT RECOVERY PROGRAM (CDBG-R)………………………………………………8-8EXHIBITS 8-1 through 8-9: REMOVEDEXHIBIT 8-10Guide for Review of NSP-1 Program ProgressEXHIBIT 8-11Guide for Review of NSP-1 National Objective of Benefit to Low-, Moderate-, and Middle-Income PersonsEXHIBIT 8-12Guide for Review of NSP-1 Cooperative AgreementsEXHIBIT 8-13Guide for Review of NSP-1 State RequirementsEXHIBIT 8-14Guide for Review of NSP-1 Continued AffordabilityEXHIBIT 8-15Guide for Review of NSP-1 Eligible Use C: Establish Land BanksEXHIBIT 8-16Guide for Review of NSP-1 Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity RequirementsEXHIBIT 8-17Guide for Review of NSP-2 Program ProgressEXHIBIT 8-18 Guide for Review of CDBG-R ActivitiesEXHIBIT 8-19 Guide for Review of NSP-3 Program ProgressCHAPTER 9REMOVED CHAPTER 10HOUSING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PERSONS WITH AIDS (HOPWA) 10-1APPLICABILITY….10-110-2HOPWA'S FORMULA AND COMPETITIVE PROGRAM STRUCTURE…10-110-3PREPARING FOR MONITORING10-110-4MONITORING HOPWA…10-210-5FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING….10-3 EXHIBIT 10-1 Guide for Review of HOPWA Housing Planning and Rent Subsidies EXHIBIT 10-2 Guide for Review of HOPWA Facility-based Projects EXHIBIT 10-3 Guide for Review of HOPWA Financial Management EXHIBIT 10-4 Guide for Review of HOPWA Project Sponsor or Subrecipient ManagementEXHIBIT 10-5 Guide for Review of HOPWA Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 10-6 Guide for Review of HOPWA Procurement EXHIBIT 10-7 Guide for Review of HOPWA Equipment and Equipment Disposition CHAPTER 11SECTION 8 MODERATE REHABILITATION SINGLE ROOM OCCUPANCY (SRO) PROGRAM FOR HOMELESS INDIVIDUALS11-1 APPLICABILITY..11-111-2 PREPARING FOR MONITORING….11-111-3 FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING……11-2 EXHIBIT 11-1Guide for Review of SRO Project Progress EXHIBIT 11-2 Guide for Review of SRO Program Participants EXHIBIT 11-3 Guide for Review of SRO Other Federal Requirements CHAPTER 12 SHELTER PLUS CARE (S+C) PROGRAM12-1 APPLICABILITY..12-112-2 PREPARING FOR MONITORING….12-212-3 FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING….12-2EXHIBIT 12-1 Guide for Review of S+C Project ProgressEXHIBIT 12-2 Guide for Review of S+C Housing EXHIBIT 12-3 Guide for Review of S+C Program Participants EXHIBIT 12-4 Guide for Review of S+C Match Documentation EXHIBIT 12-5 Guide for Review of S+C Subrecipient Management EXHIBIT 12-6 Guide for Review of S+C Overall Grant Management EXHIBIT 12-7 Guide for Review of S+C Financial Management EXHIBIT 12-8 Guide for Review of S+C Homeless Determination/Recordkeeping Requirements CHAPTER 13SUPPORTIVE HOUSING PROGRAM (SHP) 13-1 APPLICABILITY……13-1 13-2 PREPARING FOR MONITORING……13-213-3 FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING….13-2 EXHIBIT 13-1 Guide for Review of SHP Supportive Services EXHIBIT 13-2 Guide for Review of SHP Rapid Re-housing Demonstration for Families EXHIBIT 13-3 Guide for Review of SHP Housing EXHIBIT 13-4 Guide for Review of SHP Program Participants EXHIBIT 13-5 Guide for Review of SHP Match Documentation EXHIBIT 13-6 Guide for Review of SHP Sponsor Management EXHIBIT 13-7Guide for Review of SHP Overall Management Systems EXHIBIT 13-8Guide for Review of SHP Financial Management EXHIBIT 13-9Guide for Review of SHP Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 13-10Guide for Review of SHP Procurement EXHIBIT 13-11Guide for Review of SHP Equipment and Equipment Disposition EXHIBIT 13-12Guide for Review of SHP Other Federal Requirements EXHIBIT 13-13Guide for Review of SHP Homeless Determination/Recordkeeping Requirements CHAPTER 14ROUND II EMPOWERMENT ZONES 14-1 APPLICABILITY….14-114-2 PRE-MONITORING PREPARATION..14-114-3MONITORING APPROACH..14-214-4 FACTORS TO CONSIDER IN SELECTING IPs TO MONITOR….14-214-5 EZ-SPECIFIC MONITORING DETERMINATIONS….14-3EXHIBIT 14-1Guide for Review of Round II EZ Strategic Plan Compliance EXHIBIT 14-2Guide for Review of Round II EZ Implementation Plans (IPs) EXHIBIT 14-3Guide for Review of