Examples of strong Small Grants Proposals


Examples of strong Small Grants Proposals

What follows are sections from the Small Grants Reviewers reference manual. The first is the Proposal Review Form and it lists six writing tasks that normally need to be accomplished in a research proposal. These tasks serve to explicate the three main criteria of the Small Grants Program, and, as reviewers are reading proposals, they determine whether these tasks have been completed.

The second section is a Strong Faculty Proposal. This proposal did receive Small Grant funding, and it demonstrates many examples of completing the six writing tasks at various places in the proposal. The numbers in the marginal comments indicate the number of the writing task, as it appears on the Proposal Review Form, that is related to the identified segment of text. The letters simply indicate the order of each identified segment of text in the proposal, and are included to facilitate discussion if desired.

The third section below is an example of a Strong Student Proposal. It too has segments of text identified that relate to the six writing tasks. Here, however, the identity of each writing task is postponed until the end of the proposal, and this gives you a chance to test your understanding of the match between the writing tasks and specific segments of text in the proposal. You can then check yourself with the answers considered correct.


Small Grants Program

Proposal Review Form

Project Title:_____________________________________ Investigator:___________________

Reviewer: _______________________________ Date Needed: ________________

Indicate the need for a response from the investigator by circling one of the options

(None, Some, or Significant) next to the task. Where a response is called for, provide

narrative comments that guide the investigator. Select one Summary Judgment

Recommendation from among those at the bottom of the page and forward your decision

along with any narrative comments. Keep this form for your records.


Need for response

(circle one)

Criterion 1: Clear research question or purpose

1 Clearly states a narrowed research question or purpose that is None Some Significant maintained throughout the proposal.

2 Defines terms needed to understand the research question or None Some Significant its significance. Criterion 2: Significant research question

3 Presents literature, theory, or logic that forms the context of None Some Significant

the question and gives rise to the statement of significance.

4 Explains how the project will contribute to the field.

None Some Significant

Criterion 3: Effective research methods

5 Demonstrates that the methodology addresses the research None Some Significant question by (a) defining/delineating key elements of the methodology, (b) explaining their logic, and/or (c) defending their quality or effective prior use.

6 Explains the feasibility of carrying out the research methods. None Some Significant

1 Fund in present form.

Summary Funding Recommendation

(Circle a single option)

2 Fund pending response 3 Unable to determine funding without

from investigator.

review of a re-submitted proposal.


Manual Section II: A Strong Faculty Proposal Notation system used in annotations 1. Marginal comments designate the beginning of segments, and, for extended segments, their ends. 2. Letters serve to identify each segment within the series of segments in the proposal. 3. Numbers indicate the criterion-related writing task that the segment addresses, as indicated on the Proposal Review Form (Preceding page). 4. Within the body of the text, each target segment is bounded at the beginning and end by the same letter-number combination.

A.1Effect of Tail Loss on Swimming and Running Abilities of Semi-Aquatic and Terrestrial Plethodontid SalamandersA.1

Project Summary B.2Tail autotomy is the ability to lose the tail when grasped by a predator. B.2 C.4Although such tail loss has an immediate survival benefit, it might subsequently reduce fitness by affecting locomotion. C.4 I will study the effect of tail loss on running and swimming abilities of several salamander species. D. 5 The species represent a continuum from fully terrestrial to almost fully aquatic; thus, they will be good models to use to examine whether tail autotomy may be a more beneficial strategy for terrestrial species than for aquatic species. D.5 E. 4Such information will provide additional insight into the ecology and evolution of tail autotomy in vertebrates. E.4

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Proposal Narrative Effect of Tail Loss on Swimming and Running Abilities of Semi-Aquatic and Terrestrial Plethodontid Salamanders Introduction

Tail autotomy is the ability to lose or shed the tail when grasped by a predator. F. 3 Numerous lizards (Bellairs and Bryant 1985) and salamanders (Maiorana 1977, Ducey and Brodie 1983) use autotomy of the tail to avoid predation. It is often used when other anti-predator behaviors (e.g., fleeing, crypsis) have failed. Although such tail loss has an immediate survival benefit, it might subsequently reduce fitness for the individual (Arnold 1988). Because the tail contains fat reserves, regeneration of the tail may require an increase in feeding rate (Dial and Fitzpatrick 1981) or diversion of energy from growth (Ballinger and Tinkle 1979) and reproduction (Martin and Salavador 1993). In several species of lizards and salamanders, tailless individuals are less successful in avoiding predation (Congdon et al. 1974, Ducey and Brodie 1983, Wilson 1992). Individuals may compensate for this disadvantage by relying on crypsis (Formanowicz et al. 1990) or altering use of microhabitats (Martin and Salvador 1992).

Tail loss may also alter individual fitness by affecting locomotion. In lizards, tail loss can either hinder or enhance locomotor abilities. The effect in a given species may depend on whether the tail is functionally active or passive during locomotion (Vitt et al. 1977). In species with tails that contribute to locomotion, tail loss decreases sprint speed (Ballinger et al. 1979, Punzo 1982, Arnold 1984, Mushinsky and Gans 1992, Martin and Avery 1998). Tail loss may have no effect (Huey et al. 1990, Hamley 1990) or increase sprint speed (Daniels 1983, Brown et al. 1995) in species that do not use their tail for

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locomotion. Sexual and seasonal differences in frequency of tail autotomy (Arntzen 1994) and

aspects of tail development and regeneration through the life cycle (Vaglia et al. 1997) have been examined in some salamanders. Whereas the potential costs of tail autotomy for respiration (Smits and Brodie 1995), social interactions (Wise and Jaeger 1998, Meche and Jaeger 2002), and some anti-predator behaviors (Labanick 1984, Ducey et al. 1993) have been studied in salamanders,F.3 G.4 the effect of tail loss on the locomotor abilities has not been examined. G.4 H.1 I will study the effect of tail loss on the running and swimming abilities of terrestrial and semi-aquatic plethodontid salamanders. H.1 In salamanders, the tail is required for swimming but may not be needed for running. I.5 Therefore, I predict that tail loss will reduce aquatic sprint speed, but will increase or have no effect on terrestrial sprint speed. If this occurs, it would indicate that tail autotomy may be a more beneficial anti-predator strategy for terrestrial species than for semi-aquatic species. I.5 Thus, I will also compare the propensity for tail loss among semi-aquatic and terrestrial species. J.4-5 Because recent phylogenies are available for these species, I can use the comparative method (Felsenstein, 1985) to determine if any differences between semi-aquatic and terrestrial species are adaptive or simply reflect phylogenetic differences. J.4-5 I am requesting the funds that are needed to collect and feed animals for one of the species that I will test in this study. Methods

I will collect Black-bellied salamanders (Desmognathus quadramaculatus) from southwestern North Carolina (Cherokee Co.) during August or September 2003. K. 5 Individuals will be captured by turning rocks in a stream bed and chasing them into a

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