Round II EZ Subrecipient Management EXHIBIT 14-4Guide for Review of EZ's Overall Management Systems EXHIBIT 14-5Guide for Review of EZ Financial Management EXHIBIT 14-6Guide for Review of EZ Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 14-7Guide for Review of EZ Procurement EXHIBIT 14-8Guide for Review of EZ Equipment and Equipment Disposition EXHIBIT 14-9Guide for Review of EZ Other Federal Requirements CHAPTER 15RESERVED CHAPTER 16RURAL HOUSING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (RHED)16-1 APPLICABILITY….16-116-2 PREPARING FOR MONITORING….16-116-3 FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING..16-2EXHIBIT 16-1Guide for Review of RHED Overall Project Progress EXHIBIT 16-2Guide for Review of RHED Project Evaluation EXHIBIT 16-3Guide for Review of RHED Leveraging EXHIBIT 16-4Guide for Review of RHED Financial Management EXHIBIT 16-5Guide for Review of RHED Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 16-6Guide for Review of RHED ProcurementEXHIBIT 16-7Guide for Review of RHED Equipment and Equipment DispositionCHAPTER 17COMMUNITY COMPASS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAM (TA PROGRAM)17-1 APPLICABILITY….17-117-2 PURPOSE….17-117-3 PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS...17-217-4 PREPARING FOR ON-SITE AND REMOTE MONITORING….17-317-5 ON-SITE AND REMOTE MONITORING APPROACH; FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING……………………………………………………………. 17-417-6 USING THE MONITORING EXHIBITS….17-517-7 DOCUMENTATION………………………………………………………… 17-517-8 NONCOMPLIANCE.17-5EXHIBIT 17-1Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program Overall Management EXHIBIT 17-2Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program Subrecipient Management EXHIBIT 17-3Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program Leveraging Contributions (Distressed Cities TA)EXHIBIT 17-4Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program Financial Management and AuditsEXHIBIT 17-5Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 17-6 Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program ProcurementEXHIBIT 17-7Guide for Review of Community Compass TA Program Equipment and Disposition RequirementsCHAPTER 18 REMOVEDCHAPTER 19CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 19-1 APPLICABILITY….19-119-2 PRE-MONITORING PREPARATION….19-1EXHIBIT 19-1Guide for Completeness Review of Local Government Citizen Participation Plan EXHIBIT 19-2Guide for Completeness Review of State Citizen Participation Plan EXHIBIT 19-3 Guide for Review of Local Government Citizen Participation Plan PerformanceEXHIBIT 19-4Guide for Review of State Citizen Participation Plan Performance CHAPTER 20REMOVEDCHAPTER 21ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING21-1PURPOSE21-121-2ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES..21-121-3APPLICABILITY….21-121-4ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OBJECTIVES….21-221-5STATE ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING OBJECTIVES….21-321-6USE OF RISK ANALYSIS AND SELECTING GRANTEES FOR ON-SITE MONITORING.21-321-7DEVELOPING AN ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING STRATEGY….21-421-8AREAS OF REVIEW AND LEVELS OF REVIEW….21-421-9PRE-MONITORING PREPARATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING (IN-DEPTH AND LIMITED)….21-521-10REMOTE AND ON-SITE MONITORING..21-621-11POST-MONITORING ACTIONS. 21-9 EXHIBIT 21-1Guide for Environmental Review of the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnerships, Emergency Solutions Grants, and Housing for Persons With AIDS Programs by the Community Planning and Development (CPD) Representative EXHIBIT 21-2Guide for In-Depth Environmental Monitoring EXHIBIT 21-3Guide for Review of Historic Preservation and Archeology EXHIBIT 21-4Guide for Review of Floodplains and Wetlands EXHIBIT 21-5Guide for Review of Coastal Zone Management EXHIBIT 21-6Guide for Review of Endangered Species EXHIBIT 21-7Guide for Review of Noise EXHIBIT 21-8Guide for Review of Air Quality EXHIBIT 21-9Guide for Review of Aquifers EXHIBIT 21-10Guide for Review of Water Quality EXHIBIT 21-11Guide for Review of Site Hazards EXHIBIT 21-12Guide for Review of Environmental Justice EXHIBIT 21-13Guide for Review of State Grantees Administering HUD Environmental Requirements CHAPTER 22FAIR HOUSING AND EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (FHEO)22-1PURPOSE…….22-1 22-2APPLICABILITY..22-122-3CPD LIMITED MONITORING REVIEW RESPONSIBILITIES…22-222-4FHEO REVIEW AND FOLLOW-UP RESPONSIBILITY22-422-5CDBG EQUAL OPPORTUNITY AND FAIR HOUSING REVIEW CRITERIA22-5CDBG NONDISCRIMINATION COMPLIANCE….……………………………..22-6REVIEW OF ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY ISSUES (Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968)22-622-8CHAPTER ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS22-7Attachment:Applicable Civil Rights Laws, Their Applicable Regulations and CoverageEXHIBIT 22-1Guide for Review of Civil Rights-Related Program Requirements for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Entitlement Program EXHIBIT 22-2Guide for Review of Civil Rights-Related Program Requirements for the State Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program EXHIBIT 22-3Guide for Review of Civil Rights-Related Program Requirements for the HOME Investment Partnerships Program EXHIBIT 22-4Guide for Review of the Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) Program Civil Rights-Related Program Requirements EXHIBIT 22-5Guide for Review of Civil Rights-Related Program Requirements for CPD Non-Formula Programs EXHIBIT 22-6Guide for Review of Civil Rights-Related Program Requirements for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended EXHIBIT 22-7Guide for Review of Section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968 CHAPTER 23LABOR STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION23-1BACKGROUND….23-123-2APPLICABILITY….23-123-3 OLSE MONITORING COORDINATION. 23-123-4PURPOSE OF LIMITED MONITORING..23-123-5COMMUNICATION OF MONITORING RESULTS…23-123-6LABOR STANDARDS PROVISIONS FOR MAJOR CPD PROGRAMS…. 23-2EXHIBIT 23-1Guide for Review of Labor Standards Administration CHAPTER 24LEAD-BASED PAINT COMPLIANCE24-1PURPOSE….24-124-2APPLICABILITY OF THE LEAD RULES IN 24 CFR PART 3524-224-3EFFECTIVE DATES24-424-4PREPARING FOR LEAD-BASED PAINT MONITORING….24-524-5MONITORING COORDINATION24-724-6CONDUCTING LEAD-BASED PAINT MONITORING….24-824-7DEVELOPING CORRECTIVE ACTIONS…. 24-924-8OTHER LEAD-RELATED ISSUES: HISTORIC PRESERVATION ANDFAIR HOUSING….24-11EXHIBITS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS CHAPTER24-15ATTACHMENTS TO THIS CHAPTER24-15Attachments: Summary of CPD’s Lead Requirements for Target (Most Pre-1978) Housing Under 24 CFR Part 35Historic Properties and the Lead Safe Housing Rule (24 CFR Part 35, Subparts B-R)Lead-Based Paint Provisions for Major CPD ProgramsEXHIBIT 24-1Guide for Review of Lead-Based Paint Compliance in Properties Receiving Federal Rehabilitation Assistance EXHIBIT 24-2Guide for Review of Lead-Based Paint Compliance in Properties Receiving Acquisition, Leasing, Support Services, or Operations Assistance EXHIBIT 24-3Guide for Review of Lead-Based Paint Compliance in Properties Receiving Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)EXHIBIT 24-4Guide for Review of Lead-Based Paint Compliance in Properties Receiving Project-Based Assistance CHAPTER 25RELOCATION AND REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION25-1PURPOSE….25-1 25-2ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES25-125-3APPLICABILITY..25-125-4PREPARING FOR MONITORING25-125-5SELECTION OF CASE FILES TO BE REVIEWED25-225-6REVIEWING CASE FILES..25-425-7INTERVIEWS25-625-8INSPECTIONS OF REPLACEMENT HOUSING25-725-9DETERMINATION OF SPECIFIC CASE FINDINGS AND CONCERNS25-725-10EXIT CONFERENCE WITH PROGRAM PARTICIPANT STAFF25-825-11POST MONITORING ACTIONS25-925-12CHAPTER ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBITS25-10EXHIBITS 25-1 through 25-8 REMOVEDAttachment 25-1HUD Programs Covered by URA and/or Section 104(d)Attachment 25-2Privacy Act StatementAttachment 25-3Guidelines for HUD Monitoring Review of AppraisalsEXHIBIT 25-9Guide for Review of Relocation and Real Property Acquisition Policies and ProceduresEXHIBIT 25-10Guide for Review of Real Property AcquisitionEXHIBIT 25-11Guide for Review of Project Occupancy EXHIBIT 25-12Guide for Review of Relocation of Residential Displaced Person -- Individual Case FileEXHIBIT 25-13Guide for Review of Relocation of Nonresidential Displaced Person -- Individual Case FileEXHIBIT 25-14Guide for Review of Section 104(d) Relocation Assistance and One-for-One ReplacementCHAPTER 26 REMOVED CHAPTER 27FLOOD INSURANCE PROTECTIONPURPOSE…….……………………………………………………………………27-1APPLICABILITY………………………………………………………………….27-1RESPONSIBILITY……………………………………………………………….27-3SELECTION CRITERIA AND RISK ANALYSIS………………………………27-3DOCUMENTATION……………………………………………………………...27-4PRE-MONITORING PREPARATION…………………………………………...27-5CONDUCTING MONITORING…………….…………………………………...27-6 VERIFYING THE DURATION AND DOLLAR AMOUNT OFCOVERAGE……………………………………………………………………….27-6RESOLVING FINDINGS OF NON-COMPLIANCE…………………………….27-7POST-MONITORING ACTIONS………………………………………………...27-8CHAPTER ATTACHMENTS AND EXHIBIT…………………………………...27-8Attachment 27-1List of Covered Programs Attachment 27-2Policy Declarations Form: Sample “Proof of Purchase” of the National Flood InsuranceAttachment 27-3Sample Application for National Flood InsuranceEXHIBIT 27-1Guide for Review of Flood Insurance ProtectionCHAPTER 28EMERGENCY SOLUTIONS GRANTS (ESG) PROGRAM28-1APPLICABILITY…………………………………………………………….……28-128-2PREPARING FOR MONITORING……………………………………………….28-228-3FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING……………………………………............28-2EXHIBIT 28-1Guide for Review of Homeless and At-Risk Determination/ Recordkeeping RequirementsEXHIBIT 28-2 Guide for Review of ESG Recipient’s Overall Grant ManagementEXHIBIT 28-3 Guide for Review of ESG Subrecipient Grant ManagementEXHIBIT 28-4 Guide for Review of ESG Street Outreach RequirementsEXHIBIT 28-5 Guide for Review of ESG Emergency Shelter RequirementsEXHIBIT 28-6 Guide for Review of ESG Rapid Re-housing and Homelessness Prevention RequirementsEXHIBIT 28-7 Guide for Review of ESG Match RequirementsEXHIBIT 28-8 Guide for Review of ESG Financial Management and Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 28-9 Guide for Review of ESG Procurement RequirementsEXHIBIT 28-10 Guide for Review of ESG Equipment and Equipment Disposition RequirementsCHAPTER 29CONTINUUM OF CARE (CoC) PROGRAM29-1APPLICABILITY………………………………………………….……………29-129-2PREPARING FOR MONITORING………………………………………….…29-329-3FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING………………………………………….29-4EXHIBIT 29-1 Guide for Review of Homeless and At-Risk Determination/ Recordkeeping RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-2 Guide for Review of CoC Collaborative Applicant ResponsibilitiesEXHIBIT 29-3 Guide for Review of CoC Recipient Overall Grant ManagementEXHIBIT 29-4 Guide for Review of CoC Subrecipient Grant ManagementEXHIBIT 29-5 Guide for Review of CoC Rapid Rehousing RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-6 Guide for Review of CoC Safe Haven RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-7 Guide for Review of CoC Permanent Supportive Housing RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-8 Guide for Review of CoC Supportive Services-Only Requirements EXHIBIT 29-9 Guide for Review of CoC Transitional Housing Program RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-10 Guide for Review of CoC Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-11 Guide for Review of CoC Match RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-12 Guide for Review of CoC Financial Management and Cost Allowability EXHIBIT 29-13 Guide for Review of CoC Procurement RequirementsEXHIBIT 29-14 Guide for Review of CoC Equipment and Equipment Disposition RequirementsCHAPTER 30COMMUNITY CAPITAL InitiativeS (CCI)30-1APPLICABILITY……………………………………………………….............30-130-2APPALACHIA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE (aedi).............30-130-3BORDER COMMUNITY CAPITAL INITIATIVE (bCCI)…………………...30-130-4DELTA COMMUNITY CAPITAL INITIATIVE (DCCI)……………………..30-130-5PREPARING FOR MONITORING…………………………………….............30-230-6COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS OF2 CFR PART 200………………………………………………………………..30-230-7FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING………………………………….............30-2EXHIBIT 30-1Guide for Review of CCI Overall Project ProgressEXHIBIT 30-2Guide for Review of CCI Project EvaluationEXHIBIT 30-3Guide for Review of CCI LeveragingCHAPTER 31SELF-HELP HOMEOWNERSHIP OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM (SHOP)31-1APPLICABILITY………………………………………………………………...31-131-2PURPOSE………………………………………………………………………...31-131-3GOAL…………………………………………………………………………….31-131-4PREPARING FOR MONITORING……………………………………………...31-231-5COMPLIANCE WITH THE UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS OF 2 CFR PART 200…………………………………………………..................31-231-6FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING………………………………...................31-2EXHIBIT 31-1Guide for Review of SHOP Grant ProgramCHAPTER 32RURAL CAPACITY BUILDING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRANTS (RCB)32-1APPLICABILITY…………………………………………………………………32-132-2PREPARING FOR MONITORING……………………………………………....32-132-3MONITORING APPROACH, RISK ANALYSIS, AND SAMPLING……………………………………………………....................32-232-4STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE…………………………………………………...32-332-5DOCUMENTATION……………………………………………………………...32-4Exhibit 32-1Guide for Review of RCB Grant and Subrecipient ManagementExhibit 32-2Guide for Review of RCB Leverage ContributionsExhibit 32-3Guide for Review of RCB Financial Management and AuditsExhibit 32-4Guide for Review of RCB Cost AllowabilityExhibit 32-5Guide for Review of RCB ProcurementExhibit 32-6Guide for Review of RCB Equipment Management and EquipmentDispositionCHAPTER 33CAPACITY BUILDING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRANTS (SECTION 4)33-1APPLICABILITY………………………..............................................................33-133-2PREPARING FOR MONITORING……………………………………………..33-133-3MONITORING APPROACH, RISK ANALYSIS,AND SAMPLING………………………………………………………………..33-233-4STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE………………………………………………….33-333-5DOCUMENTATION…………………………………………………..................33-3EXHIBIT 33-1Guide for Review of Section 4 Grant and Subrecipient ManagementEXHIBIT 33-2Guide for Review of Section 4 Match and Leverage ContributionsEXHIBIT 33-3Guide for Review of Section 4 Financial Management and AuditsEXHIBIT 33-4Guide for Review of Section 4 Cost AllowabilityEXHIBIT 33-5Guide for Review of Section 4 ProcurementEXHIBIT 33-6 Guide for Review of Section 4 Equipment Management and Equipment DispositionCHAPTER 342 CFR PART 200, UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS, COST PRINCIPLES, AND AUDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR FEDERAL AWARDS34-1APPLICABILITY…………………………………………………………………34-134-2BACKGROUND………………………………………………………..................34-134-3STRUCTURE AND PURPOSE………………………………………... ………...34-334-4TERMINOLOGY……………………………………………………….................34-334-5IDENTIFYING DEFICIENCIES……………………………………….................34-334-6DOCUMENTATION……………………………………………………………...34-434-7FILE SELECTION AND SAMPLING…………………………….……………...34-4EXHIBIT 34-1Guide for Review of Financial Management and AuditsEXHIBIT 34-1aGuide for Review of Financial Management and AuditsEXHIBIT 34-2Guide for Review of Cost AllowabilityEXHIBIT 34-2aGuide for Review of Cost AllowabilityEXHIBIT 34-3Guide for Review of ProcurementEXHIBIT 34-3aGuide for Review of ProcurementEXHIBIT 34-4Guide for Review of Equipment Management and Equipment DispositionCHAPTER 35CLOSEOUTS (Reserved)APPENDIX 1CPD MONITORING HANDBOOK EVALUATION QUESTIONNAIRE ................

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